View Full Version : Wading in the Dating Pool....Sigh

Jul 30, 2009, 9:50 PM
Ok..so I said this wasnt something I'd be wanting to do again, and havent for a long while, but I kinda/sorta want a companion to go out and do things with now and then. Its finding one that isnt some kind of Troll or Weasle that is the hard part. Remember that little Weasle from the cartoon Fog Horn Leghorn? I keep running into those...shudder.

Is there so many sharks in the shallow end of the dating pool that there isnt any room for some good, decent men any more? I'm not looking for Prince Charming by any means, just a plain, average guy who likes to have fun, who has a crazy sense of humor, and who could handle me being in the Lifestyle. And one or two who have more intellect than a turnip might be nice too. I'm as picky about men as I am with women! lol :bigrin:
After the Sizzler-guy incident I've been really leary, but iImay wade the waters a bit and see what flops up on the bank. :rolleyes:
Anyone else have this problem?

Cat..kissin toads and throwin' em back in the pond, and watching fer crawdads.....

Jul 31, 2009, 3:30 AM
... I'm not looking for Prince Charming by any means, just a plain, average guy who likes to have fun, who has a crazy sense of humor, and who could handle me being in the Lifestyle. And one or two who have more intellect than a turnip might be nice too.....
Anyone else have this problem?

Sheesh! Cat

My gawd, your looking for a avg male and a couple others that have more intellect than a turnip to understand your lifestyle. All I can say is good luck!

just a parsnip here, cause we're a different bunch. :)


Jul 31, 2009, 7:04 AM
Cat, If I was a hundred years younger and the distance was doable, I'd love to meet you! I'd enjoy going out for some eye-ball contact and sharing of interest and intellect. I think you'd be a hoot and who knows maybe we'd hit it off. My GF would like you too. Actually, you and she would be more apt to find compatibility. She's chubby, busty, cute as hell, and with a very quick intellect.............plus she is extremely sensual.

Jul 31, 2009, 11:38 AM
Hey Cat... Just a couple ideas I came up with that I would like to share. If your looking for someone with more intelect then a turnip, maybe you should take a class or two at the local college. Two bird one stone. Learn something new, and find someone smart...LOL Just my :2cents: Best of luck to you...

Jul 31, 2009, 12:44 PM
I'm married to a wonderful woman who has a little "cushion for the pushin'. " You hopefully will find a guy who realizes that beauty isn't always what's on the outside. And I hope you rock each other's socks off!

I think I know what Crosby, Stills, and Nash meant when they sang

Oh, when you were young, did you question all the answers
Did you envy all the dancers who had all the nerve
Look around you now - you must go for what you wanted
Look at all my friends who did and got what they deserved

We didn't all inherit the genetic coding that gave us a hot body. Life and love have a funny way of sneaking up and whacking us across the forehead and knocking us on our behinds when we least expect it.

Jul 31, 2009, 1:42 PM
Depends on what you think is hot...I think Cat IS hot!

Jul 31, 2009, 9:55 PM
Thank you loves, for all the input (and compliments..blushes) As far as the college here, all there are is teeny-boppers and its too damned expensive..lol.
And careful Gray..i used to Love parsnips *Leers*:bigrin:
Hugs Ya'll.

Jul 31, 2009, 10:28 PM
i feel you cat, been on for years and most come and go or they are on the other side of the planet (Taylor)...

Jul 31, 2009, 10:38 PM
i feel you cat, been on for years and most come and go or they are on the other side of the planet (Taylor)...

<blush> If I could be with you right now, I would. If it's meant to be, it'll happen.


Jul 31, 2009, 10:56 PM
Hey there precious cat,

You probably shouldn't take advice from me - I'm alone again (naturally) Loved that Gilbert O'sullivan song... but I digress. I would just say what I myself am practicing at the moment and hope it helps... NEVER give up - you won't find mister fun guy to hang around with by sitting on your sofa. Go out and do what you like to do and see who ya meet doing it, also I know that a lot of cities have singles groups. I joined one here in Colorado and told them up front that I was bisexual and was open to all. I haven't met Mr. Right yet - but I have a whole group of open minded friends who know me for the real me. I have a lot of fun with this group. Maybe the same could work for you. You are far too unique, sexy and hilarious to keep that all for yourself - good hunting Cherokee Sister! I say all this with a totally open minded opinion for your happiness - after all we did bring beautiful EEgie into the world!!! Love ya sweetie! Wolfie