View Full Version : Regrets............

Sep 4, 2009, 8:57 PM
I was talking to LDD the other day and it got me thinking. There are times in your life that you sit down and wonder about the path your life has taken and then you think that age old question of "if i could change one thing..." but then you have to wonder if in changing that one thing, you changed the rest of your life.

Personally for me...my one huge regret in life is I blew my sister off the last time she called me. I had two lines hooked up, no cordless and was in a trivia game on AOL in my bedroom. Had went to the living room to answer the phone and it was Tammy asking to borrow money so she could come home with her son to Kentucky. I had it, I had it for my car payment but I told her I didn't. That I had to go I was busy and to call our grandma. In retrospect if I had known that was the last time I talked to my sister, would I have done differently? Would I have told her how much I loved her or would I still have let the annoyance slip into my voice. I have often thought that I should change that if given the chance then I remember that she had to talk to my grandmother to fix things there. They had been on the outs for a bit and if she hadn't of called her it would have killed my grandmother to have lost Tammy without fixing things.

So I'm curious....I know of what I would change, and I know I wouldn't now because things have to happen for a reason. But what would you change in your life, what is your one regret......

I won't ask you all to list whether you would change it if you could but just what the regret is that weighs heavily on your heart.

Sep 4, 2009, 9:36 PM
Twyla, I'm sure everyone alive has done something that they regret.

Just reading your post, I thought of several things I wish I could have changed, too.

Maybe those who we've wronged and (if they've gone on to "the other side") maybe they know what's in our hearts. I'm sure you'll be forgiven. I hope I will, too.

You can't change things already done; the only thing you can do is try to be mindful of others' needs, feelings, and try to be more considerate in the future.

Sep 5, 2009, 1:22 AM
I feel that if I dwell on such questions it can just about drive me nuts. The past is just that ... past. I try to learn from the past. And then move on. To err is human. but, try not to err again on the same thing.

Sep 5, 2009, 8:41 AM
I won't ask you all to list whether you would change it if you could but just what the regret is that weighs heavily on your heart.

I dont know if it qualifies, but I know what I'd change if possible. But if it werent possible- I'd have started my transition in my 20's sometime, too much time spent beating myself over the head with rules that are archaic and simply put, foolish.

Ya cant change a swan into a duck no matter how hard you try....

Sep 5, 2009, 11:51 AM
lots of regrets.

however, you must forgive yourself TT. Set your heart free, otherwise it will eat you alive.


Sep 5, 2009, 7:05 PM
Like everyone else, sure there are few things I regret -as against making decisions that were later proven to be misjudgements, but what can one say - the person i am is the result of all those mouldings. and I'm quite happy with the way I am, despite a myriad of imperfections! :bipride:

Sep 7, 2009, 1:16 AM
This is something I wrote a long time back and hadnt really shown anyone, except a writing group that I am in. Sorry if it sounds a little too 'Mushy".

Regretful Passage

I regret so many things in the name of pride, and yes, mortal fear.
I should have pulled you close and told you how dear you were to me.
I should have let go my hard heart and dropped the shield that beheld my wounded soul.

I should have told you what you mean to me, I should have taken a stand and held out my hand, and if you had, I would have never let go.
Instead of being entangled in fear and self-doubt, I should have faced the truth and told you that I loved you. Second to none were you, excepting to my own family.

Pride and hesitation lost you to me forever, and my heart again is cold, empty, and alone where it was once warmed by your mere smile, and set ablaze by your softest of touches.
So I will love you from afar, and be glad for you in no matter what you do.
You will forever be held in a special place within my heart, but it cries because you aren’t mine. It cries because I wasn’t brave enough to tell you that I loved you, and that I Still do, and always Shall…and for that, I will always have a regretful passage.

TLK 2007