View Full Version : Can Guys be Sluts ?

Aug 17, 2009, 7:47 PM
I am such a bad....gurl ? Wife's out of town, and I get dressed up in my naughty gurl outfits.... I've had a fantasy for years about being "The Chick" at an all-guys fishing camp, hunting, etc. Where I would be dressed all day & nite, and be of service to all the guys when they came in from the lake/field/etc.
Well.... it didn't quite happen that way, but I did post a local ad... and had 6 guys stop by to enjoy themselves....that was a long afternoon - evening...but I got such a charge out of satisfying those married men who's wifes won't.....you know.....just had to post my conquest, hope you all understand... I just don't get to dress up & play when the wife is home. Wish there were more Bi guys in the area....or at least I wish they'd find this site.... good nite all !

Aug 17, 2009, 7:52 PM
As you being a male, you must realize that 6 guys showing up to get blown or what not because "their wives won't do it" Is really just bullshit and you are just getting lied to. And if married guys come to get off, and their wives don't know... well you pretty much have answered you own question by example and your post is pretty much of an advertisement of such.

But whatever... Enjoy.....

Aug 17, 2009, 8:58 PM
Really not sure why you felt the need to start this thread. I was just heading to bed when I saw it & had for whatever reason felt the need to read what gems might have been posted here. But nope. I'll never get these minutes of my life back. If you're cheating on your wife & acting the slut - then really - shame on you, well done for this conquest which I'd imagine only happened in your head. If it did happen for real - I hope she catches you out soon!

Aug 17, 2009, 10:23 PM
No gurl outfit stuff for me, I am totally male.
I really LOVE the thought of oral sex with 6 guys!!!! :love::rotate::bigrin:
But,WAIT!!! :eek:
NO WAY would I want to do 6 guys I did not know for real!!!:eek::eek2::crosseye::eek:

Yet, that is a still a really nice fantasy. :)

roy m cox
Aug 18, 2009, 12:21 AM
well i am a male slut ,, tho its for people i know not just for any guy or girl i meet on the net,,:bigrin:


Aug 18, 2009, 1:54 AM
Whatever blows yer skirt up, Darlin. Theres not many bi-men in your area but yet 6 stopped by or came bi. Ok.

Aug 18, 2009, 2:46 AM
I am glad you have made a conquest. I think you need to go get tested for std's tomorrow. While I love giving head I have to get to know the person(s) first before I get naked with them. That means face to face meetings (dates) in public places. Your risky behaviour puts both you, your wife and anyone who follows those 6 men at risk for std's. By the way to answer your question, yes guys can be sluts. :bipride:

Kermit Jagger
Aug 18, 2009, 6:59 AM
Let's put the moralizing about cheating and advice on safe sex aside and answer the man's question.

For me, a slut is someone who has sex, and enjoys it, without regard to whether or not they have an emotional or marital attachment to their partners. That is, a slut has sex just for the pure enjoyment of having sex. The word was originally applied only to women because of the belief a woman who just wanted sex without an emotional attachment was aberrant. The fact that the slut didn't need an emotional attachment made her especially attractive to men. There's no reason to limit the definition to women. In fact, I've heard women say, correctly in my view, that most men are sluts. I'd also argue that bisexual men can be sluts whether or not they are out to their wives.

Aug 18, 2009, 10:03 AM
I would certainly consider myself a slut as I'd certainly love to have take on multiple guys. One of my fantasies is sucking off ten guys in a row and then start over and have each one fuck me. Likely to never happen.

I do have some standards, though, so maybe I'm not a total slut and I've actually found myself sexually attracted to very few guys compared to women.

Kermit Jagger
Aug 18, 2009, 10:44 AM
I got so philosophical in my answer to whether or not guys can be sluts, I didn't mention my own slut index. It's quite high actually -- I've had sex with men and women just for the sake of having sex. And sucking multiple men, in front of an audience or in an amatuer porn flick, is a big fantasy of mine. I do however insist on using condoms. I want to keep on being a slut for a long while yet.

Bisexual Explorer
Aug 18, 2009, 10:50 AM
:cool:Sex is fun, play. I like to have fun and I like to play as often as I can with people who want to play and have fun too. No strings, no attachment required. Yup, I am a slut. Happy about it too.;)

Aug 18, 2009, 2:43 PM
Yeah, I am/was a bit of a male slut.

Didn't do the whole cross dressing thing, that's just not for me. But yeah I used to sleep with an awful lot of different people quite often, several different ones a week like. So yeah I was very slutty in the sense of sleeping around an awful lot.

Aug 18, 2009, 3:02 PM
Ever want to just sit around naked drinking beer with some friends and getting busy whenever a couple or more of you wanted to? Damn! I gave myself a hard-on!!:bigrin:

Aug 19, 2009, 7:30 AM
I would say that most definitely---guys can be "sluts!"

Sometime back I had posted up a thread about an online conversation I had with someone who used to come to this site----he had left his wife and started doing the bathhouse/crusing thing---basically letting any guy who wanted to fuck him do so and sucking all kinds of cock----he said that he had gotten "the bug" thanks to all of that--that he wanted to "get the bug" (meaining he became HIV poz).

He said he is out there being fucked and fucking as much as he can--he admits he is a cock slut----it does seem there are lots of men out there who are like this----they just lose all sense of moderation in their quest for sexual encounters---this is the purest meaning of what it is to be "a slut" it seems to me.

So--once again---men can definitely be "sluts"---BIG FREAKIN" TIME!!!!

Aug 20, 2009, 3:24 PM
I am such a bad....gurl ? Wife's out of town, and I get dressed up in my naughty gurl outfits.... I've had a fantasy for years about being "The Chick" at an all-guys fishing camp, hunting, etc. Where I would be dressed all day & nite, and be of service to all the guys when they came in from the lake/field/etc.
Well.... it didn't quite happen that way, but I did post a local ad... and had 6 guys stop by to enjoy themselves....that was a long afternoon - evening...but I got such a charge out of satisfying those married men who's wifes won't.....you know.....just had to post my conquest, hope you all understand... I just don't get to dress up & play when the wife is home. Wish there were more Bi guys in the area....or at least I wish they'd find this site.... good nite all !great job wish i were ther to help u out ive had a similar fantasy you go gurllll....