View Full Version : RIP Patrick Swazey :(

Sep 14, 2009, 8:38 PM
It was just told on TV that Partick Swazey lost his battle with cancer. :(
He was the most gorgeous woman in drag that I had ever seen in To Too Wong Foo, and the hottest hunk in the world in Dirty Dancing. He will be missed...:(
I hope his walk on the Path was easy and gentle, and that he was met at the meadow by friends, family, and loved ones. :}

Sep 14, 2009, 8:50 PM
Cat I too just read about the passing of Patrick Swazey. His battle with cancer took him far too soon. I agree with you on your comments about Miss Vida Boeheme....I always thought he prettied up real nice...who was to know that I would one day use him as an example when I do makeup for transgendered folks. I did enjoy him in Dirty Dancing..the macho man who was not afraid to show his tender side. But by far I loved him most in Ghost. Even to this day it brings tears to my eyes. My thoughts are with his family.


Sep 14, 2009, 8:58 PM
I loved Ghost, too!

He was one of the good ones, I think.

Sad to see him go.

Sep 14, 2009, 9:33 PM
Kudos to him, fighting and working to the end. Inspiring really, even if Cancer won.

Sep 14, 2009, 10:00 PM
Kudos to him, fighting and working to the end. Inspiring really, even if Cancer won.

Agree with you totally Joe. He didn't give into the cancer, even though he knew the fight would be lost. I've known a few people like that, ones that just got on with what they HAD to do. To be admired.

Only saw ''Dirty Dancing'' a couple of years ago, but it was a very entertaining film. ''Ghost'' was a very good film, well put together, good acting, it just came together so well, as a whole.

RIP Patrick.....dance across the heavens.

Sep 14, 2009, 10:02 PM
Kudos to him, fighting and working to the end. Inspiring really, even if Cancer won.

Yup. The Beast (his final work on A&E. It ran for one season, his failing health precluded renewal) was a pretty good show and I think many actors would be VERY proud of it as a "final work".

Swayze was married to the same woman for nearly 30 years too. And that's a pretty damn good final work in its own right. I hope Lisa Swayze finds peace in the fact that she loved, and was loved.

Miss Vida Boheme/ Mr. Patrick Swayze will be missed. :D


Sep 14, 2009, 10:08 PM

He made one hot woman too.

Sep 14, 2009, 10:15 PM

He made one hot woman too.

And they said, "Amen, girlfriend."


Sep 14, 2009, 10:26 PM
So sad to hear that Mr. Swazey has passed. I'm not much for the movies, and following actors careers etc. but he was, from what I know of him one of the good ones. For the most part he stayed away from scandals, and did his very best to stay real and true to himself. You have to admire that. RIP Patrick

Sep 14, 2009, 11:13 PM
I always liked Patrick Swayze--it was something--as sick as he was in the recent past--he went and did that series that aired on one of the cable networks----such work it kind of hard anyway---shooting days and nights can run for long stretches of time---I cannot imagine how he did it when he was in the midst of being so sick.

Sorry to see him go at such a relatively young age of such a nasty disease, may he rest in peace!!!

Sep 14, 2009, 11:40 PM
I tried watching The Beast and couldnt handle seeing him looking so scrawny and ill..it hurt me to look at him. But despite his illness he was Still a beautiful man.
Another light winked out on the Hollywood sign, and now shines bright in the heavens. :}

Sep 15, 2009, 1:25 PM
I, too, will always remember him in Ghost, but will always love him from Dirty Dancing, and Road House. I loved Next of Kin too. He was the kind of man who could portray that rebel with no feelings, and turn into the most tender lover. And watching him kick ass? AWESOME!!!!!!! I hated seeing him on all the tabloids looking so skinny, frail, and suddenly so old. He will be missed sadly, and to qoute a line from To Wong Foo, " I think of you as an angel."
May he forever dance in our hearts, and may his family be left in peace in this sorrowful time.:angel:

Sep 15, 2009, 1:33 PM
I've been watching him since The Outsiders... I didn't find out until I read this post about 2 hours ago. He was a kind and sweet man who was happy with the same woman for over 30 years. He worked as the tough man in Roadhouse, the love interest in Ghost and Dirty Dancing or to show his softer side as in Too Wong Foo. Movies wouldn't have been the same without him...