View Full Version : G0ys?

Aug 24, 2009, 11:38 AM
Hey, all. Just thought I'd throw out something new to me. It's a new term and apparently a new sexual movement, or some such. G0ys (that's spelled with a zero) are guys that like other guys but aren't homosexuals, so they say. Fascinating subject, to me, and it's taken me the better part of 24 hours to see where these guys are coming from.

I first found out about them while looking at Yahoo Groups and found this group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/norcalg0ys/?yguid=224794640) to which I applied for membership, if only to get a better idea of what they're about.

The groups moderator sent me this link (http://www.g0ys.org/g0ydar.htm). While it still didn't explain it enough to me (just skim thru the part about sharks) I found the part where the guy explains how he pursues an intimate relationship with a male friend VERY HOT. He also sent me an e-mail asking to explain a little more about me as they seem to be rather strict with group membership.

I sent a letter of explanation back and never heard from him but noticed I could access the site and was listed as a member. So, I tried to post to the group and ask a few questions. The posting form mentioned that the moderator would have to approve my comments before posting. For some reason my comments never showed up.

I had asked what the limits for sexual contact for g0ys were, for one. I know anal sex is forbidden, but wasn't sure about oral sex. Since my question wasn't posted, I got no answer from that group.

Then I found another g0y group. This one (http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/40ishg0ys2/?yguid=224794640) seemed to be really active and I was able to join right up. Still couldn't post, though, so my question remained unanswered. But, upon joining the group sent out some e-mails of introduction that included a pdf file that confirmed most of what I'd been thinking.

As best I can figure, these type of guys enjoy very deep, intimate emotional relationships with other men. That relationship can progress to the point of being both physical and sexual, yet they supposedly aren't gay. I haven't been able to find out whether they approve of oral sex yet, but they certainly disapprove of anal sex between either sex or women.

They also disapprove of what they call the gay agenda: fetishes, crossdressing, effemenite men and such.

So, interesting group of people. I'm not sure I'd consider myself one of them, though, if for no other reason than I enjoy anal sex with men and see nothing wrong with it. If I was as much in love with a guy as they seem to be, I'd see anal sex as the natural thing for two men in love to do.

I can somewhat understand their aversion to the "gay agenda". but I really don't have a problem with fetishes, crossdressing or effemenite men.

But I really like that one web site (http://www.g0ys.org/g0ydar.htm) where the guy writes about how he established such a deep relationship with the other guy and ends up naked with him. I found that so moving that I ended up sending an e-mail to an old boyfriend saying how much I loved and missed him.

If nothing else, that one page is a good guideline for establishing an intimate relationship with another guy whether you want it to be a g0y one, or a gay one.

Aug 24, 2009, 11:54 AM
are guys that like other guys but aren't homosexuals

Is being gay in their mind so bad they concuct this idea to justify things to themselves? I'm sorry but I simply can't wrap my head around this concept.

The posting form mentioned that the moderator would have to approve my comments before posting. For some reason my comments never showed up.

Well that does only one thing - reinforce my perosnal opinion as they won't allow a discussion that could change my point of view.

Shhhhh 47/F/usa
Aug 24, 2009, 12:03 PM
Gee, they sound like bisexual men. Perhaps they aren't ready to come out as bi and for some odd reason have decided that G0y is an easier lable to live with?? Or do these G0ys not desire women at all? Didn't see anything referencing if they liked women too. Just what we need in this world is more lables. Sheesh.

Aug 24, 2009, 12:04 PM
I just finished reading the .pdf file they sent me that describes g0y. I think I have it now.

Their thing is masculinity and anything that degrades masculinity is disapproved of, strongly. So, any of the effeminate stuff some of us associate with gayness is wrong in their eyes and they're distancing themselves from it.

Their objection to anal sex seem to be because they also find that degrading.

On the upside, they also reject anti- gay and anti- same sex doctrine of religious groups. Also on the upside imo is they give guys who might not ever consider being involved with another man, a way to get around the social pressure and bias that prevents them from doing that now and I suspect there are a lot of guys like that.

One question I have know, and I asked it on the second g0y group I joined (but for some reason it didn't post) is how these folks feel about 2 guys getting married. I would think they wouldn't have a problem with it?

Aug 24, 2009, 12:08 PM
G0y is an easier lable to live with?? Or do these G0ys not desire women at all? Didn't see anything referencing if they liked women too. Just what we need in this world is more lables. Sheesh.

I think that's part of it, an easier label. I see that as probably a good thing if it will help break down the barriers so many guys have with being intimate with another guy.

As far as women go, what I read was that g0ys can be bi, straight, homo (yes, homo), married or single. I think the homo applies to homo guys that are masculine and don't practice anal sex. And there probably are some homos that don't practice anal sex.

Aug 24, 2009, 12:09 PM
As was said on the TV show 'Laugh In' many years ago: "Very interesting."

Aug 24, 2009, 12:49 PM
I receive an e-mail via one of those g0y groups. This was written by the thy guy that moderates the first g0y group I joined:

I think it should apply...Pardon my candor, if a guy starts getting
> possessive and freaking out over one of his male buddies, then he's
> not g0y, he's just being a fag...this is something to keep in mind
> and G0y Veh explained it once, if not a number of times: this is why
> it is important to develop many g0y friends, not obsessively try to
> 'find' a singular g0y 'partner'.

I take that to mean they don't believe in exclusive monogomous guy to guy relationships? I'm not sure. I can't see how they would have a problem with two guys being married, but it almost seems these are supposed to be less than formal relationships they're looking for (although nothing wrong with that, I suppose).

I've actually written this guy again asking how they feel about 2 men getting married. I get the feeling he won't answer, again.

Aug 24, 2009, 1:15 PM
Ok, so it's just a group of people with a very, very selective list of things that are not happy with the general label of being gay or bisexual, and by selective I mean if you were to draw a chart there would be quite a few branches going off to get to where they are now.

Hopefully they aren't going to try and push their image and whatnot too much, because as we all know those in the bisexual category (ourselves) are having an uphill battle to find acceptance and equality, and already seem to get the cold shoulder from the strictly gay/lesbian community (those threads are always coming up)... I mean, can you imagine the resistance they will get from the same groups ?!

I dunno. The more and more I see folks in desperate needs to label themselves, the more I think it's silly. Whoever said your sexuality has to be defined like a legal document ?

Aug 24, 2009, 3:38 PM
Hopefully they aren't going to try and push their image and whatnot too much, because as we all know those in the bisexual category (ourselves) are having an uphill battle to find acceptance and equality, and already seem to get the cold shoulder from the strictly gay/lesbian community (those threads are always coming up)... I mean, can you imagine the resistance they will get from the same groups ?!

Well, I see your point but I'd be hopeful another sexual group on the scene might help bring people to a more accepting attitude towards all sexualities. Besides, as I mentioned earlier, I think anything that promotes guy to guy sexual relationships is a good thing.

I'd really like to see everyone accepting of same sex relations of whatever kind. I've always wished everyone was bisexual (and most probably are more bisexual than they think). That would solve some problems. Wouldn't it be nice if a guy really liked another guy and could ask him out and get sexual with him just like guys and girls do now without having to worry about repercussions?

If something like the g0ys helps us along that path, I'm all for them.:male:

Aug 24, 2009, 3:48 PM
I've blogged (http://pop-shot.blogspot.com/2008/09/boys-and-g0ys.html) about them before.

I'm generally not a fan of anybody who uses silly terms like "the gay agenda".

Aug 24, 2009, 3:54 PM
Well, I see your point but I'd be hopeful another sexual group on the scene might help bring people to a more accepting attitude towards all sexualities. Besides, as I mentioned earlier, I think anything that promotes guy to guy sexual relationships is a good thing.

I'd really like to see everyone accepting of same sex relations of whatever kind. I've always wished everyone was bisexual (and most probably are more bisexual than they think). That would solve some problems. Wouldn't it be nice if a guy really liked another guy and could ask him out and get sexual with him just like guys and girls do now without having to worry about repercussions?

If something like the g0ys helps us along that path, I'm all for them.:male:

I dunno. I am a fan of Together we stand, Divided we Fall. and the more and more labels that must be brought up and established, or well, better put the more we segregate ourselves the less I feel the impact is over all. There comes a point where instead of a label you turn into a "one of those".

Aug 24, 2009, 3:56 PM
I've blogged (http://pop-shot.blogspot.com/2008/09/boys-and-g0ys.html) about them before.

I'm generally not a fan of anybody who uses silly terms like "the gay agenda".

Or uses L33T speak in their identity. That's the other thing that bugs me >< but then now I'm just getting anal retentive.

Aug 24, 2009, 4:05 PM
I take that to mean they don't believe in exclusive monogomous guy to guy relationships? I'm not sure. I can't see how they would have a problem with two guys being married, but it almost seems these are supposed to be less than formal relationships they're looking for (although nothing wrong with that, I suppose).

I've actually written this guy again asking how they feel about 2 men getting married. I get the feeling he won't answer, again.

It seems to be a reaction to the stereotypical effeminate gay image, as someone else has said it allows them to learn to be affectionate with another man without having to appear to lose their masculine power to the rest of society.

Being married would be perceived in one of two ways depending on your outlook on relationships and maturity level. It would mean a lifelong bond and partnership (like Greek Spartans) or you would be subjugating yourself. I'm not g0y but the general impression I get is that marriage would be too serious of an issue - you don't want to have to think too hard about what you are feeling or you might end up being a "gAy" ..

One of the big things homophobes don't quite get is how a man can just "give up" the unearned power and prestige that automatically comes with being born male in our culture "to be treated like a woman".

Doesn't that just paint a rosy picture of what homophobes think of women as well?

Personally I know that all people internally possess feelings that our society might label as masculine or feminine. It's only the hormones that influence our growth and make us have different physical characteristics..and it is societal perception that influences what behaviors we demonstrate to the external world.

Anyway - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, as long as they aren't homicidal who am I to say if those guys are right or wrong - they just are. There can be guys that like to be with each other, a lot - who are affectionate and don't like anal sex.

Aug 24, 2009, 4:06 PM

I checked out the website and thought it was some of the creepest and dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life.

First did any get greated by the creepy "WELCOME" on the front page.

I'm proud to be bisexual and have no interest in anal sex but this web page is just masculine, stalking (that is esentually the technques they are teaching to help you infiltrate your straight friends) bullshit.

I love being bisexual, but I found the g0y stuff to be manipulative and, in my opinion, sexist and mean spirited towards women. I like women too much and I like my friends to much for these manipulative games.

Ugh... that site was hysterical... but depressing at the same time.

Aug 24, 2009, 4:13 PM
Ahh, here you go - this is from the bottom of the site link you posted..


" he'll eventually let you do what he alone is trusted to do with his masculine locus: The "JO". This is why the trust factor needs to be 2nd to none. And after the guy shoots under the guide of your accepting hand, etc; -- The act will create a bond because of the neurotransmitters released in the process. It's very important that you be ready to explain what "g0y is" soon after -- to comfort the guy who's been brainwashed about same-sex attractions being "bad" his whole life. No camp ... & no arse-phuck means g0y -- not gAy. Two buddies helping each other pump out a wad is the closest bonding experience that best friends can share. Be naked without shame & he will be too."

That pretty much explains everything I needed to know about the g0y movement.

I know some ladies that might actually enjoy watching these guys <smiles>

Aug 24, 2009, 4:15 PM
Those guys sound pretty gay or bi to me.

Aug 24, 2009, 4:16 PM
Also I just noticed how often they refer to gays as fags. I think this website is pretty digusting and see no good in it.

What a bunch of prejudice Fuckers... Ugh... again, this is depressing

Aug 24, 2009, 4:50 PM
Also I just noticed how often they refer to gays as fags.

I think that's just another way to tell themselves and others they aren't homos.

Aug 24, 2009, 4:52 PM
I've blogged (http://pop-shot.blogspot.com/2008/09/boys-and-g0ys.html) about them before.

Nice commentary, cand86, and that's from a fellow blogger, although I rarely, if ever, blog about this sort of stuff. I was seriously thinking of bringing this up on my blog, but the responses here have been much better than anything I could of gotten on my blog.

Alaskan Couple
Aug 25, 2009, 12:32 AM
I think someone should somehow track each of these "G0ys" to see if they stay "G0ys"....because in my experience, a little mutual JO and a little male bonding...one thing leads to another...and....next thing you know... Dayum! you ain't a "G0y" no more!!!! You became one of them others!!!!!

Aug 25, 2009, 3:18 AM
I want to say thank you to the woman in the store or should I say Thank You to the bracelet. I just want to share my story with ALL the unemployed people that have lost hope. Perhaps ...

Aug 25, 2009, 3:31 AM
I'd say each to their own, but I do find something rather disturbing about their tone.

Aug 25, 2009, 5:44 AM
We had some discussions on this topic on the boards a few years ago and I had checked it out then----through the "gOY" thing---I also got introduced to the concept of "frotting" too--the physical part of that is nice--but that-like "g0y" seems to have this entire philosophy built around it that you are supposed to accept in its entirety--without question.

I don't much care for those sorts of things----my feeling is for those who go for these sorts of things-just like religion--it is a free country (more or less) so they can believe and practice as they will---but for me--thanks but no thanks!!!

I will just push ahead--along "my own path!"

Aug 25, 2009, 8:49 AM
I think someone should somehow track each of these "G0ys" to see if they stay "G0ys"....because in my experience, a little mutual JO and a little male bonding...one thing leads to another...and....next thing you know... Dayum! you ain't a "G0y" no more!!!! You became one of them others!!!!!

I was thinking the same thing. I can't imagine fooling around with a guy and having it stay limited to mutual masturbation and [maybe] blow jobs.

Aug 25, 2009, 12:57 PM
That guy ended up answering my question as to whether g0ys marry guys:

Hi Fred,

Certainly it is an option, for some.

One must remember a few things, however. Not all g0ys are homosexual or bisexual. Some are heterosexual; some are already married - to a woman - and some even further, have families.

The g0y movement is about Friendship First, building strong bonds of brotherhood. We state that there is a logical progression to things, that often the gAy lifestyle doesn't recognize...many in the gAy lifestyle want to fast-track to a relationship, or not even that...they simply are in love with the idea of being in love and as a result, move in and out of relationships never truly finding what they are searching for.

The g0y philosophy of Friendship First attempts to bring legitimacy to a logical progression. Developing a number of g0y friendships - or friendships with a number of men - even outside of a g0y community; orientation should not be a prime criteria, of course, if in a short time, a person of interest expresses a 'gAy' bent, it's best to leave them to their own lifestyle and move on. With the possibility that up to 60%+ of men have some feelings of same-gender-affection, a g0y man actually has more of a pool to explore than the minuscule segment that identifies only with the gay community.

These Friendships likewise have to go through a logical progression as well, before even considering reaching a stage of intimacy. Trust and Respect must be a component; the friendship progressing to strong Bond of Brotherhood, a level of understanding far beyond "Stats", "What are you into?", and other shallowness. Indeed, it might be months or years before a g0y friendship reaches a level where two guys take things further. Do many guys who think they are g0y want to wait that long? No...because they are still stuck in old paradigms. Too many men, so little time. Aside from this logical progression in emotions and a building of trust and respect; also a openness in discussing possible further intimacy and the accompanying responsibilities - safe sexual expression, regular and comprehensive health testing, and so on - are all elements that must be dealt with before even getting CLOSE to sexual connections.

Simply stated, two guys don't identify as g0y, meet on a Palm Springs weekend and by day two they are in the throes of passion, thinking 'we're g0y' and we are above the hook-up mentality. No, it's simply a hook-up. Maybe absent dangerous or degrading fetish behavior, but a hook-up all the same.

A g0y man may remain single for the rest of his life, but manage to surround himself with brothers that he knows will always have his back, no matter what. Like they can count on him. Because g0ys does not follow the typical male/female model of relationships, or masculine/feminine roles, nor do they follow the gAy model as well, which would be rampant promiscuity on one hand or monogamous, but rarely long-lasting pairings, on the other. G0y men may have a number of friendships/brotherhoods/relationships that each individually progress to far different levels. G0ys don't get clingy or jealous - or they shouldn't - because of not following the 'old paradigms', it is understood that some will always remain friends but never turn intimate, and others, simultaneously or alone, may progress further. Over time, two g0ys in a particular group of friends/brothers may reach a level far beyond the others. If they, at that point decided to make their relationship a permanent situation, that would be their choice entirely. Do we adamantly march for the 'right' to marry as the gay community does. No, simply because the majority of g0ys are outside the realm of the exclusive homosexual community and fall into the criteria (heterosexual marriage) illustrated in my second paragraph above, it's not something of high importance. For those g0ys, like myself, that are exclusively homosexual-oriented...it certainly could be a n option, someday. BUT, the longer I spend in the study and involvement of the movement and philosophy, I understand the acceptability of the freedom to choose; to have varying levels of g0y relationships - from non-sexual platonic friendships to allowing some of those friendships to grow deeper, perhaps to the level where exclusivity might become an option both parties might wish to discuss and explore.

Bottom line, it could certainly be acceptable, but it doesn't change the rules or the methodology of reaching that point where a permanent union would be a consideration.

I think your question is a very good one. It might be a worthy topic of discussion. It may not generate a flood of responses in norcalg0ys, but why not try. Otherwise, in some of the larger groups, you are very certainly going to get a wide range of feedback.

Best wishes,


Aug 25, 2009, 4:38 PM
I know some ladies that might actually enjoy watching these guys <smiles>


Aug 25, 2009, 5:34 PM
Well Fred, it sounds to me like they want to play circle jerk and see who they can brainwash into playing too. I don't care what they call themselves, they are not any better than any one else in this world. Their answers and the such that I have seen on here seem to run along the same theme. Jerk me off and I'll jerk you off. There's no love just alot of one night stands. And being that "some of these men are married and have families" They are condoning having affairs. I would guess that their wives wouldn't know about the g0y relationships.Or did I miss something

Aug 25, 2009, 5:53 PM
There's no love just alot of one night stands. And being that "some of these men are married and have families" They are condoning having affairs. I would guess that their wives wouldn't know about the g0y relationships.Or did I miss something

I don't get that impression. As the guy explained, in g0y relationships, the relationship is built first, then it may develop into a sexual one. I didn't get an impression of them having one night stands, at all. They (or I should say HE) says one night stands are what homos prefer, which I think might be true to some extent.

For instance, as a homo, I have no problem casual sex with men. A lot of homos do, but that doesn't mean they haven't developed close relationships with a man, either. I would prefer to have an at least somewhat committed boyfriend, but I don't. Homo couples have married after being together for years, so it's not like g0ys have a claim to longer lasting relationships than homos.

Like I said earlier, it seems weird they felt the need to come up with a separate sexuality for identifying their group, but I think anything that makes sexual activity between guys more mainstream is great. Hopefully, more guys who consider themselves totally straight will join the g0ys and start getting sexual with their male friends. And, hopefully, their somewhat anti- homo feelings won't become the dominant part of their culture and more of these straight guys might turn from g0y to fully bi.

Alaskan Couple
Aug 26, 2009, 1:29 AM
I don't get that impression. As the guy explained, in g0y relationships, the relationship is built first, then it may develop into a sexual one. I didn't get an impression of them having one night stands, at all. They (or I should say HE) says one night stands are what homos prefer, which I think might be true to some extent.

For instance, as a homo, I have no problem casual sex with men. A lot of homos do, but that doesn't mean they haven't developed close relationships with a man, either. I would prefer to have an at least somewhat committed boyfriend, but I don't. Homo couples have married after being together for years, so it's not like g0ys have a claim to longer lasting relationships than homos.

Like I said earlier, it seems weird they felt the need to come up with a separate sexuality for identifying their group, but I think anything that makes sexual activity between guys more mainstream is great. Hopefully, more guys who consider themselves totally straight will join the g0ys and start getting sexual with their male friends. And, hopefully, their somewhat anti- homo feelings won't become the dominant part of their culture and more of these straight guys might turn from g0y to fully bi.

I tend to agree with your opinion. It is odd that they have taken the initiative to try and define a whole new sub group of sexuality. But, viewed in the context of the rampant promiscuity so prevalent in the so called "gay community" it does have some merit. From my own experience, it is difficult to find another man who is not just looking for a casual one night stand for sex and only sex. Frankly, it may be that bisexual men share more common ground with this group than with gays. If these guys are really serious about what they are preaching then I wish them good luck.

Thanks for bringing this topic up - I had never heard of the movement.

Aug 26, 2009, 2:22 AM
Joker-What's wrong with gay men calling each other faggots? I do this all the time and so do my gay male friends and it's not a bad word or a slur.

We are not heterosexual men and we are faggots and homosexual men.

No it's not hateful to use the word like this. I suppose you are one of those older people who gets mad how I use the word queer too.

I think the problem here is that the g0ys don't use it to refer to themselves- they use it to refer exclusively to the "gAy" men that they consider so freakish and deviant, and that *is* a problem.

It's one thing for gay-identified men to use "fag" in a positive, reclaimed fashion with one another, and it's quite another for a group who hates homosexual men to use it in a way that is obviously a slur.

Aug 26, 2009, 2:46 AM
How do they hate homosexual men if that is what they are?

But that's just the thing. They don't think that they are homosexuals- they strictly define themselves as g0ys, set themselves apart. I would also class them as homosexuals or bisexuals, but that's not how they view themselves. They have a lot of prejudiced ideas about gay men (i.e. those that don't adhere to all the tenets they set up as being good, right, and natural), and so, knowing their stances and knowing the history of the word "faggot", I can only interpret it as a slur.

Aug 26, 2009, 3:42 AM
Methinks you are not reading what I wrote, so, meh. Toodles.

Aug 26, 2009, 4:16 AM
I guess I'm not offended by the word, but the feelings behind it.

You don't take offense at their ideas, and that's fine, but I do take offense to the idea that anal sex is deviant, or that a feminine male gender expression makes one a "phreak". I'd have no problem with them being guys who don't like anal sex and who don't feel sexual attraction to femme guys, but for me, personally, they step over the line when they move it beyond personal preference.

Aug 26, 2009, 12:17 PM
I've been reading the posts from one of those g0y groups over the last day or so and I'll have to say it sounds like most of these guys are closeted gay or bi guys. They write mostly about their desire for discreet relationships with other guys.

Aug 26, 2009, 12:53 PM
so a g0y could be str8, bi or gay. this is bull. i don't think any str8 guy wants romance or sex so those str8 guys who say they're g0ys are just full of shit. i don't get offended by the word fag. it's a common word

Aug 26, 2009, 1:35 PM
I am going to post what I wrote earlier in this thread.

I really don't care if they call me and other gay men faggots since that is what we are!

What's wrong with gay men calling each other faggots? I do this all the time and so do my gay male friends and it's not a bad word or a slur.

We are not heterosexual men and we are faggots and homosexual men.

No it's not hateful to use the word like this. I suppose you are one of those older people who gets mad how I use the word queer too.

I get tired of people who are ultra PC and too overly sensitive telling me what words I can or cannot use.

I really don't care if you or anyone else calls me a faggot since I am one!

How bout freedom of speech? If person B is not offended by person A's language then let person A call them it.

You know what I have a better idea.

Let's shelter everyone from the truths of the world, and let's also never swear(it means you are stupid duh), never tease people(jokingly), and let's all watch the Disney channel 24/7. You up for it?


First, the G0ys are offending people they are just not offending YOU

Second, freedom of speech has nothing to do with this since I never advocated for getting rid of the website. Freedom of speech means that when they call someone a faggot I get to refer to them as a fucking moron. Thats freedom of speech.

Three, I never told you what words you can or can't use.

Four, The truths of the world???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What truths are you talking about dude? You are being way too oversensative here. Grow up, Dude and stop thinking that I am advocating to oppress what they write.

I'm criticizing it... I'm not trashing Freedom of Speech

P.S. I'm 29 not some old guy

P.S.S. This will be the first time that I have been criticized for not supporting calling someone a faggot. The world is a fucked up place indeed folks.

Aug 26, 2009, 1:50 PM
Fred-Straight guys don't want sex with other men, and nobody turns gay or bisexual.

The false idea that straight men somehow deep down inside want or have sex with men is just as bad as how straight men think that most or all women are somehow bisexual or lesbian, and then there are the fools who think that gay men who are out and proud about who we are have or want sex with women when we are homosexual and do not have any sexual attraction to women at all.

Now heres one point where we agree... and It points out one of many reasons why I think this movement is a joke.

The idea that there are Heterosexual G0ys (I laugh every time I type that word) is asinine. A Heterosexual is someone who only likes those of the oppisite sex... it doesn't matter what they call themselves. Saying your hetero and into rubbing down dudes... oh man, thats too funny

Aug 26, 2009, 6:11 PM
Now heres one point where we agree... and It points out one of many reasons why I think this movement is a joke.

The idea that there are Heterosexual G0ys (I laugh every time I type that word) is asinine. A Heterosexual is someone who only likes those of the oppisite sex... it doesn't matter what they call themselves. Saying your hetero and into rubbing down dudes... oh man, thats too funny

I am sorry that my post earlier made reference to one night stands. As a FEMALE with many gay male friends I do take offense at the comment that MOST gay men prefer one night stands. Most all of the men I know are in a strong commited relationship, at times stronger than most hetero married couples I know.

Now, onto other things, I thank you for I agree with you whole heartedly Taurus. I see no difference in g0ys and bisexual men. This sounds like a new closet for some men to crawl into. That would be like calling a gay man bisexual because he got really drunk one night and took a woman home with him instead of a drag queen. Don't you think?

Aug 27, 2009, 1:28 AM
I fumbled around with this group a bit. I disagree somewhat with their philosophy which is the reason why I took them off of my Yahoo groups list. I do agree with some elements of their frustration. I like many of the self-professed g0ys live in a closeted world of people and close family who would rather disown me than know that I am bi-sexual. I live in a very fundamentalist area with lots of churches and family that are very religious. I nearly was disowned for my declaration as a Agnostic to my family so damned if I am going to tell them that I'm bi-sexual. Many of these g0ys are mostly in a state of the proverbial "down-low" which people around them will never realize. Many of them like me are very straight-acting, but unlike me (which i am a little open to different personalities) are disgusted with the "ferry" attitude of homosexual men in society (meaning femininity). Also like me, a lot of these guys would fall in the area of 3.8-4 on the Kinsey scale so they may value testosterone driven masculinity over all other behavior and are attracted to other men of the same behavior. I do disagree with a lot of the prejudiced attitudes the g0ys.org site preaches, but that site is their because they are feeling the hungers of a niche of the male population desperate to discuss their SSA behavior without being discovered. I completely disagree about their notion about anal sex. I see it as natural and pleasurable and a way to increase the same-sex bond with a friend or lover. I am a virgin (in every way) and hope the experience the intensity of it one day which I know is abhorrent in the minds eye of the g0y movement. This is the main reason for my disagreement.

Sep 1, 2009, 2:39 PM
I looked up the g0y thing. all i gotta say is...
HOORAY! one step closer to the world admitting that everyone is bisexual WOOT!:bigrin:

Sep 1, 2009, 2:43 PM
I looked up the g0y thing. all i gotta say is...
HOORAY! one step closer to the world admitting that everyone is bisexual WOOT!:bigrin:

Agreed. Like I said earlier, anything that encourages sex between guys is a good thing in my book.

Sep 1, 2009, 11:54 PM
This is not true at all.

I'm a gay man and I have never had any sexual attraction towards women at all.

I had sex with a woman once when I was younger and I found the whole ordeal to be disgusting.

Straight people and gay people like myself are not bisexual at all and no not everyone is bisexual.

1. the fact that i was joking was very obvious. hence the "hooray" and "woot" and :bigrin:
2. the point is that there are more bi people out there than anyone will admit.
I mean we have a group of "straights" calling themselves G0ys and blowing dudes and saying theyre not gay or bi cuz they dont do anal. It just shows how people can be too ashamed of their sexuality to realize and admit what it is. :bipride: :three: :cool: