View Full Version : when did you relize you were bi?

Sep 5, 2009, 2:10 PM
Hi everyone,

I am new to the group and I don't know any other bisexuals to really talk about my orientation or how I figured out that i was bisexual.

When I was 14, I found that I was attracted to both guys and girls, and that I was also aroused by both. I really felt alone because I could never talk to anyone about it for the school I was at was very unaccepting. What helped less was that my family is very religous and very anti-gay. I did what all christan girls and boys did; I denied it and considered it a temptation of the devil. I went though high school denying the other side of me. However, the more I denied it the more I felt tempted to dable in the "forbidden love."

When I finally reached the point where I couldn't even be aroused by girls. So then I just thought I was gay, but I thought about it more. I asked myself, "Do I like girls or do I like guys". "Well I like both". I finally relized that I like both and I was bi, and denying it made only made me more confused.

Unfortunetly, I still don't feel comfortable enough to come out to anyone one, but I am in a enviroment that will accept me when I am ready. My university is a Jesuit school and they accept everyone regardless.

Well, that's my story. :bipride:

Sep 5, 2009, 2:46 PM
There's been at least one thread here recently that dealt with the same question. You might want to look in the archives and see if you can find it.

Sep 5, 2009, 4:34 PM
Hey, welcome to the site. I think you may find some answers here. I'm a lot older than you and I found some. There's some great folks here. Some nuts, too, you can just ignore them, I do.

I lived in Pa for several years (10) ...married to a lady, who was Pentecostal. Even though I never cheated on her, she could not live with the fact that I'd been intimate with guys before. I was in the center of the state, surrounded by very religious folks, who were very dedicated and believed whatever they believe, which was NOT "deviates", like us!

You asked how long we've been bi:

I have always been attracted to mostly the ladies, but was also drawn to certain males, too. However, I knew nothing about sex and was very sheltered. I was also 14, when a much older neighbor gave me my first orgasm with oral sex. Since then, I have had intimate relationships with 8 guys. All but one was differing degrees of wonder and fun. One lasted 10 years, one for about 7, a couple for about 5. None were less than a year, that I can remember. Never been on a one night stand, or had sex with anyone I didn't know well, or trust.

About coming out:

Everyone has their own feeling about that. But, for me, I've decided not to tell anyone who does not have a need to know....close friends, maybe a few, lovers....certainly, but not family, or even other friends.

You should do what you feel is best for you.

Sep 5, 2009, 6:00 PM
Hi, I'm new to. I think I can recognize your story. I've had like bi feeling since I was 13-15 or so (a bit more than 5 years ago.). I just kind of last month I actually managed to admit to myself that a I might be bi. Now I actually think its quiet cool. I don't think anybody I know would think the same if I ever told them.

Sep 5, 2009, 9:50 PM
I was about 15, I found and old copy of swank magazine, (some of the pages were missing but there was still plenty of good stuff left) anyway in the back they had all those ads for phone sex and to buy vhs tapes (told you it was an old magazine) there was an ad for a gay video called COCK STUFFED, it showed a couple of small pictures and even the the tip of the penises were blackened out at 15 this was just HOT. I used to jackoff to that pictures almost everyday for weeks, it just turned me on more than anything else, now that i'm older I understand why.

roy m cox
Sep 6, 2009, 12:17 AM
I knew every sines i was very young that i liked both sexes every sines kindergarten and up to now i have always and will till the day i die i love every thing about the male and female body its just a wonderful way to be in my book ,,

i mean if you can go in some plase like a gym and theirs men and woman walking around and you look at both and get aroused by them both to the point of getting an erection at it then yes you are BI ,,


Sep 6, 2009, 1:52 AM
i think for most,we were always bi. but depending on your upbringing,most have repressed the desires. with todays society being ALOT more accepting, its easier to try to expklore the latent desires. tho some will still only wish,and not partak

Sep 6, 2009, 3:11 AM
I always knew I was bi but did not know what it was called for a long time. I have always felt attracted to both men and women. Wasn't until I had heard of bisexual people that I could put a label on the feelings I have had as long as I can remember. :bipride:

Sep 6, 2009, 3:02 PM
Danielle: I had my first bi experience with a woman I used to sit for. It was really bad weather one night when she got home and called my parents to see if it would be okay for me to stay over. I stayed in the guest bedroom in her apartment and could hear something through the wall. I got up and saw her door was slightly ajar and that she was watching a porno on the television and using a vibrator on herself. I soon realized it was no ordinary porno. She was in it getting fucked doggy by a guy I did not recognize (not her husband) while she was eating out a woman I did know.

When she saw me standing there, she jumped and begged me not to tell anyone. Then she realized my hand was inside my panties. She smiled apparently realizing the way to get me to keep the secret was for he to get up, tug down my panties, and go down on me.

After I came like gangbusters, she said I could watch the rest of the video but I had to get nude and into bed with her. I asked a million questions then she taught me how to go down on her. After that I was more than just her babysitter while she worked the night shift.

Dave: I used to cut the grass for this couple that lived out in the country. They had a lawn tractor and about four acres of lawn. They also had a pool. One summer day it was like 95 out and I was sweaty when I finished. The woman had gone to town for something. The husband suggested I cool off in the pool. I at first objected saying I didn't have any trunks. He said it was just "us guys" so going nude was no big thing. He stripped off and jumped into the pool.

I figured, what the heck? I tore off my clothes and jumped into the refreshing waters of the pool. After a short swim he got out and sat at the edge of the pool and said, "See that was no big deal now, was it?" I agreed and soon got out of the pool to sit on the edge. After a while he jumped back into the pool, but swam to where I was. He took my cock into his mouth and began to suck. I must admit I was a bit scared but my cock got hard and it felt really great. I laid back and he blew me to completion and got out of the pool and sat beside me and let me watch him swallow his cum. He said, "That was fun, wasn't it?" He then added, "I have loved sucking cock since I was your age." (I was 14 at the time.) He suggested I might like to try it. I was hesitant. He said it was no big deal and that no one but us would know.

I thought a minute and figured, maybe if I blew him, he would blow me each Saturday when I finished cutting the grass. I got into the pool and hesitantly took his already hard eight inch cock into my mouth. I was really surprised to find that my brain seemed to be wired to know how to suck cock. No, he didn't make me take his cum in my mouth, but he came and I swallowed. I felt really proud of myself for making him cum.

When I got out of the pool, I noticed his wife (She was much younger than he was. He was 67. She was 32.) had returned home, seen us in the pool, had walked over and watched. She had stripped and soon joined me in the pool. She sucked my cock under water and then had me get up on the edge. She then lowered herself on my cock and I was no longer a virgin.

After that I loved going to cut their lawn.