View Full Version : New Orleans fun?

Sep 2, 2009, 7:33 AM
Well, as my wife of twenty years and I struggle to incorporate my "sexual reality" into our married lives, we're having our ups and downs. Several here have commented in various threads about the fear a wife has over losing her bisexual husband. That, I believe, has been her motivating factor. At times she seems freaked out and angry and at other times she speaks of my bisexuality as if it's no problem. In fact, we're headed to New Orleans this weekend to see the wild and fun times of Southern Decadence!

For those who don't know of it, SD is a major five-day party on Labor Day weekend for GLBT folks and while there, most of them let it all hang out. It will be interesting to see how the weekend unfolds for them ... AND for the two of us. Will keep you posted. Advice is most welcome in the meantime!

Sep 2, 2009, 10:35 AM
BE SAFE1 have fun BE SAFE include her and also BE SAFE.

Sep 2, 2009, 10:44 PM
Have fun down in 'da big Eazy!'--I am going down in March 2010 for the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival---I want to watch people make fools of themselves by competing in the "STELLLLLLAAAA!!" yelling contest----hell--I may make a fool of myself and do it too!! Do my best Stanley Kowalski impersonation!!! (actually more of an impersonation of Brando doing Kowalski! LOL)

Anyone who wants to meet down in the Big Easy in late March 2010---let me know!

I tried to post the link for info about the event--but the site must have been down--they don't have any real info for next spring yet other than the dates of the 2010 event at this point anyhow----

I know that such an event is not appealing to everyone--but hanging around New Orleans for a week, eating some of that great New Orleans cuisine, checking out some of the local music clubs, eating beignets (pronounced Ben-yays) and drinking chicory coffee at Cafe Du Monde on Lafayette Square each morning and just generally checking out all that goes on in the Big Easy is pretty cool and at that time of year--the temps are not so bad and the high humidity of summer rarely kicks in at that point.

I can tell ya though--I will take in as many seminars, sessions, roundtables, lectures, discussions and such that the festival offers that I can stand-and I am also going to be carrying my camera or cameras with me to go around taking as many photos of the sights of NOLA that I can--so I may not be the most exciting company!!! :bigrin::bigrin:

Have fun in New Orleans professor.

Sep 2, 2009, 10:53 PM
I've been to Mardi Gras several times, but never to Southern Decadence. I have heard a lot about it and have heard it's a seriously wild time. Lots of sex, neckkd-ness, drinkin, drugs, ETC. From what I have heard that it's almost impossible to practice something like "safe sex" during the event. Please do me and all at this site a report of how it went (with pics if possible) So have fun in the Orleans Bi Professer,,,, Be safe, OK?

Your friend, :doggie:

Dammmmm 12 Voltman, if you can handle that chicory coffee they serve down there. Then you are tuffer than I am. After a few sips of that stuff, you gotta lick between your toes just to get the taste out of your mouth. I mean that is some strong stuff. Or at least it seems that way to me.

Alaskan Couple
Sep 3, 2009, 1:11 AM
HaHa, you asked for "advice", so here's my first thoughts;

I don't think I would have chosen this venue as an attempt to show my doubting wife that bisexuality is a "safe normal thing". She must be more open than I first thought if seeing the wild goings-on there won't cause here to run screaming back home! Good Luck.

Sep 3, 2009, 1:21 AM
We visit NOLA about twice a year. Love chicory coffee and "ben-yays." And, I agree ....
Play Safe.