View Full Version : 9-11

Sep 9, 2009, 8:03 AM


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Sep 9, 2009, 8:53 AM
I cannot imagine the terror that those amidst any of the tragedies of 9/11 felt. I can only remember the terror that I felt, 750 miles away, as the towers fell...as the pentagon was struck...as that Pennsylvania field became a historical landmark. I remember, every day...

I am thankful for the freedom that I have, to be who I am.

Sep 9, 2009, 12:25 PM
Such a horrible thing all the way around. I woke up to the sight of the first tower on fire then minutes later the other. At work I was working as a mobility aide to college students in our town, and the whole school was in turmoil. The Base where we lived contacted the school and all of the students that lived aboard the base were being ordered home, becaue the base was going on lock down. No one would get in unless they lived or worked there. So many people were afraid, and I had a moment of panic when I heard the Pentagon had been targeted too. My oldest daughter has her office just blocks from there....

It was just a horrendous event in the lives of Everyone it touched, no matter how big or small.
And for the man who orchastrated this attack, he sought to cripple and demoralize nation, what he did was unite the world...against Him!
Say a prayer to those who lost their lives and for those who lost loved ones on 9-11, and remember them in your hearts...

Sep 9, 2009, 12:35 PM
I was working in the E.R. at a hospital here in Vegas when they came asking for staff that would go there, but that was never needed few patients lots dead:(. 9-11 and 11-22 dates that will stick in my mind for ever

Sep 9, 2009, 12:52 PM
11-22, hon?
Confused Cat

Sep 9, 2009, 12:55 PM
11-22-1963 J.F.K. just 1 man but will be in my mind 4 EVER!!!!!!

Sep 9, 2009, 9:14 PM
I wrote the this poem on 9-11-01 before my shift ended. I gave all my copies away but try to remember it, and it has been tweaked a bit over the years...

without a warning the towers would fall
from where they once stood so proud and tall
beseiged by evil that was fueled with hate
innocent people met a tragic fate
pray for the people that now are lost
pray for the people that paid dire cost
honor their souls lest their be in vain
in hearts and minds shall they forever remain


Sep 9, 2009, 10:08 PM
I was there on the morning of September 11th. I saw the northern tower go down.

Sep 9, 2009, 10:45 PM
That was beautiful, Z.
Big hugzz
Cat :}

Sep 9, 2009, 11:00 PM
Almost 9 - 11 again, just 8 years later. I have seen video's that people took of the buildings collapsing that were supposedly done by people, at the scene. These videos have managed to find their way into the hands of the "conspiracy theory-ist". They point out in these videos you have to watch closely, but you can see that when the building collapsed, little flashes and puffs of smoke were popping out of both of the building(s) just ahead of the collapsing part as the building(s) went down. The so called officals have stated that these so called explosions were caused by pockets of jet fuel that had leaked down through the building before the collapse. Now to me, if fuel leaked out of a burning plane (whats left of it) into a burning building. Would not the flowing fuel be on fire, and there should there be fire all the way down through the building? And I can remember the TV news showing the Pentagon destruction, fire everwhere, plenty of plowed up ground, BUT no airplane parts!! You would think that there would be a lot of pieces of airplane laying around!! :confused:


Now don't call me freaked out, out to get us all, smoked too much of the heavy stuff, conspiracy nut, that has listened to too much talk radio. :stoned:
AND NO I do not have my minute man bag packed, ready to run, just in case the G-men come to take me to a detention camp!!! Remember the story about the guy on the grassy knoll?? :bigrin: just kidding now. OK?

So, read this. I used to work at a local factory till they shut down. Then later I got hired back by the people that tearing it down. One of my jobs there was to move some cranes that were in the way of a big building (about 120 ft to the top) that they were going to tear down. Taking it down piece by piece would be too much, so they decided to blow it down. I got to socialize with the engineers that were making up their strategy on how to do it. And the subject of 9/11 and the towers collapsing ETC came up (and no, I wasn't the one that brought the subject up). They said that there were 2 buildings, one had a plane that crashed into the side of it about 1/3 rd of the way down from the top. They said "I can understand that one comming straight down because of the weight of the top part could have been heavy enough to, once it started, to cause it to collapse straight down". Then they said that "they really thought that the top should have slid off the bottom part as it collapsed, but possible to have come straight down" then they said that they would not have counted on that happening that way. But the other tower they said really puzzled them. "In the second tower the plane crashed into the top, and that there just was not enough weight in the top section (the part that was mostly intact, above where the plane hit) that there was not enough weight in that section to make it collapse strait down" They said that "that tower should have come down in big pieces at a time, as it burned down". They also said "that the only way you can take straight down, a building that tall would be to place explosives at strategic points all the way down and blow the explosions as the building comes down, starting from the top". "This could be done by remote control from a safe distance". Now that is what engineers, that were experts at blowing down buildings said. They admitted that it puzzeled them also!?!? I have a DVD of the building that they blew down. It was a metal melting machine called a "cupola" (coup-a-low) The thing was super heavy, and made out of some real massive metal! Once the dust cleared, it was laying on it's side! It was a real trip to see.

Like I said, i'me not a devil under every rock, conspiracy nut (well ok a nut maybe). But the Gov't just explains things away as no real big deal. And if you sorta read between the lines & use a little common sense, you will discover that there are things that just do not add up correctly! :confused:

OK!! so you think i'me just rambleing on with nonsense huh???:eek:.,.,.,.,., Well thats ok, I don't mind. ,.,.,.,.,.,. :doggie:

Sep 10, 2009, 10:57 AM
Well as one who was in lower Manhattan that day and saw both buildings collapse. I believe the little flashes of light and dust that the "truthers"
claim are proof of a controlled explosion are actually electrical shorts from cables being shorted out by the implosion of the concrete floors pancaking on top of each other. The puffs of dust spoke of was concrete dust from the same floors. If you have ever seen concrete cut, you know that it produces a tremendous amout of dust.
Also immediately after the initial impact in the north tower, many people were burned and killed in the lobby waiting for their elevator as the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts.

Sep 10, 2009, 4:48 PM
Well Peg,I remember well where i was.I was in a high rise hotel in Las Vegas on vacation. Such a terrible tragedy. They want people too fly there flags tomorrow,well i have flown mine every day since 9/11. I did it sporadically before then,Butt ever since i have every day.

Sep 11, 2009, 1:03 AM
Well Peg,I remember well where i was.I was in a high rise hotel in Las Vegas on vacation. Such a terrible tragedy. They want people too fly there flags tomorrow,well i have flown mine every day since 9/11. I did it sporadically before then,Butt ever since i have every day.

I fly the flag all the time too--I have regularly even before 9/11--it was more a habit established since my time in the service---one of the more enjoyable duties on board a military naval vessel or land base was the twice daily routine of "colors" where the flag is raised and lowered each day. I don't exactly follow proper flag etiquette since I leave my flag flying most of the time without being lit at night as the rules say the "Stars and Stripes" is supposed to be.


Sep 11, 2009, 6:38 AM
Well Peg,I remember well where i was.I was in a high rise hotel in Las Vegas on vacation. Such a terrible tragedy. They want people too fly there flags tomorrow,well i have flown mine every day since 9/11. I did it sporadically before then,Butt ever since i have every day.

We Canadians have a memorial service each 9-11. My flag is always flying.

Sep 11, 2009, 12:54 PM
MSNBC replayed the real time coverage that NBC had done on 9-11-it was sorta hard to watch again---but something good to do in a way to not forget.
It did get me--people in Palestine went out that day and had a big celebration, happy that the attacks took place!!!

I did see something interesting today, video footage of some of the memorial services not only taking place across the US---but all over the world including a mass at an orthodox church in Russia!!

It is heartening to see that this event remains a point of sadness for people not only in our country, but eslewhere around the world.

Sep 11, 2009, 5:55 PM

Sep 11, 2009, 6:15 PM
my co-worker and I..(i've had to learn to not refer to him as my PARTNER..since the english language is now so confused as well,,lmao)..were discussing the events of 9-11 as we were working together that day as well.
his memory was a bit off as he thought we were at the BEST BUY store near a mall...rather than the CHILI'S restaraunt where we actually were at the time. he had heard through his radio about a plane crashing into one of the towers...but had no other info,,i asked him "a jet? an airliner? a dumbass in a cessna?"...he didn't know...then as we just pulled into the CHILI'S restaraun he said "another plane just crashed into the other tower.." i said..."dude, that's not accidental...that shit was planned".." i went into the CHILI'S and had to look for the manager...found him at the bar watching the replays on live tv..he looked at me and just shook his head. some of my thoughts during the rest of the day....i was servicing a grocery store..and as i walked out there were two mid-eastern men talking in native language like they were immune to everytrhing else...i asked them if they knew what had happened..and they looked at me like i was an idiot..of course they knew..i then asked them do they realize that a lot of stupid things will happen now...as in people not caring where youre really from...just by looking at you they will associate...for your own safety you should probably go home...
they seemed surprised that i had some kind of intellect... as our day progressed we began finding out thtr banks, stores, malls, everything was closing early..we arrived at the aforementioned BEST BUY..the doors were locked, signs made in poster board and marker reading "due to the events of new york city...and due to the terrorist actions in...we are closing early"..
there were four BEST BUY employees sitting on the sidealk steps waiting for rides home...my first thought was..IN THE WAKE OF A TERRORIST ATTACK IN THIS COUNTRY YOU FEEL THE NEED TO CLOSE YOUR STORE IN CASE IT HAPPENS TO YOU...BUT LEAVE SEVERAL OF YOUR EMPLOYEES OUT ON THE SIDEWALK TO WAIT FOR RIDES HOME?....the next day when i asked the manager that question he just stared blankly at me... a bit later while at a small bank ..there was WEIGHT WATCHERS center next door..sign read
"TO SUPPORT THE VICTIMS OF NEW YORK CITY, WE ARE CLOSED FOR THE DAY..."....ok..look, i get it..i really do..but come one people...we are in omaha nebraska...just how many fucking terrorists are here than you can keep from dieting today?'....by that time things had already become acinine to the 9th degree...that night at home..watching the footage...my wife wouold wake up around midnight noticing i was not in bed yet, only to find me in front of the television...red faced angry...and for the first time in in 14 years .....see me cry....we taped little flags on wooden sticks to the front of our work truck. the wind would eventually take them..but when the manager told me that the owner of the company said we had to take them off..my reply was.."tell him to do it himself"....never heard a response...and the flags stayed on...

Sep 11, 2009, 9:04 PM
I was there on the morning of September 11th. I saw the northern tower go down.

I will never forget the frenzied calling of my cousin who occasionally had to go to the towers for work related meetings (investment banking) . . . I was soo scared.

It wasn't until hours later on that we heard from her. She walked from her office which was east (?) of the towers to ... I don't know, she doesn't know. Her expensive Ferrigamos were ruined. She still keeps 'em though. She still won't talk much about it.

That morning, I had delivered my FIRST stand up comedy routine to my drama class. I talked about weddings and what else, I can't remember. I stood in front of the TV in the atrium after wards and almost felt ashamed of myself.


Tom P
Sep 12, 2009, 8:16 AM
I was in Taiwan on 911, I arrived on Monday night and spent Tuesday visiting suppliers. I got oto the hotel room after dinner and turned on the TV after the first plane hit.

I called my wife to see what was happening. It was a terrible night. I stayed up watching the news all night. I traveled to Korea the next morning and spent the rest of the week there. Luckly the airports opened before I came home.

I got to San Fransico late and had to fly to Newark instead of Hartford and could see the toppled towers as we drove by the city.

It was a very sad time being away from home when this was happening.
It was a sad time for everyone.