View Full Version : Don't be nasty to big girls in NZ!

Sep 14, 2009, 2:31 PM
Here's a video of a guy saying something impolite to a lady in New Zealand.

The resulting action is a bloody nose and him getting his ass hauled off to jail. An excellent lesson for the idiot!

Whether, or not you are attracted to a person, there's no reason to make a hurtful comment about/to them.


Sep 14, 2009, 2:46 PM
There are times when street justice is a good thing, but not enough. his time, it was coupled with being arrested.:cutelaugh

Maybe the fool will learn some discretion the next time.

Then again, maybe not.:bigrin:

Sep 14, 2009, 5:55 PM
ROFLMAO Realist, I can see that happening. But really as you said whether you are attracted or not, keep your mouth shut if ya like it in one non tattered from fist smashing it against teeth peice.

Sep 14, 2009, 6:31 PM
lol You GO Ladies..lol Sometimes a girl just Has to stand up for herself and take action to defend herself. I dont condone fighting, but I dont Not condone defending yourself if necessary. :}
Cat, scrapper by nature anyhow...lol

Sep 14, 2009, 8:14 PM
I hoped you'd see that, Twyla!

I lived in Kentucky for about 30 years. I can say from experience, them Kentucky gals don't take no shit off of no-body!

I've gotta tell you a story: (You might like this one, too, Cat)

My second wife had a friend named Anna. She was a fire-lady. In addition to being 6'3", redheaded, and cute as hell, she weighed about 275, had huge breasts and a butt about 3 feet wide. The guys at the fire station told me she was the strongest "guy" there! (She carried a big, wheel-chair bound fellow out of a burning building, one time, by herself!)

Anna had a sweet manner and I really liked her. (I would have liked to know her even better!)

One Thanksgiving eve, my ex sent Anna and me to Kroger's to get something she needed to cook with. While we were there, Anna saw some cookies that looked good to her and pulled a box down.

She stood there, reading the ingredients, when a skinny little old lady shuffled behind Anna and said, under her breath, "Looks like you've already had too many of them cookies, already!"

All of a sudden, Anna spun around and her whole persona changed!

She screamed at that ol' lady at the top of her voice, "You better get your skinny ass out of my sight, you dried up old bitch, or I'm going to cram this box of cookies up your ass!"

I nearly jumped out of my shoes, too! I'd never heard her lose her temper before and I could tell she'd be a force to be reckoned with!

That old lady hauled ass! I never did see her again, as long as we were in the store!

When we got outside, Anna began laughing, "I scared the shit outta that old bat, didn't I?"

I said, "Yeah ......and you scared the hell out of me, too!"

Sep 14, 2009, 9:00 PM
Some ladies know how to handle themselves.


Sep 14, 2009, 9:56 PM
i wanna asks those ladies out on a date now!

roy m cox
Sep 15, 2009, 12:39 AM
what in the hell is wrong with people today gods i hope that guy gets it in jail some big nice guys teach him not to make fun of fat people " and you know they will "

and its to bad the other men on the street didn't have the balls to step in , i don't like guys that talk or beat women up ,

that vid makes a guy like me mad ;; :disgust:

Sep 15, 2009, 3:58 AM
LOl Roy, watch it again Hon. You know Why those ol' boys on the street didnt step in? They knew a few things: 1. They knew that the ladies would and could handle the situation "In House" meaning that women Never fight alone, and 2. They knew that having your ass kicked by a bunch of women, fat ones at that, would hurt that guy's reputation far worse, in jail and out, then they Ever could, and 3. They Knew better than to step in the middle of a Wildcat feeding frenzy like that! Did you see that one blond chick come in and blindside him like a wolf whilst the other two had him haggard and almost down for the count!!??? Love it.
Bottom line, Gentlemen. Women Do stick together and we arent as helpless and defenceless as ya'll Think we are. ;):rolleyes:
Laughing Cat

Sep 15, 2009, 5:15 AM
I am susrprised at the reaction here.

There are so many unkowns in the situation. The clip essentially shows 3 women assaulting and actually battering a man who is trying to keep out of confrontation. The general principle in western law is that a response if required should be proportional.

The commentary is nothing to rely on. In a particular bad driving clip, blame is put on a car driver who initially loses control of his vehicle and then manages to recover without mishap; something had happened off screen causing everyone to brake sharply. Some time later a truck travelling at visibly excessive speed ploughs into everything. Does the commentator attach the real blame for the damages and injury on this character? NO - not until someone points out the anomaly after over a year of re-screenings later.

Back to the clip
1) did the two have any personal relationship beforehand that had boiled over in the street?
2) had there been an innocent accidental interaction beforehand causing an exchange of words? If so what was it?
3) What was the woman saying that enticed two seemingly unrelated women to pitch in? Could it have been a cry of "wolf! wolf!" (That after Aesop). OR were the women related (Blood ties? gang members?)
4) man in affray with woman - men are the acredited aggressors so the police arrest him. Of course the police have never arrested an innocent man at any time and the law has never executed an innocent man either.
5) maybe he was taken into protective custody
6) were any of the women arrested also? ONe clearly wasn't.

Swap the identities over and then ask who would have been arrested in that situation.

There was a TV advert in the UK which showed, in several clips with different points of view, a roughly dressed negeo (black is a colour) lounging at a suited light skinned elderly city gent and knockjing him and his briefcase flying. Scenes are shown of surrounding horrified faces and then screaming workmen from above, THEN the entire scene shown. The negro is one of the workmen, his workmates are screaming a warning of something falling, the negro has lounged forward to save a life and rightly the people surrounding are shocked at the near miss.

The advert caption was "When you buy our newspaper you get the complete story"

I have witnessed something similar and so I would want to know more before I joined a lynch mob.


Sep 15, 2009, 7:07 AM
Well said.

Regardless of what they guy did or did not say, battering him is utterly inexcuseable. If I were him I would have pressed charges against the women.

Sep 15, 2009, 9:03 AM
Maybe I'm a little too sensitive about this issue, because I know a fellow who persists in antagonizing anyone he categorizes as "overweight". (Who to me are often just a little more than thin) He will go out of his way to say hurtful things to particularly ladies, but he's not against saying something crude to an overweight fellow, as well.

There was also a very pretty girl, who used to post here, who was of the same ilk. She took every opportunity to give her unsolicited vehement opinion about anyone, who was lightly heavier than she.

I'm sorry, maybe it's the mentality of the Old West, but disregarding the edicts of being politically correct, I think those people should be taken down a notch, or two! I have told him, on two occasions, about his arrogant and fowl comments and, after the second time, I have avoided him. He thinks I'm being over-sensitive. I think he's an asshole!

My GF is chubby and I love her. I would not want anyone to say something hurtful to her, or anyone else who is voluptuous, or overweight. Nothing this crude clown can say will be beneficial for that person, so why should he open his crass, opinionated, mouth!

Still, this video illustrates to me that people do reach their limits and, when wronged, are justified to take action. IF the guy said something vicious and unsolicited, I stand by my first comment...he deserved what he got!

Sep 16, 2009, 3:02 AM
First: Hi, back from the dead here! :bigrin:

Okay, with that out of the way we go to second:

A slap? Yes. A punch? Yes. All of the above by the aggravated lady plus two? NOT COOL.

That poor asshole was assaulted and then arrested and you can't seriously be okay with that. Maybe he deserved a kick in the nuts, but not a beating by three people.

PS: I am a very fat man and I know how the lady felt, but it's never OK to beat on a person when they are outnumbered.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 16, 2009, 3:32 AM
what I see is 3 females on one guy..... over remarks that were insulting and rude.....

but I live in nz..... and I also know that what we saw was classed as common assault... which carries a 3 month jail term.... but wait.... its a female hitting a guy.... if it was a guy hitting a female, its classed as male assaults female with a 2 year jail sentence....

interesting to note that the male gets hauled away after a case of a female assaulting him....

even if the guy didn't get hauled away.... the female is still guilty of common assault.... and of course the male was not gonna touch her... cos that would be male assaults female... regardless of the fact he was hit first

I know this, cos I live in nz......

Sep 16, 2009, 5:50 PM
Okay, fair enough babe, but as I was saying last night, listen with the sound on. It clearly says the lady got away in her "limo", getting away implies the police wanted her for more than just asking for a statement imo.

It is unfair down here, I have heard you explain it to me a number of times when the news stories come on the tv. It is ridiculous that the nature of the crime is based on the sex of the perpetrator and victim. But I do stand by my earlier statement, sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut than find it shut for you.

Should the woman have been charged, absolutely in my opinion, but the clip was skewed unless you listened to the policeman talking.