View Full Version : Games

Sep 8, 2009, 12:04 PM
:male: I've taken the first step into a new relationship. I'm bi and very devoted to my wife. She is encouraging me to pursue this relationship, however I'm a bit uncomfortable. We met online at http://bearforest.com. In his profile he describes himself as an agressive top. We met for the first time in person in San Francisco and had a wonderful dinner. Parted for the evening with the promise of more to come. E-mailed each other the next day expressing what a good time we both had. He stated he was going out of town the next week. He then gave me his personal e-mail address and asked me to communicate with him through there. He also said that the next step was for me to send him some erotic photos of myself. I have not yet sent these photos since I have not had time to have my wife take them. In the mean time, I have not heard from him at all. My profile on bearforest logs whenever someone looks at my profile and what section they are looking at. He has been in lookin in my photos section several times over the last week. I'm not sure I'm up for these kind of games. What it looks like to me is that he has made my photos a condition of continuing this relationship. I know he is a top and a Dom and I told him early on that one of my kinks was to be used, not abused.

I'm just not sure what to do.:confused::yikes2:

Sep 8, 2009, 3:45 PM
If you arent comfortable in doing those kinds of pics, then Dont. If this guy cannot understand this, thern he isnt worth the time or effort.
To thine own self be true, Babydoll.
Or you can tell him "If you wanna see the goodies, it has to be in person, up close and personal" :}
Good luck Sugar

Sep 8, 2009, 4:10 PM
It's not that I'm uncomfortable with the pics, it's that the pics seem to be a condition of his attention.

Fire Lotus
Sep 8, 2009, 4:22 PM
When he asked for the photos, was it in a casual manner or was it asked of you as type of assignment?
If you are unclear of his motives, email him and ask him as well as are the photos a condition of furthering the relationship. This could very well be him in his Top/Dom mode. Giving it to you straight away.

Sep 8, 2009, 7:31 PM
I guess I am of the nature that the person should want to get to know me, the person. Having met me, I would think that he has a pretty good idea of what I look like. I want a person to get to know me, the whole of me before I send them a photo. I can never quite understand why people want to "collect" photos?

If you are in any way shape or form uncomfortable, then I would consider perhaps passing on the friendship. Go with your gut feeling. It never lies.


roy m cox
Sep 9, 2009, 12:33 AM
If you arent comfortable in doing those kinds of pics, then Dont. If this guy cannot understand this, thern he isnt worth the time or effort.
To thine own self be true, Babydoll.
Or you can tell him "If you wanna see the goodies, it has to be in person, up close and personal" :}
Good luck Sugar

um i have to agree with cat on this i would be very care full tho,
i have met up with some bad guys before so just be careful :2cents:

Sep 9, 2009, 1:38 AM
I agree with Cat. You should only do what you are comfortable with. It sound to me like he has went into Top/Dom mode. Is the continuation of the relationship conditioned upon photo's of your goodies? How you and your wife feel about the situation should be the guiding factor here. Be carefull. I wish you the best. :male::bibounce::male:

Sep 9, 2009, 11:52 AM
I also agree with Cat. (but do most of the time)