View Full Version : New member

Aug 25, 2009, 9:53 PM
I'm a 42 yr old married man that has been bi in my heart and mind since age 13 but only last year told my wife. She was very open ad accepting of this and has been an inspiration and love of my life.We have been married 14 years now with no kids.

I have become a new man ever since. I just found this forum and hope to share and learn more and more.
I have never had an experience with a man and might never do so. But accepting myself and moving forward has been most liberating.The weight truly has been lifted.
I hope to find true male friends in which to bond with and share life with. So far that has been tough as I have never had many male friends.
Perhaps some day i will find some.

Thanks for letting me share.


Aug 25, 2009, 9:57 PM

Aug 25, 2009, 10:03 PM
Welcome Handlebar...........

Glad you have decided to join us. This is a fine place to explore and to read and chat with others who may have had experiences similar to your own. The person you most have to learn about is YOU. Hope to see you in chat.


Aug 25, 2009, 10:52 PM
Welcome to this delightfully whacky little family, Darlin. You wont find any finer people than these people, and I'm certain that you shall soon love us.:bigrin:
Come see us in chat sometime. Come on in, introduce yourself and get to know us. :}
Everybody's feline

roy m cox
Aug 26, 2009, 1:11 AM
hay Welcome Handlebar. "hugs"


tg Shannon
Aug 26, 2009, 8:39 AM
Welcome, you'll love this place, great people, I love em all

Aug 26, 2009, 10:19 AM

I'm older than you and have known I was bi since before I understood what it meant. However, I've only had a few relationships with guys. The ones I have been with were those I knew well, trusted completely, and were totally up-front and honest with. All but one was exemplary. My last LTR was a fellow, like you, who'd never been with a male lover before, but we were lovers for over 10 years. I hope you are very selective and when, and if, you do have your first experience, that your lover is everything you'd hoped for. Good luck!

Aug 26, 2009, 5:32 PM
Hi everybody, my name is Jim. I am a 30 year old man searching for other like minded people not really as a hook-up, but just meet people I can relate to an hang out with that share the same bi-sexual feelings that I do. I am not out so discretion is of the utmost importance. I am glad I found a community of like minded people. I hope to one day find new friends on this forum and maybe more.

Aug 26, 2009, 11:21 PM
Welcome to the site handlebar and pixbasjay :bigrin:

pixbasjay everything you posted you should apply it to your profile, it will be seen by more members that way.

Good luck to you both and have fun :)

Aug 26, 2009, 11:49 PM
howdy almost neighbor . it a great feeling when we are totally open with our spouse . and isn't a loving wife or husband's support that to me makes this experience all that much more enjoyable..... to me anyway...
love to hear from you and about you in the future.

Aug 28, 2009, 2:05 AM
Hi to handlebar and pixbasjay

We're a pretty wacky site, per Cat :rolleyes:, yet we're all real, with some exceptions.

Hey, were all going through the same stuff and wonder. Some of us have spouses that understand and others of us don't. That's the way it is. That bio Ying/Yang messes our minds as to being straight or non-straight. [notice I didn't use gay/lesbian?] We tend to wander back and forth between those lines.

Think you'll like it here, welcome!


Aug 28, 2009, 1:11 PM
welcome handlebar
i'm sure you'll have fun and make new friends here
i'm new myself :)

Aug 28, 2009, 10:15 PM
Hello Handlebar, hope you find what you're looking for and I am happy you have an understanding partner at your side... :paw::paw:

Aug 28, 2009, 10:43 PM
Welcome around, man. Hope you find your stay here enlightening and enjoyable.


Aug 31, 2009, 5:22 PM
Thanks to all of you for the delightful responses.

It will indeed be a journey of rocky roads for myself and maybe my wife. But as another here said:What goes on between us and our friends is OUR business. If others do find out I won't deny it anymore. I have tired of holding in the feelings for 30 years.

This weekend I went to a function and as we were talking about compliments from both men and women i ,for the first time in a group setting, said I loved getting comments on my looks from men and women both. A few eyebrows raised and a few others smiled. That was the extent of it. When someone DID ask me point blank if gay man were something I wanted to or could be I said no as that's very true. No lying. But I was certainly smiling a bit as I said it. :tong:

I have now met a few more male bonding friends online and hope to continue the search for that group of close male friends. No doubt I have made some here already!! Thanks to all of you!

SW Washington