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Aug 24, 2009, 12:21 PM
Anyone care to share tips about first time anal? I am very curious and looking to do this soon.

Aug 24, 2009, 2:44 PM
patience patience patience
lots of ass play with lips fingers with lots of lube
after a lot of this then have partner sit on chair or lie on bed so u can be over him and lower self as you can if experience pain rise wait and lower again till relaxed enough to take all of cock in ass then rise and lower a few more times then assume your or his favorite position i like to be on back with legs raised so he can work on my :2cents: nipples and cock too

Aug 24, 2009, 4:03 PM
My best response is that there shouldn't be a "first time anal".

And by that, I mean, do not go in with an ass that has previously been untouched hoping to have "full-on" anal sex. That's a recipe for disaster in the worst cases, and just not a very fun time.

Work your way up. Your rectum is a muscle, and just like any other muscle, you wouldn't go lifting a hundred pounds right off the bat- so why would you try and have sex with an average-sized penis or dildo? Start with a finger. Over time, go up gradually to two, then three. By the time you're ready for that "first time anal", it's the final step in a progression, not trying to break your ass in.

Other than that, just remember the basics: use a good-quality, medium-thick or thick lube made specifically for anal sex (no oil-based lubes if you're using condoms, watch out for and avoid lubes containing numbing agents like benzocaine or lydocaine), don't forget to breathe, bear down like you're having a bowel movement during the initial penetration (counter-intuitive, yes, but some people swear it helps), go slow, warm up beforehand with some anal play like rimming and touching, just relax. Try positions that put you in control of the speed and depth, usually where you can crouch over and lower yourself down. And finally, add in some clitoral or penile stimulation to really make everything "pop".

Aug 24, 2009, 11:23 PM
yes, Cand86 is absolutely right. I'm only going to add more of the same to her comments about it by saying that anal play is so important in gradually reaching that pivotal moment. It does take time to build up to it and rather than rush into it and have a disastrous moment as I did for many years and was against the whole idea for the longest time, enjoy it slowly.

Anal play is great fun and a turn on as well...just using your fingers to play around the opening and inserting them in just a bit from time to time which eventually graduates to two and on and on....and the depth changes as you eventually adjust. If there is a partner and that person is willing to do this with you even better. And of course as she also mentioned, having someone rimming you is an amazing sensation and is an indicator that there is definitely pleasure to have from the anal area and within...

Purchasing a toy or two can also be helpful and of course start with the smallest and eventually work the sizes up gradually. That surely worked for me. After about a year of all this exploration and practicing, I was finally able to put it to the test with an actual person. He was patient. But when it was time, there was no discomfort whatsoever...it was a most exquisite moment where complete pleasure consumed me...

Wishing you well with your own explorations....