View Full Version : cheating wife

Slide n
Sep 7, 2009, 9:33 PM
Well I have never posted much but, here goes.
I know I have read in womens mags the 10 things to look for if you suspect your man cheating. I was wondering if they hold true for a cheating woman ,as well. If anyone reading this has caught their wife or girl friend cheating I would like to know the signs to look for, of course, all input is greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

Sep 7, 2009, 10:44 PM
Have you tried asking her, and then try to interpret her response?

Sep 8, 2009, 10:28 AM
My son's mother cheated on me and I caught her (she had the nerve to make me the villain for catching her in bed with the other guy, even). Look for these things, among others.

Works much later than she used to and more often than she used to.

Accuses you of cheating on her, often, even though you have not been cheating.

Spends all or a lot of weekends alone with "family" or on business (when she did not used to).

Comes home smelling of sex, particularly when she has "been working late".

Blames you for everything that is wrong, both in her life and in your relationship.

Treats you like you are not important.

Breaks promises to you, but expects you to keep all of yours.

Almost every time you talk, it breaks out into a fight/argument.

She starts fights when you are about to go to work, making you late for work, or late at night when you want to get sleep for work.

Money begins disappearing from the bank account or she is not putting as much into the bank as she used to, even though her income has not dropped or after an increase in pay.

Those are the biggies. Good luck.

Sep 8, 2009, 10:44 AM
I agree, those are excellent signs.

I have been a cheater and was cheated on, too. I deserved everything that happened to me........and she did, too!

Once it begins, it seldom ends without dramatic changes, so if you need to protect yourself, now is the time!

One thing I'd add is, you need to hide some money for yourself, because if you split up, there are so many hidden costs that you never suspect!

Good luck, you'll need it!

Sep 8, 2009, 12:31 PM
So, I find out my best friend is sleeping with my separated wife, that I'm trying desperately trying to repair things with. I told him everything about my pain, hurt, all of her loves and wants....he used that shit to kick game to her and fuck her.
I called his wife, told her, then went to his house and beat the shit out of him. I've never been burned like that before. Fuckin' humans. We really piss me off.

3 days prior to me finding out, he'd asked me to start a mens ministry with him.....

After giving him what he had coming, he figured it best to move from Western Canada and head to Nova Scotia. Good call asshole.


Sep 8, 2009, 1:42 PM
He had that coming. What an opportunist asshole!

Lucky you're not in the states; you'd probably be in jail, right now!

newbie in de.
Sep 8, 2009, 2:06 PM
not that its the most honest approach.maybe hiring a private investigator to follow her around for a couple of days.at least you'll put your mind at ease.

Sep 8, 2009, 2:29 PM
Cell phone. If she freaks if you pick it up, that's a major warning sign. If you can, check texts, calls, pictures, videos, heck even sounds. Have a good reason beforehand in case you're caught, (you needed a number, etc.). Myspace and facebook, look at picture comments, comments she has left for other people, etc. If you can get into her accounts, along with inbox and sent, check any apps she may have. (One of the ways I figured out I was being cheated on was Pieces of Flair, she would send him the cutesy ones that said things like "I love kissing you") IRL, is she being more distant, not wanting to be intimate as much? Tell her how much she means to you, see if she acts guilty. Does she get calls that she ignores or answers and says she'll call them back? If she works late, check her makeup to see if it's the same as when she left. Check her purse for anything suspicious. Above all, trust your gut. If your instincts are telling you something's wrong, they're most likely right. Good luck.