View Full Version : What % of guys who have a homosexual experience like it?

Sep 3, 2009, 6:17 PM
I've often thought if more guys would allow themselves to have sexual encounters with other men they would like it and make it part of their lives. Since the first time I took my best friend's dick in my mouth at age 12 I knew I wanted more. At some point in my early 20s I decided I wanted to have the full man on man experience and graduated to anal sex. The first couple of times were a little rough but now I really get off bottoming. It's strange because I've never had a romantic attraction to men but having sex with them is something I would hate to give up.

From the ads I read on Craigslist there are a lots of other bi guys out there.

So I'm wondering, what percentage of guys who get past the first time go on to be bisexual either in mind or deed? I just think if more men would try dick they would really like it.

In my ideal world male bisexuality would become as mainstream as female bisexuality. I'd love to pop in a regular Vivid video and see the hot new starlet sharing a cock with her male co-star. I know that will never happen but it would be nice.

Sep 3, 2009, 6:50 PM
Well if you just count me the percentage would be 100% hehe:cool:

Sep 3, 2009, 7:01 PM
I guess that makes three of us. 3 - 0 in favor of the bi's.

Sep 3, 2009, 7:40 PM
It is 100%.

If by chance there was a guy that didn't like it he would deny it ever happened.

Sep 3, 2009, 8:52 PM
I've often thought if more guys would allow themselves to have sexual encounters with other men they would like it and make it part of their lives. Since the first time I took my best friend's dick in my mouth at age 12 I knew I wanted more. At some point in my early 20s I decided I wanted to have the full man on man experience and graduated to anal sex. The first couple of times were a little rough but now I really get off bottoming. It's strange because I've never had a romantic attraction to men but having sex with them is something I would hate to give up.

From the ads I read on Craigslist there are a lots of other bi guys out there.

So I'm wondering, what percentage of guys who get past the first time go on to be bisexual either in mind or deed? I just think if more men would try dick they would really like it.

In my ideal world male bisexuality would become as mainstream as female bisexuality. I'd love to pop in a regular Vivid video and see the hot new starlet sharing a cock with her male co-star. I know that will never happen but it would be nice.

ive had only a handful of experiences with men, but not all were enjoyable. i think attraction physical or emotional has a lot more to do with the person then there gender. i think you have a point i think there are a lot of biqueerious men out there but like me maybe there leaning more towards females so they don't have to come out of the closet. personally im more attracted to femininity but emotionally more attracted to men. but all in all, if someone gets to know you, gets inside your head, they can turn you on.

Sep 3, 2009, 9:32 PM
Sexuality variances in society are not that unusual a subject. If one reads the Herald series by Mercedes Lackey, some of the main characters in some of the books are Gay/Lesbian or Bisexual.

There is a book called "The Forever War", in which the societal changes in society transition from current norms to the complete reverse, where Heterosexuality is the exception and homosexuality is the norm.

In addition to that, Heinlein wrote a book called "Time Enough for Love" where the subject of a society without sexuality biases is so much the norm that it barely gets note, except in one small passage. But that passage establishes the normality of every type of human sexual coupling in that society, even though there is a leaning toward heterosexuality.

It would be a far better world if there were no reason to be concerned about the genders your sexual partners.

Sep 3, 2009, 10:50 PM
I really like sex with men.
I do not care that most other males don't want that.
I really like sex with men.
I only care that they think less of me because I do.
I really like sex with men.
I only care about the hostility it generates toward me.
I still really like sex with men.

Sep 4, 2009, 11:09 AM
Hey Jem, Do you like to have sex with men. . .LOL, Me too However, . . . . . I also do not have a desire to get emotionally, romantically involved with another guy. Its just for pure physical sexual gratification :tongue: And absolutely love receiving, when it cums to anal sex. . . My :2cents: On % of guys into M on M sex would, be 15% . . . just a guess . . . butt, don't really give a shit . . . lol, just know I :love: It !!!!

Sep 4, 2009, 11:48 AM
In my ideal world male bisexuality would become as mainstream as female bisexuality. I know that will never happen but it would be nice.

I agree wholeheartedly. As I mentioned in another thread, wouldn't it be great, if you were a guy attracted to another guy, that you could ask him out and try to get into his pants but not have to worry about him getting freaked out and maybe telling everyone else you made a move on him?

I think there are a lot more potentially bi guys out there than we think. Problem is, the societal and peer pressure keeps those feelings very suppressed.

I have a nephew in his 30s that I know has done some homo stuff, although he says he's never had anal sex. He told me he did it but "...didn't enjoy it".

I have a hard time believing that. I think he tells himself he didn't like it because he's embarrassed about it and that's because he's in a very religious, anti- homo family. The pressure is just too strong for him to feel comfortable admitting he might have enjoyed sexual activities with other guys.

It's been said that most guy's first sexual encounters are with other guys. I'd be willing to bet 99% of those guys enjoyed it and, reasonably, should be able to go on to become happy bisexuals, if not homos. It's just the societal pressure that keeps them from acknowledging their enjoyment of it. I think some of those guys get radically anti- bi/ homo because they're so embarrassed by it.

That's why I think anything that encourages sex between men, like that g0y thing I brought up in an earlier thread, is a good thing.

Sep 4, 2009, 9:23 PM
I absolutely love sex with men. There is no feeling in the world like sucking a cock and being the bottom for a guy. I'll do it any chance that I get.

Sep 5, 2009, 10:11 AM
rcdoak@gmail.com i really didnt think i would like it but much to my surprise i loved it an always looking forward to the next time i can be with a man i cant see enough cock anyone wanna email me some photos of your cock id be happy to see them all are welcome

Sep 6, 2009, 4:15 PM
Our experience is that most of the people we know where the guy has allowed Dave to blow him (for his first blow job from another guy) like it, but they tend to be conflicted, not because they enjoyed it (as most eventually suck Dave off), but because they are afraid someone who is a straight busybody will find out and then out them.:three:

roy m cox
Sep 7, 2009, 12:39 AM
:bigrin: ME last week with my boyfriend and loved every min of it :bigrin:


but still need a girl friend to :tong:

Sep 7, 2009, 12:59 AM
While my sexual experiences with other guys is still rather limited---they are growing bit by bit, but such experiences are now of sufficient quantity for me to say without doubt or reservation: I do enjoy having sex with other males.

Sep 7, 2009, 1:54 AM
I do what I do. And those around me can take it or leave it.

Sep 9, 2009, 1:43 AM
I love sex with men. I can not imagine life with out sex with men.

Sep 9, 2009, 4:23 PM
I just wanna kknow what percent have them at all. probably higher than most would think.

Sep 9, 2009, 4:44 PM
I've enjoyed every sexual experience i've ad with men, I love it. I love it even more than sex with women.

Sep 9, 2009, 7:23 PM
I'm convinced there's a lot more curious guys out there. and also a lot of sexually frustrated guys that have tried it, liked it, and are afraid their wife will find out and kick them to the curb. What a sucking shame. I like cock as much as I like pussy. That's what makes me bi and why I'm here.

Sep 9, 2009, 11:09 PM
Hey Jem, Do you like to have sex with men. . .LOL, Me too However, . . . . . I also do not have a desire to get emotionally, romantically involved with another guy. Its just for pure physical sexual gratification :tongue: And absolutely love receiving, when it cums to anal sex. . . My :2cents: On % of guys into M on M sex would, be 15% . . . just a guess . . . butt, don't really give a shit . . . lol, just know I :love: It !!!!

I have ALWAYS been VERY sexually attracted to men.
I have always been romantically attracted to women.
I never planned on getting emotionally involved with another guy.
But, after 3+ years with the same guy, I am emotionally involved and care very much for him.
I really love sex with men.

Sep 10, 2009, 12:59 AM
my first sexual experiences were with male friends. my best friend and i through jr.high regulary blew each other and jerked each other off. i really enjoyed it then, but repressed it for 20 years. i'm happily married, have a great sex life with my wife, but i can't wait to experience it again.

Sep 10, 2009, 11:16 AM
I didn't experience man to man sex until a few years ago. I loved every minute of it. I have not had sex with a woman for over 4 years, just mtom sex. I do enjoy women, but I have not found a woman that accepts my bisexuality.