View Full Version : Bisexuality is non-existent?!

Sep 6, 2009, 1:53 PM
Say it isn't so! I just read a post that says that bisexuality is non-existent...

Apparently those of us who are (non-existent) bisexuals simply cannot decide which we are...straight or gay/lesbian.

What are YOUR thoughts?!?!

Sep 6, 2009, 2:49 PM
It's funny this comes up, because I had a rather frustrating experience in discussing this topic with someone the other day.

A guy told me he was on the straight end of the "spectrum", which at first I thought I could accept since I'm not exactly male, and he had still expressed interest. Yet when I asked him if he had a sexual interest in men, he said yes. And when I further asked if he would in fact engage in that interest with men, he still said yes. So I told him he was simply bisexual. But he said no, if that were the case, then all men are bisexual. He kept going on about "the spectrum" and other total bullshit to avoid the direct issue. And I'm just left to facepalm myself in frustration the whole time, as this guy was either in serious denial, or really hated being labeled.

Of course, maybe I was just being trolled, I dunno. Point is, I do believe that there are indeed ranges of sexuality, and no two people are necessarily the same. But, if you are attracted to both sexes, and would or are actively engaging in that sort of activity, then sorry, but you're bisexual.

I just feel like people who try so hard to avoid being labeled really just don't want to accept that they're one thing or another in the first place, is all.

Sep 6, 2009, 3:03 PM
This is just another example of un-informed people thinking everything in life is black or white.

It's a sliding scale.

Kinsey got it right.

Sep 6, 2009, 3:14 PM
Clearly we do exist.

Melissa, sounds like this guy was a bit of a twit. Then again, I guess lots of guys need to justify themselves to protect their masculinity. He'll probably get over it one of these days.

Sep 6, 2009, 3:17 PM
Haha.. Sometimes People just don't knw how to react when they've realize which of which they are, so most of them, they know to theirselves that the fact they are bisexual, they resort to denying that they are.. Ryt?

Sep 6, 2009, 3:47 PM
I go along with those who see it as a sliding scale -- from slighly bi to almost totally gay, and then sliding back to almost totally straight. If you get into a 3some with two straight guys and one gal, it is only a matter of time before the two guys starrt playing with each other. To me whot makes cocksucking so exciting is having over the years had many lady friends who love to give me head. Some of them reach orgasm while doing so. This has led me to want to imitate the ladies in giving head. I take on their excitement at cocksucking. Thanks, ladies, for showing me the way.

Sep 6, 2009, 3:50 PM
I go along with those who see it as a sliding scale -- from slighly bi to almost totally gay, and then sliding back to almost totally straight. If you get into a 3some with two straight guys and one gal, it is only a matter of time before the two guys starrt playing with each other. To me what makes cocksucking so exciting is having over the years had many lady friends who love to give me head. Some of them reach orgasm while doing so. This has led me to want to imitate the ladies in giving head. I take on their excitement at cocksucking. Thanks, ladies, for showing me the way.

Sep 6, 2009, 4:12 PM
We think that bisexuality is normal, that is, that most people are naturally bisexual. Only those people who are 1s and 7s on the bisexuality rating scale are the ones who are abnormal.

Sep 6, 2009, 5:11 PM
5 of my crushes have been girls, and 2 have been boys. I think they were pretty real all of them.

Sep 6, 2009, 5:27 PM
Some Psychologists have suggested that human sexuality (like many other human characteristics) may follow a Bell Curve distribution. Complete homosexuality and complete heterosexuality being on the extreme ends of the curve with a lot of potential flexibility about it in the middle.

Sep 6, 2009, 6:17 PM
Some Psychologists have suggested that human sexuality (like many other human characteristics) may follow a Bell Curve distribution. Complete homosexuality and complete heterosexuality being on the extreme ends of the curve with a lot of potential flexibility about it in the middle.
I suspect they'll get little argument from this corner of the net. :)

Sep 6, 2009, 8:05 PM
I like the bell curve. Makes sense to me. I like it on the top of the curve.

roy m cox
Sep 7, 2009, 12:34 AM
well i am 100% BISEXUAL and i do exist don't believe me get a guy and girl for me and sit back and watch i enjoy both sexes and nobody can tell me different ill pop a butt and a pussy at the same time if i could :bigrin:

but don't buy all the horse hockey about us ,, because me and probably most of the people will tell you they are and will always be 100% BISEXUAL and wont change :three::three::three::three:


and i am proud to be 100% BI