View Full Version : i have no idea what to do. help?

Aug 8, 2009, 5:16 PM
This is difficult, but i only very recently turned bi or recognized that i am, hence the name, but i am only really attracted to one woman. i dont know what to do or how to even be in a relationship with her. we dont even talk and i heard that she was either bi or lesbian. i just dont know what to do or even how to tell my family or my other friends.
Also i feel like a jerk because i would sort of hint that i liked her and she would do the same then i would not pay attention to her then i would pay attention to her and i think she thinks i am a bitch. which i might be or just very very confused.
i also feel that logically i should not even date her because i do want biological kids and frankly she can never give me that, but i still cannot ignore my feelings. i am just a pile of lovely confusion.

Aug 8, 2009, 6:07 PM
Hi, I would have to say, please slow down and talk to your inner self a little more first. Being bi-sexual doesn't mean you can not have a family, or that you are "not normal", or that you are some how mis-guided. It simply means that, sexually speaking, you would like to have a physical sexual experience with both sexes. Other than that, you don't have to tear your life apart with a big announcement and party. As they say. relax, it is what it is.

Hope this helps.

Aug 8, 2009, 6:36 PM
Baby Girl, it's Ok.

I understand. I have recently been embracing this more too the past few months. Just calm down and take this one person and see what, if anything, evolves. You don't have to close any doors, shut out any options.

Good luck, be well, be happy.

Aug 9, 2009, 6:55 AM
Sometimes, it's best to collect your thoughts and decide what you'd like to occur between you and her.......then just be up-front and honest with her. In a non-threatening and calm way, get her off to herself and tell her your thoughts.

Harboring these thoughts, keeping them to yourself, will not allow this issue get resolved. They'll fester and make you more lonely than ever. You've got to see her side of things before you can progress, or move on.

What's the worst that can happen? When the scary-nervous parts are over, you'll either know if she's interested, or not!

Aug 9, 2009, 12:21 PM
First of all Darlin...just breathe. Calm those hectic and chaotic thoughts and relax a bit. Take time for you for a bit, then talk it over more with yourself. Then make up your mind to talk things over with the lady. Build confidance and resolve within yourself, then go forth when you are ready. :}
Good luck to you Sweetie.

Aug 9, 2009, 1:48 PM
In my opinion, the fact that you can't ignore your feelings for this girl pretty much sums it up - go for it and see what happens.
Besides, nothing is permanent. You still have plenty of years ahead of you to ponder the kids thing and marriage and whatever else you want to ponder :)

artsy girl
Aug 9, 2009, 6:47 PM
i agree with drawing board on this one. I wouldn't worry so much about whether you can have kids with this person or not.. you don't even know if it's going to work out yet.
Don't get too ahead of yourself. I find with most people i can read whether they are gay or bi or whatever. And i do find that a lot of people are just not ready to admit to themselves.. even when it's so obvious.
So i'm sure.. this girl.. is probably pretty aware of your feelings if you have already flirtted with her. Just take it slow and when your ready.. you'll take those steps.. theres' no doubt about it that it's hard to take those steps.. we'll all been there.


Aug 9, 2009, 6:59 PM
Try some non-threatening, girlie, touchy stuff like backrubs or facials or hair coming and make-up application. See if she welcomes your touch or backs out.
You'll do fine!:flag2:

Aug 9, 2009, 11:09 PM
First of all.... What makes you attracted to her? Is it some emotional connection? If so..... Then you should examine what that means to you. Since it is only one woman and you have never felt that attraction before then it's a tender step to take. Before you tell her or anyone, examine what it is first.

I say so, cause emotional attachment can take place at anytime in our lives, to anyone and even sometimes Things. Good luck to ya hun, feel free to use the forums along the way.

Aug 13, 2009, 5:47 PM
Thank you everyone for your help!
I did not ask her on a date but i sniffed around to find out if i am her type it turns out that i am not.

Aug 13, 2009, 11:08 PM
So sorry to hear that you aren't her type. I was wishing you were. Plus, I wanted to read a success story! Take care and wish you the best.