View Full Version : lol I think Ive been trolled..

Aug 6, 2009, 10:54 PM
I got this a minute ago in my messege box: "Cut the sweet talk, it's not fooling anyone." and it was from someone with a backwards name of Laerza.
I only sweet talk those I like and enjoy flirting with. And I dont remeber flirting with you..lol
Have a good day.
Flirty Cat

Aug 6, 2009, 10:58 PM
Omg, how can you ever crack the secret code of that username.

I think you better stock up on scooby snacks.

and on an unrelated but somewhat almost maybe related note


Aug 6, 2009, 11:04 PM
lol Thank you Joe!
Laughing Cat

Aug 6, 2009, 11:06 PM
Ok so I spelled it wrong. Learza...

Aug 6, 2009, 11:08 PM

Aug 7, 2009, 12:45 AM
lol Joe I'm almost positive that you could carry out an entire conversation without having to actually type anything.

Aug 7, 2009, 2:43 AM
Trolls, again?

Light the pitchforks!!! Sharpen the torches!!

Wait a minute.........That's Sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches!!:bigrin:

Aug 7, 2009, 4:22 AM
it was from someone with a backwards name of Laerza.

Dang, go figure.... if that's true, that means it's "azrael"

"Azrael (ăz'rāĕl) [Heb.,=help of god], in the Qur'an, angel of death, who severs the soul from the body. The name and the concept were borrowed from Judaism."

I got an email from the troll too. Maybe he's like 12 years old :eek:

Aug 7, 2009, 4:50 AM
I got a nasty personal message too from him even though what he said was off the mark. So much for freedom of speech. If he can't hurt us on the forum then he tries it privately. The Sad lad is a coward as well as being a troll; I'll ignore him from now on. No point feeding the child it just gets hyperactive....

The problem is as I said in my thread, it simply puts new members off. That's the real issue for me.

Aug 7, 2009, 10:51 AM
The problem is as I said in my thread, it simply puts new members off. That's the real issue for me.

This is my real concern as well---and it is why I have gotten sorta stoked up about what these people do on here.

My concern is that for those people who come here and have a degree of reticence about taking part here----and could really benefit by being here--it helped me----to not do so because they see some crazy shit going on----

I was one of those who at first was slow to take part--hard as that may now seem---

I got pissed when the troll started sending his crazy emails to me-----many of the same exact content under a number of his many names that he used--I didn't care about him sending me those emails per se--even if they were a pain in the ass---it was a matter of real concern when he sent his bat shit crazy messages to those who were newbies here and had posted up their introductory posts---

I think that the main crazy troll is back and I hope that Drew makes good his threat from earlier this year to take legal action against the idiot--even if he cannot collect any money from the fool--that is not the point--the point is to get him to "cease and desist" from his actions and if suing him is what it takes to stop the idiot---then all the better---and he sure has some mental issues---and those issues would be brought out in the open if they aren't already to those around him---a court case would make it clear to those in his world--his actions need to be monitored and controlled to whatever degree possible----you can be sure--if he is dogging this site---he is dogging other sites----a court could issue an order that he be prevented from accessing the web and violation of such an order could ultimately lead to him spending some time behind bars because he is so obsessive about it--he could not help but violate such an order.

Aug 7, 2009, 10:55 AM
Hopefully new comers to this site are not newcomers to the internet and have learned the harsh lesson that on the internet, assholes are everywhere.


Aug 7, 2009, 1:39 PM
Hopefully new comers to this site are not newcomers to the internet and have learned the harsh lesson that on the internet, assholes are everywhere.


That was priceless!!

Aug 7, 2009, 4:46 PM
Trolls, again?

Light the pitchforks!!! Sharpen the torches!!

Wait a minute.........That's Sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches!!:bigrin:

Dammit... Too late... Now I got forks without the "pitch", but I have sharp torches in case theres a Vampire we need to bring down... :tong::paw::paw:

Aug 7, 2009, 5:17 PM
Dammit... Too late... Now I got forks without the "pitch", but I have sharp torches in case theres a Vampire we need to bring down... :tong::paw::paw:

O even i figured that out lol. i meant the name/troll.

Vampires- be careful cody and not at night time, but during the day, unless of course they walk during the day like that idiot of a film twilight lol.

Sorry i'm a vampire fun....keep onto subject! sorry lol.

Trolls are bad for the site, bad for your health and bad for nursery rhymes.


Aug 7, 2009, 5:35 PM
Great post of the little cartoon Joe--but man---you must have WWWWAYYY TOO much time on your hands my man!!! :bigrin::bigrin:

Aug 7, 2009, 6:39 PM
LOL- Joe did you make that cartoon yourself? thought that you downloaded it.

Dude all hats off to you.:tong:

Aug 7, 2009, 11:17 PM
Hey Mountain Cat, I think that your first encounter with this TROLL was in the thread titled "saturday" by a fella named terri. Do you remember your comment that you made in response to the statement made by Learz-A? Now I am not sayin that for shure that Learz-A is Azreal ! But the things that Learz-A said sounded something like the usual Azreal. Oh well. :(

BUT, HEY EVERBODY :cutelaugh

Don't condemm the trolls, cause in a way they are kinda fun. All you gotta do is throw a statement out there and here the little bastard's comes a runnin. I mean it's kinda like a dog chasin your car. You know he can't hurt you, as he's snappin at your tires. But it's kinda cute and it does make things at least kinda exciting. And does give everbody that needs it, a place to vent themselves out!!! :rolleyes:
Hey, I bet that right now he's a cookin up a new username and e-mail address. :eek: He'll be back, and we'll pet him on the head, and then he will get booted out again, just to return again. L O L :compuser:

Just my :2cents: Your friend, :doggie: .....:bipride:

Hey, concerning this, for everbody to do is to, "Maintain your frost no matter what the cost". OK?

roy m cox
Aug 8, 2009, 1:18 AM
"erfs" no more trolls thy have buged me be for on other sites im on just report them i had to start all over on one site cuzz one got in my acc and got people mad at me hope the addmin's will help you out on this

:bipride: :bibounce: :bipride:

Aug 8, 2009, 1:10 PM
whatsa troll?

Aug 8, 2009, 10:26 PM
The old troll is definitely back -----back to using mulitiple names and using those "people" to comment on, reinforce and support each other-----I suspect that the person who posted the "Iraq Poem" is just yet one more of the troll's many aliasas talking----guess I should seen that one coming!!! My BAD!!!!

Aug 8, 2009, 10:46 PM
So . . . I feel very out of the loop. Is this troll our beloved Azrael who used to post here all the time, or someone else entirely?

Aug 8, 2009, 11:02 PM
Personally I dont think its Az. I think its someone who isnt adapt enough to think up a different name, so they had to be so uncreative as to copy his. And, with the people he's sent nonsense to, he has signed a different name every time. And, he says the same old, tired, worn out crud everytime. He's one of these people that, pardon the terminology, has to keep kicking a dry cow patty to keep a stink going. And you'll note with his posts, they are at the same time and like a couple of minutes apart. Yep Volty, he's back.
Sad that an adult has such a sad life that he/she/it cannot come in here and be liked and loved, instead of being such a putz all the time. He/she/it might like it if they gave us a chance. Sad.

Aug 9, 2009, 12:34 PM
O even i figured that out lol. i meant the name/troll.

Vampires- be careful cody and not at night time, but during the day, unless of course they walk during the day like that idiot of a film twilight lol.

Sorry i'm a vampire fun....keep onto subject! sorry lol.

Trolls are bad for the site, bad for your health and bad for nursery rhymes.


Love the Vampires myself... Have you ever tried reading the Brian Lumley Necroscope series??? Talk about putting a crazy twist on the Wamphyr...:paw::paw:

And as far as trolls go... I find them highly entertaining with their unending abilities to find ways to talk outta their asses... Don't feed the fools or feed on the crap they talk... Laugh at 'em like I do... :bigrin::paw::paw: