View Full Version : Must be my weekend....

Aug 2, 2009, 9:06 PM
It must be my weekend for crappy occurances and Murphy's Law.

After all I've been through this weekend I come home to find this Huge tirade from someone I dont even know going on and on about a member of this group and the on-going situation he/she has with Brother John. She/he wrote me a looong detailed letter as if I knew that person and had any business in the matter, or frankly GAF about any of it.
I wrote back to Feet4walking and said, "And this affects me How?"

I dont Care what goes on btwn other people unless it concerns me directly, and I fail to see why "I" was sent this long desertation. If ya'll have a problem take it up with Drew and talk it over between yourselves. I have too much on my plate right now to worry about some lover's spat or someone running down another.
Its Your delimma, you fix it. Plain and simple.

The emails I recieved will be sent to Drew like I told you, Feet4walking. He can decide best how to handle it.
A still exhusted, and somewhat grumpy, Cat

Aug 2, 2009, 10:09 PM
WOW Mtn-Cat, :bigrin: I didn't know that you were a "Dear Abby" type of counselor. :eek: Hey I got a lot of questions to ask ya, OK? :tong:

Awwwwwww ya know that i'me just a poking fun at ya!!!!!! Cause I live too far away to poke anythin else at ya!!!!

Your friend, :doggie: .......:bipride:

Aug 3, 2009, 12:16 AM
I'm picturing you in a black & white referee's jersey with a long, white roped silver whistled nestled in between your cleavage. I don't know why - it's just a mental picture. I have to go shower now!!! ...hope that made you smile. Love & hugs Wolfie

Aug 3, 2009, 12:21 AM
lol Doggie, you and Sweet Wolfie can poke fun, or anything else you like, at me any time ya'll want. Wait'll I get back to full swing..I'll take both of ya on! LOL
Silly Cat:cool:;)

Aug 3, 2009, 12:12 PM
Hey Cat, maybe when you tell folks that you're like the Mom for all, they took it literally and came to you with their story... Or maybe you are such a nice person that they figure, "go dump it on Cat, she'll tell you what to do..." Either way, I hope you have a better week than you did this weekend... Lots of loving Codybear huggz to you, sweet love... :wiggle2::paw::paw:

Aug 3, 2009, 2:12 PM
I'm picturing you in a black & white referee's jersey with a long, white roped silver whistled nestled in between your cleavage. I don't know why - it's just a mental picture. I have to go shower now!!! ...hope that made you smile. Love & hugs Wolfie

Calm it down! We don't need TWO Eeegies!

Aug 3, 2009, 2:34 PM
I like to throw my hat out for always being there to give advice.

However, be warned my advice will most likely not solve your problems, may be illegal, and in some counties, you will have to wed the goat.

Aug 3, 2009, 6:01 PM
Hey Cat - can I poke my wa'-do in your a-ha-le ?

Doggie :doggie:

Aug 4, 2009, 3:10 AM
LOL@Rissa. Hey, if Cody keeps sweet talkin me like that, EEgie may wind up with a Baby brother or sister thats part Bear and part Cougar. Now imagine what That one would look like. And it would love you just as much as EEgie does: Auntie Ritha..I neeths a huuuuugggg...lol:bigrin::bigrin:
laughing Cat

Aug 4, 2009, 10:14 AM
LOL@Rissa. Hey, if Cody keeps sweet talkin me like that, EEgie may wind up with a Baby brother or sister thats part Bear and part Cougar. Now imagine what That one would look like. And it would love you just as much as EEgie does: Auntie Ritha..I neeths a huuuuugggg...lol:bigrin::bigrin:
laughing Cat

EEK:eek: EEeegie doesn't seem so bad after that one...

Aug 4, 2009, 2:04 PM
EEK:eek: EEeegie doesn't seem so bad after that one...

Eegie wins!!!!!!!!!! (Of course I may be a LITTLE biased on this one!) You guys are nuts! LOL That's why I love ya. Hope you're feeling better sweet cat. But seriously... go where life takes ya! Blessings to all. Wolfie.

Aug 4, 2009, 2:07 PM
lol Doggie, you and Sweet Wolfie can poke fun, or anything else you like, at me any time ya'll want. Wait'll I get back to full swing..I'll take both of ya on! LOL
Silly Cat:cool:;)

Bring it on Sister!!!!!! When you're up to taking us both on - then I'll know you're back to your sassy self.... So I'll say it agin... Bring it on!!!!! LMAO!!!! Howwwwwwllllllllllll. Wolfie. :-)

Aug 4, 2009, 2:56 PM
Ty but if you have a complaint or comments, take it up with the powers that be, not me.

Aug 5, 2009, 1:40 AM
LOL@Rissa. Hey, if Cody keeps sweet talkin me like that, EEgie may wind up with a Baby brother or sister thats part Bear and part Cougar. Now imagine what That one would look like. And it would love you just as much as EEgie does: Auntie Ritha..I neeths a huuuuugggg...lol:bigrin::bigrin:
laughing Cat

Wow... A good lookin' Cougar with a heart of a Bear... And with both of us having good claws, you know those huggz will be nice and tight... :tongue::paw::paw:

Aug 5, 2009, 2:11 AM
Thank you Drew. :}

NJ Mac
Aug 5, 2009, 3:20 PM
Well Cat I was going to commiserate but it looks like Drew took care of your pest. Sorry about all the other stuff going on too. Lordy.

I do like the Dear Abby angle. When I think of something worth bothering you about I'll send you an interminable email. I'm pretty good at those. Don't worry, I'll make it something you dont' have anything to do with and that you can't possibly fix -- that's the criteria right?

Oh and _Joe_ I may need some advice on goat divorce. Will keep you posted.

Aug 5, 2009, 10:11 PM
It must be my weekend for crappy occurances and Murphy's Law.


I suspect that I am responsible for one of those crappy occurances, and I very much apologize for it.

The person in question is somewhat mentally unstable and has gotten obscessed with me and insanely jealous. I am being stalked by her everywhere. She harrasses and annoys other people for the crime of having said "Hello" to me in chat or responding to my forum posts.

In spite of the fact that I sometimes tend to get argumentive and provocative and unpleasant with them, I love the people that participate in this site. They are, in general, some of the most intelligent, caring, loving and concerned people that I have ever had the pleasure and privilege of communicating with. And because I love them, If I need to go away to eliminate causing problems for them, then that is what I shall do. No matter how much it saddens me to do so.

PS: Don't suggest that I change my identity. I have tried that and she soon figures it out.

Aug 5, 2009, 10:54 PM
Well...that's what I was going to suggest Sweetie. You shouldnt have to leave a place where you feel comfortable. Go ahead and change your handle and put her on ignore with every handle she comes back on with.
Good luck to you.

Aug 5, 2009, 10:58 PM
LOL Mac-honey, I dont know you well enough to give you a digit or tell you to bite me, so you'll have to be content with having my tongue stuck out at you! :tongue: lol Feel free to send me your tirade but be prepared for the answers you are Going to get..LOL :bigrin:
Hugs Hun

Aug 6, 2009, 3:43 AM
Like I told you, I dont Care what happened between you two and frankly, neither does anyone else give a damn. Give it a rest, nobody cares.

Aug 6, 2009, 6:33 AM
No doubt about it---AdamK is a very disturbed person--it does seem we get our share of them on here from time to time--I guess it comes with the territory, it being a site of this nature dealing with a "fringe" aspect of human sexuality (I call bisexuality "fringe" since society hardly recognizes it at best and at worst--catagorizes bisexuality as some sort of disorder or something of that nature, so it is bound to have some unstable and disturbed individuals within its ranks---just like the general population of course!)

I don't know what to make of the things that feetfourwalking says----they do sound reasonable and believeable when it comes to AdamK though.

If I were this person--I would disentangle myself from AdamK to every degree possible---its too bad we do seem to be stuck with his instability without much recourse.

Oh well---like I said---things like this come with the territory!!

Aug 6, 2009, 12:14 PM
No doubt about it---AdamK is a very disturbed person--

Thanks a lot Volty.

Aug 6, 2009, 12:40 PM
We are no better than trolls ourselves if we continue to dissect the lives of others in this public forum. This is not the time or the place to do this and goes against the rules of the forum. If you have an issue with someone, keep it private....plain and simple.

Aug 6, 2009, 1:30 PM
feetfour, feet4, BrotherJack or whoever you may be today....

If you had been able to see past YOUR situation and YOUR issues, you would have realized that I was not necessarily speaking to you! Cat merely complained that she received a confusing email that did not concern her...but that did not make it right for others to wage in on Adam once more....I am not condoning Adam's behavior, but it does no good for others to chime in on his behavior or make a dime store analysis of his actions. (Volty, my friend...you've been around here long enough to know better than to make the statements that you made:)...) So there you have it, feetfour....I was NOT addressing YOU! That is not saying, however, that your addition to this thread was necessary or prudent....but not EVERYTHING is about you.

Aug 6, 2009, 1:49 PM
I am so tired of this stupid shit. I haven't hardly come around this site based on the fact that a couple of nitwits, want to go on rants and tirades over asinine shit that doesn't matter to anyone.

Bitter woman with multiple identities has become what she hates most. You are Adam's parasite. You follow him around and spit forth evil under multiple persona. I have no personal feelings about Adam. I really don't care what the fuck he did to you and none of us really do. Sometimes ya have to put your big girl pants on and stop breathing the toxic fumes of years past. I mean seriously 3 years? Get over it. Your belittling rants, while more eloquent, are nothing more than the equivalent rantings of a teenage broken heart.

Obviously if you got banned.. there is a very short list as to why and obviously the banning technique needs to be tweaked as to not let you back in. It's time to fumigate.

This forum is for discussions, not for executing personal vindictive agendas.

I probably won't get backed up on this and potentially get banned myself, but I am so tired how even the most purest sincerest of posts, becomes a battle ground for vendettas.

Aug 6, 2009, 3:01 PM
It is not my job to get ANYONE banned....people get banned because of their actions....so that is not something you should be addressing to me.

To me, your two sentences seem to be saying that a person like AdamKadmon43 should be tolerated, no matter what he does or says. A man with at least 7 identities...maybe more. Sometimes, I do wonder if he is tolerated, merely because he is a bisexual, on a site for mainly bisexuals.
As for Adam not being banned because he is bisexual is so very far from the truth....and perhaps you need to look inward as to why you continue to find yourself banned.

Aug 6, 2009, 4:06 PM
Hands LilRay a plate of cookies...lol Well done hon.

Aug 6, 2009, 4:28 PM
lol Passes LilRay a plate of cookies. Well said Honey. This is a Bisexual site, not a sounding board for your failed relationship, and I dont look like friggin Ann Landers, to fix your situation or to listen to your problems. I dont know Adam, I dont know BJ or Feet. I have no idea Why I was dragged into this big tirade and frankly am tired of hearing about it. Like I said, Ya'll deal with this situation Off Board because no one else really Cares about the situation/relationship/squabble between you both. Why dont you two just both forget about each other and the hurts of the past, and Get On with your lives??? Life is too short for all this petty horse shit (My pardons to those of you with delicate sensibilities) so grow up and get a life. Go find someone else to bug.

Aug 6, 2009, 4:36 PM
No one should have the right to post assumptions about a person's character in an open forum such as this. This forum is NOT here to give a platform for personal attacks...read the rules! Polite society demands certain guidelines or chaos will ensue. Just look at the chaos you, yourself have created with your tirades, feet....does this seem right to you? It's a matter of "he said, she said"...and Drew cannot make judgments based on that alone. You were banned because you refused to stop with your attacks on Adam and relentlessly pursued him in several threads. And as for Drew not banning someone who called him a faggot.....he has a thicker skin than that...and as a grown up, does not allow name calling directed at himself to dictate how he operates his site or who he chooses to fairly dismiss from the site. Grow up, feet....and if you can't play by the rules, then perhaps you don't need to be here.

Aug 6, 2009, 4:45 PM
Well, despite not knowing either party involved, just from what I've read here I think it's safe to say that you feel you were scorned, fourfeetwalking, and that you think you know AdamKadmon well enough now to see through things he does or says. And it probably drives you nuts that people don't react to him the way you feel they should. Or worse, to hear that they don't care, despite your vehemence in trying to convince people.

That said, if you can look at it objectively, you're apparently not really achieving anything. Trust me, I kind of know what that's like, as I was in a situation once outside the internet, and it kind of sucks when people either don't believe you or don't want to listen about someone. But when you let someone else's actions get you so worked up to type posts that big, to the point that you're alienating people and making them mad at you rather than the person they should be mad at, then you're just letting the other person "win".

So as hard as it may be to forgive and forget, sometimes that's the best course of action. All you can do is bite your tongue when that urge to vent rears its head. Over time, you'll look back on it and regret letting the situation get you so worked up.

Now, having said all this, I still won't presume to know what's really going on or even who is at fault. But I thought I'd offer my two cents worth of advice, in the event that my interpretation of the situation might be semi-accurate.

Aug 6, 2009, 5:09 PM
I think She doth Quack too much :bigrin: *Giggles*


Thanks for reminding me they were open forums :)



Seems like everywhere you go, people still think the same way about you..Your drivel is the same. It has to be really hard to be one Dimensional.. Pity....

Aug 6, 2009, 6:21 PM
My apologies...I was merely ASSUMING based on the sequence of events and that was wrong of me to do. I have no first hand knowledge of why you were banned nor do I care.

Aug 6, 2009, 7:17 PM
Ahhhh....humour.....droll...very droll!!

AH.....a DROLL.....TROLL

Aug 6, 2009, 8:47 PM
Oh, Belle, I am sure that you would never think that Kate is a Troll. Troll being a rather ridiculous cyberspeak term for something or someone, that one either does not like, or does not fit in with one's idea of, how things should be, or how people should post, or the ideas they may have. No. I am sure you must have been meaning me. So, I'm a Troll because I don't dance to the piper's tune. I'm a Troll because I don't lie...am honest and say what I think. Or is it that I refuse to leave the real world behind me, when I enter a chat room or forum? Is it because I take someone to task when he/she is being rude or insulting or just plain wrong, or lying? If that is your definition of a Troll, then I guess I must be one! Then so must Adam, for he has almost been called one at times. He actually said something in a thread, some months ago, along the same lines. I can't remember exactly what he said. I see it all the time in the forum. Those people who do not fit the mould, are labelled Trolls.

Well, Belle...you couldn't be more wrong. I'm no Troll. In fact I would never label anyone with that ridiculous title. I am a person who has opinions. I air them....my way.....I don't seek approval. Guess you'd like everyone to say the same thing, be as nice as apple pie.....what a bore that would be and what a fraudulent world.

Twas meant as a humorous line....

Aug 6, 2009, 9:08 PM

Aug 6, 2009, 11:22 PM
Let's not forget how many issues she has about being obese

That's not nice. :(

Aug 7, 2009, 12:35 AM
Lol Obviously this person knows me well. Other wise he/she /it wouldnt be able to say anything.
So funny. :bigrin:

Aug 7, 2009, 12:38 AM
PS Thank you Mel-Honey and yes, Feet too. This guy thinks the only way he can hurt someone is to go for what he thinks will hurt a person the most. Well, that's what he gets for thinking.
Thank you Ladies.

Aug 8, 2009, 6:45 PM
Hey Gang,

I've been offline a few days and was back on catching up. I read this thread and was frankly, shocked... Poor sweet cat came on to share with her internet loved ones that she was having a bad time and thanks to some immature asshole(s), it's turned into a bloody warzone. Thankfully cats wise enough to know that one or two trolls does not a great website ruin. Keep smiling sweet sister - ya know when they have to stoop to the weight card; 1) they are as intellgent as grubs and 2) they've run out of ammunition! As for the negative jerks all I can say is.. young souls you have a lonnnnng way to go!!!! Happy learning! :-) Wolfie

Aug 8, 2009, 7:10 PM
I am willing to bet that this troll was not Azrael, even though he at times puts up some odd things of his own---using a name like this and the subject matter of dissing someone for being too heavy are both aspects of the "M.O" of our long time troll----it is too obvious a thing that Azrael would only go and turn the letters of his name around--I am sure that if he were going to use another name---he would do something harder to decipher than something easy like just using his name spelled backwards----I do say---our long time, "drive by troll" has most definitely come back!

Also---in his posts----Azrael very often goes off on some wild tangents--but he doesn't usually tend to get too personal and he to my knowledge has never dissed anyone for being heavy or things like that------this simply does not fit Az's way of doing things---but it sure does smell of our long time troll.

Aug 8, 2009, 11:05 PM
WELL-HELL !!! I was going to jump into this conversation with a few comments. :rolleyes: But. :oh: By the time I got my hard hat, nomex clothing, safety glasses, hard toe shoes, and ear plugs all put on, and got all safety-ed up, and well protected!!!

I forgot what I was going to say. :( Maybe if I think of it later, i'll tell ya all. OK? :stoned:

Your friend, :doggie: .........:bipride:

Aug 8, 2009, 11:18 PM
LOL Doggie. Thank you Sugar, but I think this thread is nicely worn out. Best to just let it alone. Over, done with, gone. :}
But I appreciate that you'd suit up and jump in to defend me, Sugar.
Pecks to your...cheek..lol