View Full Version : PETA shames fat people with 'Save the Whales' billboard in Jacksonville

Aug 18, 2009, 10:32 AM
PETA shames fat people with 'Save the Whales' billboard in Jacksonville

posted by Kim Hays on Aug 17, 2009


PETA is putting a new spin on the Save the Whales campaign. And it has nothing to do with aquatic creatures.

PETA billboards that just went up in Jacksonville take aim at the last segment of the population it's still legal to discriminate against: Fat people.

OK, we all know that PETA has never been known for its tact.

I'm pretty sure this isn't really the right approach to promote vegetarianism to the 64 percent of Americans who are overweight. I've personally never been motivated much by public humiliation.


Rest of the story here (http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/fitness_exercise_health/2009/08/peta-save-the-whales-campaign-billboards-overweight-florida.html)


Nice. For those that think PETA isn't sexist. . .that case is looking pretty slim.


Aug 18, 2009, 11:01 AM
Well Thats proof..... Proof that Peta is very Lazy.. If they wanted their vegetarians to be healthier, they would have knocked on doors, going door to door, handing out pamphlets and spreading the good word. It would help to explain to the common omnivores that there is a difference between Vegan and Vegetarian.

Vegans eat nothing that has a face or had a mother.

Vegetarians, still can eat Fish, chicken, eggs and cheese. which means PETA is a load of hypocrisy. When you read the press you see how they are talking against "meat eaters" and then touting being a vegetarian. Vegetarians still eat meat.

Now using fat people and calling them whales is just wrong and to blast it on a billboard should be considered a hate crime.

Aug 18, 2009, 12:54 PM
I agree!

Some of the sweetest, most loving people I've ever known were more than "Twiggies".

I am not attracted to skinny people, but have never felt like negatively calling their lack of flesh to their attention. But, somehow, many of them feel obligated to point out heavier people's weight, even in public. Some even make a point of calling them hurtful names. There's no excuse for that!

Posting a sign like that, makes me think that anyone who would do that, is not nearly as intelligent, or considerate, as they'd like you to think.

Please pass the BBQ!

Aug 18, 2009, 2:40 PM
Only Peta.

Aug 18, 2009, 3:27 PM
PETA - People for the ETHICAL Treatment of Animals

Evidently they do not feel that humans are animals since they don't treat humans ethically.

Aug 18, 2009, 3:48 PM
It's this sort of stuff that makes me want to go and have a whale steak out of spite.

Vegetarians and vegans generally look great, yeah. That's why I love VegPorn (http://www.vegporn.com/home.html) . . . showing off the fine physiques you get when you don't eat meat (enough so for me to say "Hmmm, that might be worth a try!").

What I don't love is the fat shaming. Ugh.

Aug 18, 2009, 4:05 PM
It's this sort of stuff that makes me want to go and have a whale steak out of spite.

Vegetarians and vegans generally look great, yeah. That's why I love VegPorn (http://www.vegporn.com/home.html) . . . showing off the fine physiques you get when you don't eat meat (enough so for me to say "Hmmm, that might be worth a try!").

What I don't love is the fat shaming. Ugh.

OH god why haven't I ever heard of this awesomeness!!!!!!!!!

Aug 18, 2009, 4:19 PM
I just found out what PETA stands for: It's People Eating Tasty Animals"!!

As per Male nurse friend..................with no respect for anyone, or anything!

Aug 18, 2009, 6:23 PM
PETA - People for the ETHICAL Treatment of Animals

Evidently they do not feel that humans are animals since they don't treat humans ethically.

That's a major shame when you think about it...I don't think it's necessary to sacrifice humans on the altar of animal liberation.

And man, I'm going to keep writing PeTA to start putting hot male vegitarians/vegans in their ads.

I don't have to be pissed @ PeTA... I'm a sz 13/14 or 15/16. . .bigger than the ideal, but I don't need two airplane seats. . .but, it's just so ...tactless.


Aug 18, 2009, 7:28 PM
Words fail me with that one, so I have to say it with a pic....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll14/redneck10000/th_peta.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/image/peta/redneck10000/peta.jpg?o=42)

Aug 18, 2009, 8:52 PM
Actually the concept wasn't about PETA of fat of a whale.

It said, "The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had this to say in a press release:

A new PETA billboard campaign that was just launched in Jacksonville reminds people who are struggling to lose weight -- and who want to have enough energy to chase a beach ball -- that going vegetarian can be an effective way to shed those extra pounds that keep them from looking good in a bikini. [....]

Anyone wishing to achieve a hot "beach bod" is reminded that studies show that vegetarians are, on average, about 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters. [...]

"Trying to hide your thunder thighs and balloon belly is no day at the beach," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "PETA has a free 'Vegetarian Starter Kit' for people who want to lose pounds while eating as much as they like. "

nuff said about the post.

Heck, being a big whale type, plankton should fit my bill and keep me fed. Guess not on my journeys till more veg or meat is available.


Aug 18, 2009, 9:01 PM
Actually the concept wasn't about PETA of fat of a whale.

It said, "The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had this to say in a press release:

A new PETA billboard campaign that was just launched in Jacksonville reminds people who are struggling to lose weight -- and who want to have enough energy to chase a beach ball -- that going vegetarian can be an effective way to shed those extra pounds that keep them from looking good in a bikini. [....]

Anyone wishing to achieve a hot "beach bod" is reminded that studies show that vegetarians are, on average, about 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters. [...]

"Trying to hide your thunder thighs and balloon belly is no day at the beach," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "PETA has a free 'Vegetarian Starter Kit' for people who want to lose pounds while eating as much as they like. "

nuff said about the post.

Heck, being a big whale type, plankton should fit my bill and keep me fed. Guess not on my journeys till more veg or meat is available.


Aug 18, 2009, 9:16 PM
More propaganda and insults from the media whores at peta.

What they don't tell anyone is that fact that the vast majority of vegans need vitamin supplements that the normal, average omnivore does not need.

Stupid is as Peta does.

Aug 18, 2009, 11:37 PM
They dont eat "meat" but its ok to consume unborn embryo of chicken....And as for being a Whale, I got one Hell of a set of..... blow holes! lol
Silly Omnivore Cat

Aug 19, 2009, 1:15 AM
They dont eat "meat" but its ok to consume unborn embryo of chicken....And as for being a Whale, I got one Hell of a set of..... blow holes! lol
Silly Omnivore Cat

Simply being an omnivore - guess us gray whales are different. Heck, just being a herbivore, sort of. Sharks, cats, and other 'nasties' are carnivores since they'll only eat meat to survive and can't eat any veg products.

What's the problem with 'everything than tastes like chicken'?
Dumb herbivore question? Most should taste like legumes with spices rather than bland "chicken"..???

Must admit Cat, this could be a good thread.

What "...ivore are you about food?


Aug 19, 2009, 8:04 AM
I am no fan of PETA-----I think they started out with a good goal in mind--but went crazy and lost perspective on things.

Now--to me they are just one more "whack job extremist" group--this time they happen to be on the "left side" of the ledger--

They have this "all or nothing" sort of philosophy that always turns me off--no matter what the particular thing happens to be---the fact is with most things---the truth of most things falls in a gray, middle ground area and can never be something that is so set in stone.

To the issue of veganism---I can see being "vegetarian"---but trying to be totally free of dairy products, meats of any kind and such---is simply flying in the face of the reality of history of the human race----there is no primitive culture that still exists that has a totally meat free diet---the primitive peoples of today----like those of the past---eat basically whatever they can find in their particular enviroments and those diets include creatures that walk, crawl, swim and fly on the planet.

It might be a laudable goal to be totally meat free considering the nature of our food industry---but for overall health-and dare I say it---for the interesting part of eating----being totally meat and dairy free is really not all that desirable for most people---I'd rather die right now than to not be able to eat at least some forms of meat---even if eating that meat is going to kill me in the long run---you have to have some "joi de vie" and to me---a life without being able to eat some great dishes based on meat products would be a life that would nto be worh living----thank you very much!!!!

What we should seek is a balanced diet, with "all things in moderation"--but to me--a totally vegan lifestyle is not balanced----and I have known some people who tried to go totally vegan who would up having some very serious health problems that became directly attributable to having gone "vegan."

I think, that after investigating the varous ways we can eat---a diet based on the Medditerranean model is the most healthful and that diet contains plenty of meats of all types--once again-in moderation along with lots of fresh fruits and veggies---I am modifying my diet to eat that way as much as I can.

Aug 19, 2009, 12:47 PM
For all those who have become outraged by the actions of Peta, here is the website to go to.


Aug 19, 2009, 2:10 PM
There are plenty of vegetarians and vegans who strongly dislike PETA. Including me. (I'm a vegetarian -- going full vegan would require just too much effort on my part.)

Please don't make blanket statements about all veggies/vegans just because PETA does inane things.

BTW, vegetarians do NOT eat meat or fish. What separates veggies and vegans is that vegans also don't eat dairy products or eggs.

It IS possible to get all the protein, etc. that one needs without consuming animals products. The problem is that the marketplace for food is very biased towards eating animal products. The beef industry plays a particularly insidious role, and is responsible for more environmental damage than even fossil fuel industries.

Recommended: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z-upjfFCA4

Aug 19, 2009, 2:14 PM
I got a piece of meat that is vegan approved *wink* *wink*

Aug 19, 2009, 2:32 PM
BTW, vegetarians do NOT eat meat or fish. What separates veggies and vegans is that vegans also don't eat dairy products or eggs.

Well Sorry if my statement was wrong, but it was based on experience. When I was pregnant with my last child, I developed an aversion to all meat except Jack links peppered beef jerky and shrimp cocktail.

So I decided to check out vegetarian chapters in my area and they have a weekly lunch date. So I went and out of the 8 ladies, not including me. 4 had fish, 2 had chicken and 2 had salad with egg and cheese in it. When I questioned it. Their explanation was, well it doesn't nurse milk from its mother, so its not like its an animal.

So just as people have misconceptions about vegans and veggies.. I guess so do some veggies have about veggies and vegans.

Aug 19, 2009, 2:48 PM
So I went and out of the 8 ladies, not including me. 4 had fish, 2 had chicken and 2 had salad with egg and cheese in it. When I questioned it. Their explanation was, well it doesn't nurse milk from its mother, so its not like its an animal.

It's not an animal if it doesn't nurse milk from its mother?

Wow. Talk about scientific illiteracy. Chickens aren't animals?!?!

Aug 19, 2009, 2:50 PM
So you have met my sister in law? LMAO

It was her group.. She's 40-something and clueless. And I never went out with them again..

Aug 19, 2009, 3:24 PM
Man am I gunna get in deep ca-ca for this one..lol

I believe that the creator put animals and plants on this earth to be consumed so that humans could thrive, as well as other animals. All things need to eat, and its up to them What they eat. To most carnivores, meat is meat and its made to be eaten. Herbivores eat whatever plants they like. Us Onmniverous beings eat a combination of the two, and if thats a person's wish, then so be it.
Its all about choice and personal preference, Boy and Girls.
Some of us be meat eaters, some of us be veggie eaters. Its all good.
Whatever your appitite, enjoy. :}

Aug 19, 2009, 3:27 PM
what cat is trying to say is you better eat the cow before he decides to eat you.

Aug 19, 2009, 7:27 PM
Humans are engineered (by a sentient creator or by nature) to be omnivores. Our teeth are not those of an herbivore. Do Americans in general eat too much meat to be healthy? Yep. But rebellious vegetarianism is as ridiculous as eating animal protein exclusively.

Those that can embrace a bear and forgive his omnivorousness while decrying humans theirs, all the while wrapped in self-righteous nature worship are blinded to their hypocrisy by their zealotry.

PETA is nothing more than an extremist organization that supports terrorism to achieve its political goals. Like extremists of any stripe, they are blinded to science, reason and facts that do not support their agenda. To these people, and others like them, right is determined by who screams the loudest.

Aug 20, 2009, 1:13 AM
It IS possible to get all the protein, etc. that one needs without consuming animals products. The problem is that the marketplace for food is very biased towards eating animal products. The beef industry plays a particularly insidious role, and is responsible for more environmental damage than even fossil fuel industries.

Recommended: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z-upjfFCA4

That is not realistically true. In order to receive all of the daily required nutrients, that one gets from meat products, milk, etc., one would have to spend hours just eating enough vegetables to obtain those nutrients in sufficient amounts to satisfy the needs of the human body and metabolism.


We are born as omnivores and anything outside of that is not a natural diet for our species.

If one chooses to ignore that, well that is their choice, but most vegans and vegetarians and all of militant vegans ignore these truths, choosing, instead to believe the studies funded by organizations like Peta (that want human/animal interaction terminated altogether) and ignoring studies from disinterested parties, such as the AMA, for example.

I have read from both sides and I choose to hold a diet that is natural and complete for Human beings.

What others choose to do with their diet is their business, until they try to force, harass, coerce, annoy or legislate their diet on me. Then it is time for war.

Aug 20, 2009, 1:17 AM
I heard that most Americans are fat or obese.

There is nothing wrong with being Vegetarian or Vegan and for those who think that it can't be done by humans or that it's wrong for humans not to eat meat, just look at people and cultures in Asia and India where nobody eats meat.

The reason that so many Americans are fat or obese is because we are lazy. We do not get out there and get active, choosing, instead to sit in front of the TV and watch sports instead of getting off our asses and exorcising; eating like pigs and doing nothing.

I could eat like a pig and not gain much, if any weight when I was a lot more active; I was also in the military and had a physically active MOS, then, too.

Now I modify my food intake to match my activity level. It works out the same in the end.

Aug 20, 2009, 2:00 AM
Does the fact that the meat industry is an ecological disaster not bother you, FalconAngel? If the thought of pigs and cows being forced through killing machines doesn't bother you, fine, but I assume you'd rather not contribute to killing the planet, no?

Suggested reading:



roy m cox
Aug 20, 2009, 3:16 AM
ok what about people like me i have to eat meat cuzz of my skin i have TYP4 Psoriasis theirs a enzyme in the meat that controls the t cells in my skin and under doctors orders i have to eat 2 pounds a day and every sines i have been loosing wait i do eat veggies to ,,

so what would PETA have me do suffer more than i already do .

the time i started gaining wait i had my tonsils out at 8yrs old the doctor accidentally cut in to my thyroid and that made me over wait, so what about people that had this happen to them should they be out of site to i mean damn people this is a bad way to go hating all the time and PETA is full of hate

and before any one sezz the diet word i was on over 300 different diets and nun of them worked ,, till i had to start eating meat i have lost a lot of wait i was 300lbs. now im 260 and going down ,, so their PETA naaaaa'


Aug 20, 2009, 8:20 AM
My family raised and killed animals to eat and I've known how to kill an animal swiftly for as long as I can remember.

I don't believe in being cruel to any living thing, but I like meat and will continue to eat it.

It's strange to me that people get emotional about killing some animals, but not fish, shrimp, lobsters, crabs, or even chickens.

Aug 21, 2009, 1:40 PM
WHat Peta is really telling you: "YOU fat people should go vegan because WE have a moral objection. We don't care about your health, we just think animals are cute."

Aug 21, 2009, 3:02 PM
What a load of crap. I'm a lacto-vegetarian (no meat or eggs, but I eat dairy) and I'm overweight. You have to eat right, meat or no meat, to lose weight. :)

Aug 21, 2009, 3:19 PM
I got two words for PETA and they're not "Hi there.".

I'm a pescatarian (I eat fish and some dairy) and I'm still overweight.

Aug 21, 2009, 3:40 PM
You ladies just keep being yourselves; there's plenty of guys, like me and my GF, too, who will appreciate you for it!

Aug 21, 2009, 4:33 PM
ok, i'm vegetarian. i'm trying to go vegan so i try not to eat eggs and i don't drink cow milk. today's my birthday. i just turned 31. i was raised vegetarian since birth. i have excellent health, no need for multivitamins since i eat fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil. not everything i eat is organic but i care for the world so i hate peta because they lie to people and making fun of fat people was not the right way to promote vegetarianism.
my cake is ready, no eggs or butter or milk used

Aug 21, 2009, 4:56 PM
ok, i'm vegetarian. i'm trying to go vegan so i try not to eat eggs and i don't drink cow milk. today's my birthday. i just turned 31. i was raised vegetarian since birth. i have excellent health, no need for multivitamins since i eat fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil. not everything i eat is organic but i care for the world so i hate peta because they lie to people and making fun of fat people was not the right way to promote vegetarianism.
my cake is ready, no eggs or butter or milk used

<looks at pictures>

Hmmm, we put you, Christian Bale and Tobey Maguire in just jeans...no shirts... Caption "The only meat on these fellas is in their pants."

I'd go vegetarian for that. :D


Aug 21, 2009, 5:46 PM
lol, that made my day. i'm looking for a bisexual gf but's so hard finding one. i wouldn't care if she was vegetarian or not. just someone to love me.

Aug 22, 2009, 10:17 AM
ok, i'm vegetarian. i'm trying to go vegan so i try not to eat eggs and i don't drink cow milk. today's my birthday. i just turned 31. i was raised vegetarian since birth. i have excellent health, no need for multivitamins since i eat fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil. not everything i eat is organic but i care for the world so i hate peta because they lie to people and making fun of fat people was not the right way to promote vegetarianism.
my cake is ready, no eggs or butter or milk used

Exactly I agree.

Vegetarians by definition can and do eat meat, its Vegans that dont eat any meat product, or better still fruitarianism . The actual advert for PETA I thought was funny yet pick on fat people. You can be obese, overweight for many many different things and not just meat based products.

Even if everyone stopped eating meat- and lived off fruit, nuts etc, people would still eat junk food like crisps (chips) or fries (chips) its all a bit weird and bizzare to be honest.

Aug 22, 2009, 11:43 AM
Eating nothing but meat will cause you to lose weight if not eaten in gluttonistic amounts. Thats how the Adkins diet works so well. Meat has little carbohydrates which is directly converted to fat of not used by the body. Its the refined sugars and starches that are making people fat, not meat in a balanced diet. The body uses carbohydrates first, then fats, then proteins to power the body. Eating meat will cause you to lose the fat. Long term problems havent been proven or disproven yet but it is a good diet for short term. Meat also has all the nutrients you need since the animal you ate was most likely a vegetarian(cow, chicken, pig, etc) and has done the work for you to get the vitamins and minerals. You dont have to eat a lot of meat to get the benefits. Just a small 8 oz or less serving of chicken a day will do it, just add vegetables and fruit to the dinner and you have extra stuff and fillers to feel full, and have fiber to poop, lol. Also the argument that raising meat animals causes the earth to die is bs. Raising vegetables and fruits does just as much damage since they use energy to plant, cultivate, spread fertilizer/chemicals, and cultivate the results. You can grow it organically but then food will go sky high in price. If you really wanted to go true vegan and save the planet grow all your own food, live in a tent made with natural products, cant use AC, cant use anything other than wood for heat, cant use a toilet(wastes water), have to walk or ride a horse no matter where you go since even a bike is made using harmful methods, cant use any machinery or tools to live since they are made of metal and that uses resources and energy. Anyway, all that environmentalism crap is touted by hypocrites looking to have power over everyone. Make them all live like cavemen which is so easy, lol. The biggest wackos screaming about all this crap are rich people who fly in jets, use man made products they are pissed about, have limos that carry maybe 2 or 3 people including the driver, live in huge mansions that I am sure are real efficient, lol, and eat foods that arent organic. Bet they wouldnt be screaming so much if they had to live of the land with no luxuries or away from a camera or newspaper reporter.

Aug 22, 2009, 11:47 AM
As far as people in India not eating meat, thats a lie. I have a freind living over there that lives with the Hindus and Buddhists. The upper castes do eat meat but do not allow the lower castes to have any even though they still get some once in a while. Its all political there now to, they can be pretty violent(murders, beatings) also with other religions and even each other so the peaceful Hindus arent so peaceful as beleived or portrayed. The Muslims also get in on the action but the Hindus chase most of them out.

Aug 22, 2009, 12:57 PM
lol the atkins diet? please don't do it or you'll end up like dr. atkins.... dead. don't believe? look him up on google. he died from his own diet

Aug 22, 2009, 3:18 PM

Jade Pecker
Aug 22, 2009, 3:57 PM
Really people, I DO try to be as polite and considerate as humanly possible....
Yes, it would seem that fat people are the last and only group that it is still legal to discriminate against....and PETA are a bunch of wankers anyway.
I can show you just how fast a "fat" person can move, and how hard they can hit. People need LESS stress and humiliation, not MORE. I try not to contribute to the load.

Sep 17, 2009, 2:32 AM
My preferense in meat is 12voltman59 :tong:

Sep 17, 2009, 12:07 PM
My preferense in meat is 12voltman59 :tong:

Thanks Delilah!!!

There is one point in what PETA is trying to make--not that I generally agree with them on many things or their tactics--but the bigger point--and this is true for the entire modern food industry--it is highly consumptive of energy and other resources to produce--whether that production is growing crops or raising animals like cattle, poultry or farmed fish--and they create ungodly amounts of waste and other nasty by products--of course to grow crops--just the production of commericial seeds is energy and resource consumptive--you have the use of massive farm machinery to grow crops and raise farm animals in some cases--and then you have the processing of crops and/or animals--then the transportation of those "end products to the consumers" (with the consumers being us of course,) to our local grocery stores.

The entire food production system is pretty much messed up----it does lead to using up so much land and other resources to create--fuel to run those farm machines and transport trucks, trains, planes and ships-which of course lead to creation of pollution and all that goes into production of fuel---then we have the negative health effects that modern food production has lead to---namely obesity in the developed nations-but conversly--in many third world countries--food production both crop and animal wise has lead to starvation in those places since such nations have joined into the world market system--many of those countries have made laws that farmers in those places have to devote all of their production of crops and animals to the marketplace and it prevents them from raising crops and livestock that they can use to feed their own families---by law in many of those places--everything they raise has to be sent off to market--but yet--they barely make enough money to sustain their operations since the price they get for what they produce is a mere pittance. Many of those people are barely making enough money to keep they and their families alive.

It is also true that modern livestock production techniques are not exactly all that friendly for the animals---they don't get to live life as nature or God, if you will, had intended them to live--we raise those creatures in such a fashion that makes it the easiest and most economical for the system to handle and "process" them---but the system doesn't make for a very good life for livestock creatures in many places---they are merely cogs in a very large food production and delivery system.

If PETA really did care about the quality of life for people--they should join in protesting the entire way we grow, raise and produce all forms of our food in modern society--but they have a narrow and limited perspective and agenda--ostensibly that they care for animals--but I sometimes do doubt that-they are just yet one more group that has allowed the perpetuation of their organization to be the important thing.

Sep 18, 2009, 11:10 AM
Nah...no thanks. But I've my own POV about where PETA could've been going that's not so malign. Yes they could've said so if the case, but there is perhaps a contrast (for those of us who take time to think things through) between meat-eating and obesity to be considered when you make both the environment and human health part of the same equation.

And not ALL vegans eat fish or dairy. I eat fish but eggs?-NO. Cow's milk is easily replaced with coconut milk. :)

Sep 20, 2009, 6:49 PM
wow I think our shallow troll was trying to be funny, props to the little Maryland goth.....

the sacred night
Sep 20, 2009, 9:24 PM
Well Thats proof..... Proof that Peta is very Lazy.. If they wanted their vegetarians to be healthier, they would have knocked on doors, going door to door, handing out pamphlets and spreading the good word. It would help to explain to the common omnivores that there is a difference between Vegan and Vegetarian.

Vegans eat nothing that has a face or had a mother.

Vegetarians, still can eat Fish, chicken, eggs and cheese. which means PETA is a load of hypocrisy. When you read the press you see how they are talking against "meat eaters" and then touting being a vegetarian. Vegetarians still eat meat.

Now using fat people and calling them whales is just wrong and to blast it on a billboard should be considered a hate crime.

The definition of vegetarian is pretty malleable, actually. Hell, they don't have spies lurking behind the bushes so they can take away your card if you eat a piece of fish, but plenty of vegetarians don't. I've been vegetarian for 11 years and I've done without fish and birds that whole time. I went back and forth on eggs. Now I've decided eggs and dairy are only ok if they're free-range, so I end up eating vegan in many situations, which doesn't just mean no faces or mothers, but also no dairy, and I know some vegans that won't eat honey or yeast. Honey I understand although I personally eat it, I mean it is an animal product, but yeast I still don't get. Yeasts are fungi, so if you can't eat yeast, you can't eat mushrooms, and I don't know a vegan that doesn't eat mushrooms.