View Full Version : whats killing me :(

roy m cox
Sep 12, 2009, 1:54 AM
i have worked security for 9yrs. unformed and undercover and loved it did a lot of helping people that needed it arrested some for shop lifting ect.

and stared working private security at a car auction wear they sell repo and dealers cars i worked their for 6yrs. and did not know i was being poisoned the yard workers was spraying herb asides & pest asides and they would mix things in thou's poisons like lead and arsenic to kill the rats on the parking lots and to kill the weeds growing in the cracks in the pavement , i had know idea that they did that cuzz i was on the 3rd shift i would walk all over that lot and by all the fences to see if any one cut the fence and in some pleases their was weeds and or bushes so id push them out of the way so i could look at the fence i did this every night i worked there and would get Itchy ?_? , well after id do my rounds id go back to the Gard shack and take a brake and eat my lunch if it was that time to do so , and one night i got all wet walking threw the weeds so i changed my clothing and would ring them out and not knowing i had this stuff on my hands i had wetnaps to clean my hands with but i just thout it was dew from the weeds id eat my snaks or lunch then one night i got so sick i called my boss a told him i had to go to the hospital cuzz i felt so sick and he came to relieve me so i could go when i got to hospital the doctor asked me what was going on i stared to tell him a passed out when i woke up my dad was their the doctor told me he did nit know what this big blach was on my back and the same things was on my left arm pit i never saw it till that night and it was strange looking every sines then i had it on my ankles hands in my butt and back and then it stared getting on parts that a man duzz not want.. and then i found out that cuzz of the heavy metal i only have 5yrs. to live and no i am not looking for petty so don't think that im just letting people know a lil more about me....


Sep 12, 2009, 12:28 PM

I really don't know what else to say except I am sorry that happened to you. You could be able to sue cause when ever pesticide/herbicide is sprayed, it is mandated (enviromental protect laws) that the company put markers that the area has been sprayed and have a list on the premises of the composition of the spray is. They could potentially have to take care of you financially for whatever time is left for you. You should try and find out what your options are hun. Take care.

Sep 12, 2009, 10:46 PM
Roy, I'd be contacting a good attorney if I were you. Get plenty of documentation from your Doctors and take the findings to an attorney. If they (the place where you work) are spraying some kind of poison to kill off rodents, have the Dr's look for Rio-Dioxins...its similiar to the Doixins in Agent Orange.(a defoliant) It can build up in the body over a long peroid of time and you might not know it for a long while. It the company knowingly sprayed that crud and didnt tell you, then they are liable for the results.
Trace metals can be treated, so I hope you get this done as soon as you can. And dont count yourself out so quickly. Just because someone Tells you have only a certain amount of time doesnt necessarily Mean thats how much you'll have.
Good luck to you Sweetie and stay strong.

roy m cox
Sep 13, 2009, 12:14 AM
If this really has happened,

Get multiple opinions.
See if there are any treatments for this.

Did you sue? Or get them to pass laws or regulations so this will not happen to anyone else?

Is this why your posts are hard to read and have atrocious spelling in them?

If you really have 5 years left you should be doing what you want to.

yes it really happened ,

and im having all sorts of treatments for this ,

and i did sue them they cooked the books to make me look bad and i had to set ell out of Cort ,,

and my atrocious spelling in my post is cuzz i have arthritis in my hands a bad symptom from the poisoning from the psoriasis and some is just bad spelling sorry :( ,,

and yes i do have 5years to live ,, and i am doing stuff i want to trying to have fun and enjoy the time i have left ,,


roy m cox
Sep 13, 2009, 12:24 AM

I really don't know what else to say except I am sorry that happened to you. You could be able to sue cause when ever pesticide/herbicide is sprayed, it is mandated (enviromental protect laws) that the company put markers that the area has been sprayed and have a list on the premises of the composition of the spray is. They could potentially have to take care of you financially for whatever time is left for you. You should try and find out what your options are hun. Take care.

thx ,,

but we are talking a big corp against a small guy they made it out that if i try to purse this in Cort id get in very big trouble they also made it look like i was steeling from the company and that i was pilfering on my workers comp and so on i did how ever anomalously call the EPA about the poison that was being used and they have a lot of complaints about that company and they are investigating them ,, so that was a relief to me ,,

roy m cox
Sep 13, 2009, 12:42 AM
Roy, I'd be contacting a good attorney if I were you. Get plenty of documentation from your Doctors and take the findings to an attorney. If they (the place where you work) are spraying some kind of poison to kill off rodents, have the Dr's look for Rio-Dioxins...its similiar to the Doixins in Agent Orange.(a defoliant) It can build up in the body over a long peroid of time and you might not know it for a long while. It the company knowingly sprayed that crud and didnt tell you, then they are liable for the results.
Trace metals can be treated, so I hope you get this done as soon as you can. And dont count yourself out so quickly. Just because someone Tells you have only a certain amount of time doesnt necessarily Mean thats how much you'll have.
Good luck to you Sweetie and stay strong.

thx Cat ,, and i had 9 different doctors that i have gone to and all of them tell me the same thing with the amount of heavy metals i have in my body its even a wonder i am still alive, i am on different drugs to help with the pain im in and creams and ointments for my skin , i am living at home with my dad and he helps me out a lot and some times i go visit my boyfriend and stay with him for months at a time and he has help me a grate deal like paying for my med's and so on and he really cares and loves me so much :) he looks past my skin problems wear others look at it and say nasty things to me about it,,
