View Full Version : Need real experiences for short comic I'm making

Aug 6, 2009, 4:13 AM
Okay so, I'm working on a short comic strip about how that 20% of the lesbian population treats bi women. The story is that a bi girl goes to a Pride, GLBT, or Lesbian Pride meeting and is told she can't attend the meeting or is at least not wanted.

What I need from you lot are stories about similar situations and conversations that you and and what did you say. I want this to be as truthful as possible; not just reach into the bag of the most obvious responses. Thank you all so very much in advance.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:06 PM
My first Pride I went to locally I was talking to a woman about how I recently came out Bi. Her reply was a breezy, casual "Oh you'll grow out of that."

I gave her a hard stare as if to say "Did you REALLY just say that??" and she mumbled "or...maybe you won't".