View Full Version : For New Yorkers: Something to Watch

Jul 31, 2009, 9:46 PM

Jul 31, 2009, 10:13 PM
Wahhhh. I Don't get the Logo Channel. I would love to see it.. maybe they will release it on DVD.. Another one of Sheela Lambert's article is here http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3551 She's awesome.

artsy girl
Jul 31, 2009, 11:53 PM
I'm sure it's downloadable .. if you know how to find stuff.. it's not hard.
artsy girl

Aug 1, 2009, 10:24 AM
Thanks for the info. I will be sure to watch it.

Aug 1, 2009, 3:12 PM
I found the link to the full documentary.


Aug 1, 2009, 4:29 PM
Wahhhh. I Don't get the Logo Channel. I would love to see it.. maybe they will release it on DVD.. Another one of Sheela Lambert's article is here http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3551 She's awesome.

Sheela's a new friend of mine and is indeed awesome. Everyone should look at her site on a daily basis, as she gets paid by the click:


Aug 1, 2009, 5:00 PM
Sheela's a new friend of mine and is indeed awesome. Everyone should look at her site on a daily basis, as she gets paid by the click:


wow! Thanks Zarro for the link. I watched the whole documentary and thought it was really good. Very informative and personal, enjoyed all the perspectives.

I also checked out Sheela's site and it appears I miss out on so much not being near the city, But she helped me become more aware and with all that she puts out there.... more connected even..... Thanks again hun.

Aug 2, 2009, 12:49 AM
WOW Bi-Zarro & sunshine-girl I liked that so much that I had to watch it 3 times and wished that I could copy that one on a DVD. I really believe that bi-sexual is more widespread than most realize. There are a lot of guys at this towns cruising spots that are married, with kids, and on the down low. Ya know that all the so called "sex-experts" say this and that about the sexual thing, and most of them deny that there is no such thing as a truly Bi-Sexual class of person. Just a person that is experimenting, or in transition, or someone that is confused, mixed up and really dosen't know what they want! :eek: Well now, all I can speak for is myself and being that I know me a lot better than the so called sex-experts do. Then that should qualify me to decide whether I am strait, gay, or bi. But instead of puttin a label on me and sayin that I am this, that, or in-between. I would rather call it "MY-SEXUAL" cause that's the way that I am.
I cannot recall when it was that I decided that I had an attraction for both sex-es. But I do remember that it was a early age, and that as I went through life, I went through times of both denial and adventure. But even when I was in a period of denial, it was still there.

Now for the real shocker. It took me a long time to realize this. That if I have sex with a guy, it has always been a more or even less physical, hit and run, dog in heat type thing and that was really all there was to it! But when I have had sex with women, it seemed different. There seemed to be some sort of emotional, spiritual (I don't know how else to describe it) hook-up or link that developed, that didn't seem to develope when having sex with guys. Question??? Can anybody understand what what I mean or am trying to say??? Has anybody else noticed this about themselves? I wonder how the "sexperts" could explain this one! Now with ME thinkin, I feel like sayin that i'me not truly a bi-sexual. Or that maybe I am about 30% gay and 70% strait ! W T F just what or where am I ??? :confused:

One thing that I do understand is that rock song by Robert Palmer "addicted to love", when he sings "might as well face it youre addicted to love" Well my version goes like this "might as well face it youre addicted to sex" :rolleyes:

Well dog-gone, i've said too much already, haven't I? Your friend, :doggie:.....:flag3:

Aug 2, 2009, 8:50 AM
That if I have sex with a guy, it has always been a more or even less physical, hit and run, dog in heat type thing and that was really all there was to it! But when I have had sex with women, it seemed different. There seemed to be some sort of emotional, spiritual (I don't know how else to describe it) hook-up or link that developed, that didn't seem to develope when having sex with guys. Question??? Can anybody understand what what I mean or am trying to say??? Has anybody else noticed this about themselves?


One of the experts in the documentary did try to explain it. She said that Love, Lust and Romantic Desire travel different brain pathways. You can be in love with someone, still have romantic desires for someone else and lust for a whole array of people. That just doesn't stand for bisexuals, it could be someone who married a blond, lusts after a red head, and that flirts with the brunette at the coffee counter every day.

I sort of clicked with what the one old doc said. He talked about how there is really no such thing as monogamy and that he himself had only known one species of worm to be monogamous. Its a parasitic worm that the male and female find each other, bind together to become one unit and die together.

And why percent yourself Doggie? See whatcha did? You got yourself flustered and unnecessarily so. How ever you feel is just right for you! Wish more people could just enjoy being human sexual beings. Now here.. Here's a scratch behind the ears *scratch scratch* take a deep breath and smile today...:bigrin::bigrin:

Aug 5, 2009, 2:37 AM
Its on the net
