View Full Version : Tim Hortons & Event Sponsorship --- PART 2

Aug 11, 2009, 3:35 PM
Hey Everyone,

I just posted part 1 of this article. Since I had heard of the event and the sponsorship another article has been written.....

So here is PART 2



Aug 11, 2009, 7:05 PM
I find it all rather amusing. Rather than spew hatred towards the company and organize an online petition, the author should have contacted the company directly first, and then organize and assassinate character if the company didn't relent. It's obvious that whomever authorized the sponsorship was unaware, for whatever reason, of what NOM is.

Even small companies sometimes step on their cranks. It's embarrassing but it's not nefarious.

I also got a kick out of the comments where someone referred to the company as "these Canadians" and got slammed for it (rightly so) but no one seemed to care about the US bashing going on.