View Full Version : sexually frustrated

Aug 29, 2009, 8:12 PM
im a girl in a ldr with my bf im suppose to move after i finish school in a couple of months but when me and him are together and we have sex he always finished and leaves me hanging and goes straight to putting his boxers on and turning on the tv or going on the computer. we use to have pretty nice phone sex but its has died down completly. i use to date girls before him and now im so close to cheating on him i just dont know what to do. ughhhhh advice?

Aug 29, 2009, 8:40 PM
Has there been any communication between you two? I would start with that and go from there. Has there ever been sex when he did take care of your needs or has it always been one sided?

Aug 29, 2009, 9:13 PM
"when me and him" you need to stay in school longer:bigrin: he and I :2cents:
but yes you 2 should talk about it. I :male:1/2 don't think cheating is ever the proper thing to do.

Aug 29, 2009, 11:11 PM
Teehee, he has a point, the world does speak English overall(the French lie alot) even today. But, possibly you should call him when he's out and "abought" Just a thought, whats his number

Aug 30, 2009, 12:45 AM
Make him satisfy you first, before he gets to get his rocks off. Oral can be a truly wonderful thing.

Aug 30, 2009, 2:16 AM
it is a big deal when me and him have been together for 2 years and ive only had 1 orgasm from having sex with him

roy m cox
Aug 30, 2009, 4:14 AM
hmmm any girl's iv been with i have always stayed with them till they was dune i mean if i finish t first i would stay and play with them and make her cum to then we would end up falling asleep or some thing like that or we would get some thing to eat after having sex ,

did you ever tell him to keep going he might just think your dun having sex to tell him you want more and or get some good sex toy's get him to play with you with them i love to play with toys with a girl and make us both happy also try food i know it sounds weird but food can and duzz make sex fun my boy friend and i do that a lot now to he would get off before me and do the same as your bf till we started doing all of the toys and food its just so much fun to do he now a lot of times will come home from work with sucheshi and want me to get naked for him heh :bigrin: so give it a try i hope it'll work for you too :tongue:


Aug 30, 2009, 4:43 AM
Gold Lion,
Don't take this the wrong way but I think you already know where this is headed and are either holding out hope that there's a magic solution for selfishness within easy reach, or looking for some assurance that you're not totally wacked in your desire to pursue orgasm with an interested party by your side.

And, while I'm afraid I can't help you with the first possibility, I certainly support you in the second.

The only person I get naked with as of late is a friend who knows of my bi-ness, loves my massages and allows me total access to any of her 2,000 body parts that appear a bit tense, via whatever approach I choose to take. And that's yummy, to be sure.

However, she takes virtually no initiative during the course of an overnight visit to accommodate my efforts to do (what she terms) "wonderful" things to her. Nor does she make much, if any, effort to get me off during the course of my stay. In short, unless I do the work nothing happens. And, she seems really OK with that.

Anyway, having had perhaps 40 dates of this sort over the past 3-4 years I've only reached orgasm in her presence twice. So, while she and I have been friends for longer than we've been occasional lovers, I've no desire to commit to an exclusive (much less long-term) relationship with someone totally able-bodied if I have to be responsible making every aspect of our physical relationship satisfying. Not only is it too much work, but unless you're way more of a top than I am, it's not very sexy. Ya know?

So, while we're currently friends with benefits we both know that we're not what each other is ultimately looking for. And that's ok.

Reciprocity rocks the hardest, Gold Lion. If this can't be talked out, you owe it to yourself to look for someone who takes joy in your bliss. Ya know?
IMHO, you'll be glad you did.

Best of luck to you,

Aug 31, 2009, 3:06 PM
Personally I find that type of behavior appalling, it denotes a lack of respect. I don't know if you have spoken with him about it, If you have and he continunes to be so selfish you'll need to decide if this is a type of person you really want to be involved with. I do know there are some men that have this type of mentality . Bottom line he has to care enoungh about you to treat you in the way you deserve to be treated

Aug 31, 2009, 6:46 PM
im a girl in a ldr with my bf im suppose to move after i finish school in a couple of months but when me and him are together and we have sex he always finished and leaves me hanging and goes straight to putting his boxers on and turning on the tv or going on the computer. we use to have pretty nice phone sex but its has died down completly. i use to date girls before him and now im so close to cheating on him i just dont know what to do. ughhhhh advice?

you know he dosen't care about u to prove it don't have sex with him for a week watch if he gets mad or make him eat u before u let him in u if he dosen't like that you know u better be looking for another boy friend real people make the other feel good

Aug 31, 2009, 9:00 PM
Yeah hon, sorry to say but I also think he is using you. It isn't too much to ask to have at least one orgasm a month is you are actively having sex with this person.

From the way you described it seems either selfish, ignorant or immature on the part of the partner. If he doesn't want to do it with his member (very foolish boy) then you should educate him on how to use fingers or other things.

Some guys do that, I'm not sure why - I love nuzzling just as much as the other stuff..weird.

Sep 1, 2009, 8:28 AM
im a girl in a ldr with my bf im suppose to move after i finish school in a couple of months but when me and him are together and we have sex he always finished and leaves me hanging and goes straight to putting his boxers on and turning on the tv or going on the computer. we use to have pretty nice phone sex but its has died down completly. i use to date girls before him and now im so close to cheating on him i just dont know what to do. ughhhhh advice?

does he suffer from premature ejaculation? maybe u get him too worked up and he cums way to soon

Sep 1, 2009, 10:04 AM
does he suffer from premature ejaculation? maybe u get him too worked up and he cums way to soon

even if that were the case there are other things he could do IF he cared :2cents:

Sep 1, 2009, 8:52 PM
Sounds like boyfriend needs some lessons on Proper Sexual Technique 101And you need to learn how to say, "Hey, you dont get any til I'm happy and satisfied"
And if he isnt filling the bill, then perhaps you need to think about staying in school and finding someone better suited for you. :}
Just my humble :2cents: