View Full Version : A Story: A Meeting With A Homo

Aug 18, 2009, 11:35 AM
This is a story of a fun encounter I had with a homo in Sacramento, CA back in the late 80s. I was in pretty good shape back in those days, being a gym rat, and this was one time I think looking good physically really paid off. Come to think of it, this might have been the only time in my life somebody picked up on me:


I was in my mid- 30s and working for the county at the time. I had to attend training in Sacramento and I stayed at a motel during the training. The name of the motel escapes me now but it was a nice one.

Normally, after the training day was over, my roommate and I would head down to the motel’s swimming pool area and hang out around the hot tub. Other guys in our class that were staying at the motel would often join us and we’d party it up.

More often than not, we had the hot tub to ourselves but one night there was someone in the tub we’d never seen before. He sat there and mostly just listened as the rest of us as we talked shop but we did learn he was a male nurse who was also in town for some in- service training.

As the night wore on, my classmates got up and left one by one until the nurse guy and I were the only ones left. I had no idea what was about to transpire and sex really wasn’t on my mind at the time, although back then I suppose it was very near the surface of my thoughts most of the time.

We shared some small talk for a few minutes. Then, I got up to leave and walked over to a vending machine to buy something before I went to my room. As I’m dealing with the vending machine the guy comes up behind me. He says, “Excuse me. I’m a homosexual and I sure would like to suck on that dick of yours”.

Oh, really? “Sure. That would be great. Where’s your room?” and off we went.

What a pleasant surprise this was. The guy actually picked me out of all my classmates, or so I was thinking. Or did he? I got to thinking later on that maybe he just went for the last guy he could catch alone in the tub? Well, I’d like to think it was because I had a pretty good body at the time so, for ego’s sake, I’ll stick with that.

So, we get to his room, go inside and close the door. Immediately we drop our swim trunks and started kissing and I was pleased to find out he was a great kisser, kissing being important to me with men.

I’ll admit, appearance has a lot to do with whether I’ll kiss a guy and this guy wasn’t perfect, but good enough. A little shorter than me and maybe a little chubby but, otherwise, clean cut and overall not bad looking.

As we were making out I had to stop for a second and ask him how he knew I was queer and that I loved sex with men. He said he had no idea and didn’t know what was going to happen when he propositioned me. He didn’t know if I’d kick his ass, or what.

I was almost disappointed. I was kind of hoping he’d say, as at least one other had before, that he just knew I was queer. That would have made me feel good since I’d be more likely to be noticed by guys searching for other guys. Since then, I’ve come to realize that can work both ways as if you’re seen- or thought of- as being queer, some guys might avoid you lest everyone else think they’re queer, too.

So, after making out for a few minutes we move over to his bed. I noticed he had four of five copies of some homo magazines spread out in what seemed to be a display on his bed. I think they were Playgirl or Men magazine. Something along that line, anyway.

I never asked him but I assumed that was part of his pick up routine although I’m not sure how he planned on making that work. Maybe invite someone like me to his room without propositioning first and see what the guy says when he sees the magazines? You know, "Oh, you read the same magazines I do?". Then he could go ahead and move on the guy without worrying about the guy's reaction.

So, we move over to his bed and he sits on the side of it and I stood in front of him while he sucked on my dick. I held his head in my hands giving him verbal encouragement and every now and then I'd bend over and give him a kiss.

While this is going on, he’s jacking himself off and I notice he had the smallest dick I’d ever seen, then or since. I’d say it wasn’t much bigger than my thumb, if even that big. It was so small that he could only use the tips of his fingers to stroke it. Shame, I thought, but it would also make for easy anal sex later on- my ass not having been penetrated in years. I figured I’d be pretty tight.

Finally, I blow my load in his mouth and get a surprise: He reaches over and picks up a hand towel next to him and spits my sperm out on the towel. He says, "I’m sorry, but semen makes me gag”.

Wow, this from a full blown homo? I’m sure I’m not the only guy that feels a bit slighted when someone doesn’t like his sperm.

Still, it was a good blow job. I’d busted my nut and felt I should probably return the favor but I just wasn’t all that turned on at the thought of sucking that small dick. He didn’t indicate he wanted me to, anyway, and went on stroking himself for a minute or so longer. Then I got a second surprise of something I’d never seen before:

When he started to come, he pinched the head of his dick real tight so no cum could come out. Then, he rolled over, pointed his dick at the towel, released his pinch on the head of his dick and let his sperm blow out on the towel. Never seen that before. I’d think all that pressure inside his penis would hurt!

We sat there snuggling and kissing for a few minutes and I brought up the subject of anal sex. I told him I certainly would enjoy him fucking me, but we really should use condoms, being the total strangers we were.

It might seem rude, but I didn’t have any qualms about barebacking him. I was just worried about him inseminating me and me catching something.
If I fucked him, I’d want him to fuck me too, but I didn’t think it would be right to bareback him but not let him bareback me.

He didn’t have any condoms, though and [as an aside] I wondered if there were condoms made that would fit his small weenie? I guess we could of shoved the condom up my rectum first and then have him slip his dick into it.

My gut feeling was he was clean. Still, I wasn’t gonna take the risk as much as I would of loved to keep the night going right then and there with him shooting his load up my ass.

He said he wanted to fuck, too, and he’d go find some condoms. I gave him the number of my room and told him to let me know if he found some.

But, the moment was gone. My libido seemed to get even lower as I went back to my room and seeing my room mate didn’t help, either, since I was back in the real world then and I started worrying about someone finding out what I’d just been doing. It was over.

Next morning when I opened the door of the room to go to breakfast, there was part of a Trojan condom package stuck in the door. He’d actually left it there the night before as he told me he was done with his training and would be leaving in the morning. The package his message to me that he was ready for sex. Luckily my room mate didn’t see that, although I don’t know that he could of connected it to me.

Yep, the moment had passed but it was very enjoyable. One thing that was really good about it was I didn’t feel the guilt I’d often feel about being queer/ bisexual as I nearly always did after I’d done such things earlier on in my life. I didn’t want my room mate to know what happened but, BY GOLLY, I REALLY ENJOYED THAT, and I didn’t feel guilty for doing it! I almost felt proud, especially for what I saw as maybe being chosen from all the other guys that were available.

I wish things like that would happen to me more often but, if you decide to pick me up- a stranger at some motel- please bring some rubbers with you so you can fuck me. I’ll be looking forward to it and, once we get to know each other a little better, we can get rid of the rubbers.

Aug 18, 2009, 12:33 PM
Good story.......something I'd been tempted to do, but never could bring myself to be with a stranger.

I noticed that you seemed to apologize for the guy being chubby and having a small cock. I'm not chubby, nor do I have a really small cock, but the very thing that you may find less than attractive, attracts me!

Different strokes, I guess.

Aug 18, 2009, 12:59 PM
Good story.......something I'd been tempted to do, but never could bring myself to be with a stranger.

Good point about strangers. I get a bit nervous about that, myself, but in this case the guy wasn't bad looking and he seemed like a nice fellow from the short time I'd been in the tub with him (at least a couple hours). I could almost argue that wasn't much different from meeting some guy or gal at a bar, having a few drinks and taking her home for sex. Not saying it was that, but close enough that it was in my comfort zone.

As an aside, I just finished a rough draft on some of the hook ups I've made using the internet. Some involved complete strangers. Some weren't complete strangers by the time I ended up with them sexually. I'll probably post that here in the next couple days after I clean it up.

I will say that, while I get some sexual satisfaction from strangers, I'd much prefer at least a little emotional gratification from the relationship and would love to find a permanent boyfriend.

I'm not chubby, nor do I have a really small cock, but the very thing that you may find less than attractive, attracts me!

Like you say, different strokes. It's a good thing different people have different likes and dislikes. I happen to have much higher standards for guys than I do gals. I have no problem with plump, even FAT, women. With men, if they're wearing a t- shirt and I can see any stomach bulge through the t- shirt, that is a turn off. Not completely disqualifying, but a turn off. As is long unkempt hair or beards.

As far as my own belly, it would be close to a turn off if I looked at myself. :-)))