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Sep 3, 2009, 10:28 AM
I went to an Amateur Night at a strip club last night. I need to work out more. But I am proud of myself.


I quit w/o notice my retail job to pursue another job offer. After 3 days (my supervisor , a fellow Jamaican liked me a lot and we'd gab about all sorts of inconsequential stuff - -movies, food, and travel) I was dismissed.


Now I'm floating about the job market, getting discouraged, but starting to work out 2-3 times a week, and starting to think. . .maybe it's time to pick up the dream of stripping, something I've contemplated on and off for years. I don't want to go back to retail. I don't want to report to the man. I want to strip and go to school and do my own thing.

So I upped my workouts and started prepping for an amateur night, then work at a "local" strip club and hopefully progress to a bigger one . . .especially when you consider that this year, the South Florida area is hosting the Super Bowl AND the Pro Bowl this year, bringing up a shit-ton of tourists.

So, I entered the Amateur contest @ a place called Vegas. I was the only "true" amateur. The others had an arsenal of pole tricks. One dancer said I should have won.But the winner was super nice and. . .well, I have her number, since she runs a business - -teaching people pole work.

I'm going through a shit-ton of feelings. I can do it, but I need more work. Need to learn to walk in those damn shoes. Up the work outs for more flexibility. I need to find a way to hide my damn glasses. Either dance with em or learn to dance blind.

Wish me luck as I turn my body and my sales experience into my sole source of capital.


Sep 3, 2009, 10:40 AM
Wow Taylor! How amazing. Congrats to you.

You should look around in your local area for a class that teaches stripping. There are some that are considered as a dance class, they teach pole and also walking techniques. Some are offered through craigslist others could be found in the phone book. Most are taught by strippers/ former strippers. Usually catered to housewives to spice up their sex life. But I hear those classes are great exercise too.

Good luck babe.

Sep 3, 2009, 10:43 AM
Good luck Taylor--and in regards to the glasses--a big fantasy of guys is "doing" a school girl/teacher/librarian/scientist type of girl--so---develop a few routines along those lines which make use of your glasses--maybe get some oversized ones---to amp up the effect---bet it would go over good and make ya tons of big tips!!

Plenty of bad porn movies have played on that concept and what this really reminds me off--The Van Halen/David Lee Roth song--"Hot for Teacher"


Sep 3, 2009, 11:36 AM
I agree, Taylor, I think you'd look hot wearing glasses! Might be something that could give you a sensual "school teacher's" perosna!

Sep 3, 2009, 12:18 PM
And in the harsh light of day, I actually love my body more now. :)


Alaskan Couple
Sep 3, 2009, 1:21 PM
So true about the glasses Taylor....Sarah Palin made them sort of a signature things. Good luck to you - just be careful not to let others try to change who and what you are, or what you believe in...

Sep 3, 2009, 2:16 PM
Congrats Taylor, I hope all goes well for you.

Sep 3, 2009, 2:38 PM
lol Like I told ya honeygirl. Keep at it and continue on being the beautiful determined woman that you are, and you'll do fantastic! :wiggle2:
Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

Sep 3, 2009, 4:32 PM
The real test of happiness is if you ask yourself "Should I be..." or if you ask yourself "What do I want to be?".

Be what you want to be. Only then will you be happy with what you are.

And until you get there, you will be happy knowing that it is your goal and you are working toward it.

Good luck with your plans.

Sep 3, 2009, 4:58 PM
Good luck!

the sacred night
Sep 3, 2009, 6:57 PM
Wow, awesome! I hope you keep us updated on that pursuit, I'm really curious about sex work.

The glasses probably could be made into a selling point just like others have said, but beware of the danger that they could fall off, which could put you in danger from the sudden blindness as well as from someone stepping on them, costing you for a new pair.

Sep 3, 2009, 9:44 PM
:) I would like to wish you luck Taylor and am hoping the best for you. :)

Regardless of whatever kind of profession you pursue, it needs to be something that you normally like to do. A person doin what they like to do will naturally do a lot better at it than someone that is half harted, not really into the job that they are doin, with a obvious end result. So if you really like and want to do this then GO FOR IT!!! And don't look back either cause all that's back there is history, the past, regrets, water under the bridge, ETC, things you cannot change. It's the future thats ahead and in front of you. That's the direction that you have to look. Sometimes I even have to remind myself of this too.............Anyway, just sing this song, OK?

:cool: My future is so bright, I gotta wear shades. :cool:

Thats my :2cents:. Your friend, :doggie: ..........:bipride:

Sep 4, 2009, 10:33 AM
And nerd girl's quads HURT! I will need to stretch like a mad woman in order to keep the burn down. It's just... DAMN!

Tonight, I went to a bar, where they have a pole. Tonight is a slow night at this bar, so I figure I'd use the opportunity to practice.

Practice I did. And I got $7.


Sep 4, 2009, 12:04 PM
Did you frame the $7.00? Would be a nice keepsake.

Sep 4, 2009, 5:56 PM
If I didn't need it so badly, I would.


Sep 4, 2009, 8:32 PM
Echoing the sentiments of everyone else who has responded: good luck. I've been contemplating doing something like exotic dancing, too, not so much as a job but just to fulfill a fantasy. Thing is I'd have to bulk up some first. I'm toned but a bit too thin, I think. Anyway, good luck again. Hope you find success. It's definitely more fun than retail work, not to mention more lucrative (no disrespect to anyone in the retail business of course; I used to be in the retail business myself).

Sep 5, 2009, 9:44 AM
Good Luck

Maybe you can go on tour......There's a couple of places up here you might be able get into. lol

If antone is down in your area we should stop in.

Sep 5, 2009, 10:24 AM
I'm doing it again tonight.

A relatively ritzy club is still hiring. I'm wondering if I should go in Tuesday or something and just audition and see if they hire me. :p


Sep 5, 2009, 12:02 PM
Taylor, you've got the body, looks, attitude and will.......you'll knock them out!

I swear, I've been having fantasies about seeing you in a teacher's conservative dress and then, shelling them to reveal your really hot inner self...keep the glasses!

Take your homework assignments with you....and make the bad boys and/or girls stay after class!

Sep 10, 2009, 12:16 PM
Just like every other industry, there's a slow down in the summer months. I went looking yesterday, and found myself 0 for 3. One place didn't even take my application. The other two took my application, said I WAS their type, but that it's just too slow to hire new dancers.

Frustration hasn't set in yet. I'll continue looking for a straight job, but. . .once November comes, I'm starting to look again.


Sep 10, 2009, 3:41 PM
The economy is just ca-ca all the way around right now, Babygirl. It may pick up again soon, who knows. In the meantime, look for a back-up job as well.
Good luck and knock 'em dead, Girlfriend..:}
Rootin for ya Cat

Oct 11, 2009, 3:50 PM
So. Close. . . I did the amateur contest again last night. If the freaking waitress didn't enter at the last minute, I would have won. Yes, you heard me right. One of the club's waitresses entered the contest at the last minute. I brought a cheering section and the frat boys my friend bribed weren't enough. But I did learn that personality makes up for lack of pole artistry every time. I did beat out the skinny blonde with the big fake titties so. . . I'll take this as a small victory.

And try again in a couple weeks.


Oct 22, 2009, 6:40 AM
Tonight was the night, ya'll.

I got hired at a "neighborhood" strip club. If it weren't in a good neighborhood, it would be ten times scarier than it is. Tonight is my first night.

Just hope I don't break my leg while trying some dumb-ass shit. I made a little money, but not alot. Oh man, am I exhausted.

But, I got some good experiences. Friendly customers...and one that was every part The Exception - - tanned, good looking, Australian immigrant that tipped me and one other girl every time I came around. If he were not in a club or I were just a customer; just... GUH. He was in a group of 2 other Aussies. Just.. DAMN! He talked about how much more sensual American women were. I reminded him that Aussie guys have a self-awareness of their bodies that just is VERY arousing. No. Really. They WERE... gah.

BTW, the DJ played Depeche Mode for me w/o me asking! :D I danced to Policy of Truth and Personal Jesus. . . (genera101.2 will show up in 3...2... ;) )

I got the "time waster" . . .saying nice things about me, but not "feeding the meter", as it were.

I need sleep because I get to do it again tonight.


Oct 22, 2009, 10:38 AM
That's awesome! I suggest recording your routine and letting me see it :-D

Oct 22, 2009, 12:14 PM
You go Taylormade before you know it youll have them all eating out of your hands or your thongline i hope this really works out for you go get your dreams however you do it let nothing stop you and be friggin careful i wish you the best.

Oct 22, 2009, 11:03 PM
Congrats, Taylormade!

DB :bipride:

Oct 23, 2009, 6:20 AM
I have never heard the term a shit-ton before . Up here in Maine , we have a shit load and I thought that was alot . LOL ! Good for you and you go girl !