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View Full Version : Casual Bisexuality Among Women

Sep 17, 2009, 11:24 PM
This is for the ladies, obviously. I've both noticed and been dismayed by the increasing casual bisexual/bicurious behaviour among women. Does this make you cautious in who you might get involved with? Are you enjoying this so-called freedom? Or do you feel that things haven't changed at all for you? For me, I've become more nervous about getting involved with girls, even when I'm attracted to them. I've never interacted well with my gender (and I have a terible relationship history) and this just makes me even more insecure with women. I've no desire to be a notch on some bitch's bedpost.

Sep 18, 2009, 12:21 AM
I tend to agree with you in that I have no desire to be a notch in anyone's bed post. I am quite picky about who I sleep with and have had very very few partners because of it. I rather like it that way. I'm just not a one night stand kind of girl.

Sep 18, 2009, 12:30 AM
*nods* I have quite enough paranoia as a bisexual (a strange bisexual to boot) without adding the uncertainty of wondering if I'm going to be some experimental fling.

Sep 18, 2009, 6:39 AM
i think all of these ladies being more bi out there is becuse ther now know they can pleasure each other and dont need a dick to do it. there are alot of them that are more attracted too males any ways and feel they can only carry relationship with a male therefore their bi side leans more toward casual sex them a relationship.

i think this because i am the same ways toward males, i have no desire to carry out a relationship with a male, though sex doesn't seem that bad.:tong:

Sep 18, 2009, 10:31 AM
Blame the sexual revolution, blame the pill, blame girls gone wild.

I think your ideas fall in just the general casual sex box. Women became more sexually free after the pill, after women weren't shunned for having sex and became less valued if they were June Cleaver. Girl on girl porn glorified women bisexuals in such a way and men jumped on that band wagon, so women/young girls will use it as a tool to get attention or praise from males, or just so they can say they "did it" and can appear sexually adventurous and knowledgeable . I don't agree with it, but its just the way it is with a lot of women/girls.

I have never been they way, my love of women is equally romantic as it is sexual. I prefer nature to take its course instead of forcing a situation that could end up in a disaster. I won't have sex with a woman if she is doing it as a "Birthday/anniversary/christmas/hannukah/kwanza/valentines gift for her husband/boyfriend." I haven't been with a woman in many years, and while some will say "Why is that?" I say 1 of two things... Either there just aren't many around in my area (which is true) or that the right one hasn't come along, cause when she does, and its right, it will be worth the wait.

Sep 21, 2009, 12:31 PM
I haven't been with a woman in ages either, but my sexuality is quite the curiousity. Mind you, I'm attracted to women but these days I find that I have no desire to pursue anything. At least very rarely. Of course, I also have quite personal reasons as well, but that's neither here nor there.

Sometimes, I just think I'm queer in every sense of the term.