View Full Version : Tips on talking to women

Aug 4, 2009, 4:22 PM
I have had a hard time with this. Even if I am in a lesbian bar or something, where I know most of the women are probably into women, I can't seem to think of the right thing to say. Does anyone have any tips on what are good conversation starters?

Aug 4, 2009, 6:24 PM
Yes, just be nice and polite. Say" Hello", mean it sincerely and tell her why you find her appealing. Tell her that you'd like to talk to her to get to know her and if she likes you or finds a surface attraction to you she'll respond.

Aug 4, 2009, 6:33 PM
There is an old saying, "You have two ears and one mouth .. use them in proportion." - A conversation goes both ways - Sometimes the best way to talk with someone is to listen - Talk with the lady not at her - Be open, cheerful and pay attention

If you find it difficult to chat that might be a good way to begin

It all starts with a hello ... and a smile

Aug 4, 2009, 7:33 PM
Most people like to talk about themselves, or interests. If you can hit on a subject they're interested in, you can get them started. You can learn a lot from them, if you listen. But, if you don't find a common thread, don't struggle with it, move on. I agree, be open, cheerful and pleasant, not over-eager/impatient. Sometimes the best connection will only come withe patience.

Aug 5, 2009, 7:24 PM
Most people develop social skills and the ability to talk to strangers as a child.

Are you sure you do not have Aspberger's syndrome?

Does your 46 year old sugar daddy know about how you are afraid to talk to women?

Perhaps you should take a speech or acting class?


I think that this comment was in poor taste and a bit snippy. Perhaps constructive comment like the previous responders may have been more appreciated.


Aug 5, 2009, 8:35 PM
I dont really know to be honest when it comes to romantic and sexual talking i'm pretty much a tit at it lol. Hmm well just be polite and sincere- cause if a person means what they say then its a good thing. I tend to wait for someone who i fancy to talk to me, but nine times out of ten they either dont see me or they dont actuarly fancy me.

Aug 6, 2009, 8:34 PM
I know how some people just have it - others don't: the ability to just chat, with a view to "chatting up."
I would put myself firmly in the second group. I can be chronically shy and insecure in a large group of unknowns in a party situation.

Yet small groups I can manage.

I would suggest work, family and travel as good starters. maybe their hair as an opener.
Don't be pushy and as the advice given above - listening is just as effective as talking.

good luck.

Aug 7, 2009, 12:15 PM
Just ask a question. In my experience most girls do all the talking once you open up.

Aug 7, 2009, 11:23 PM
Thank you so much for your help everyone that kindly offered suggestions. They are helpful. I am disappointed though that someone had to make a mean comment. Thanks to everyone that helped though! You guys had some good ideas. I am always shy when I meet someone new but once there's a convo going I do great. I used to be so shy when I was younger that I could barely speak but now I do pretty good once a convo gets going with someone, it's just hard sometimes getting to that point.