View Full Version : do your gay friends say "thats so gay?"

Aug 30, 2009, 8:53 PM
all my straight friends say it about things that couldn't possibly have a sexual preference such as there flat tire or skipping dvd, but does it offend you? its obvious that the context implies some negativity, but in my experience my gay friends use words like faggot and gay more often in a negative way. do you think this is chumming around harmlessly with friends or a bad habit for the community to get into?

Aug 30, 2009, 9:30 PM
They do, especially when it comes to fashion decisions. It's as though they have the right to the phrase because they are, but then they are the first to get offended when a straight person uses the words "queer", "faggot", "gay", "homosexual", or "bisexual" reguardless of the context. But I've noticed that about a lot of other groups where I live anyway, I don't know about anywhere else. A lot of words that could be considered derogatory are used within that particular group of people. I just don't understand the human race sometimes.

Aug 30, 2009, 11:34 PM
I have used that phrase a lot myself, but have recently decided to start using the phrase "Thats so hetero." Damn hets.... XD

roy m cox
Aug 31, 2009, 12:44 AM
I have used that phrase a lot myself, but have recently decided to start using the phrase "Thats so hetero." Damn hets.... XD

this is a better thing to say :bigrin:

but i don't say it cuzz it is hurtful ,,

it's just a bad taste thing

M. Wolfe
Aug 31, 2009, 1:48 AM
I've managed to phase it out of my vernacular, I don't think it's fair "gay" to be associated with negativity. I think my friends are more careful around me aswell.

Aug 31, 2009, 9:22 PM
I have used that phrase a lot myself, but have recently decided to start using the phrase "Thats so hetero." Damn hets.... XD

love it! i think i found a good replacement!

Sep 1, 2009, 1:25 PM
When I thought I was a 0 on the kinsey scale I went to the local gay bar on the invattation of a gay friend> I did not think of it as slumming it was no different for me if my gay friend had joined me at a straight bar. I was given a view into his world and we were good friends enjoying an evening together. Nothing more, the women were ther for a show and dancing without the fear of some guy thinking an invatiton to dance wasan automatic invite home to spend the night. We all had a good time and no one had any issues with the "straights" being there.We enjoyed the shows and drinks. Now if the same could be said about lesbian bars ithings would be truly equal:2cents:

Sep 1, 2009, 2:28 PM
I call things gay all the time and im bi as they come.
idk. its a habit. nothing to take seriously, its not like they say
"thats so faggot"