View Full Version : I'm Back! Howwwwwwl

Jul 29, 2009, 1:52 PM
Greetings to all my beloved forum dwellers. I have returned! It has been quite a transition for me the last few months. New Job, New House, New furnishings... many long 12 hour shifts. But I finally have the internet back up and running and the Direct TV on the boob tube, so now I can watch LOGO and chat with all of you! Hope all is well in your worlds. Now that I have my own place with plenty of room all I need is Mr. Right to go with it - but - I'm in no hurry - all things worthwhile take time! :-) Cheers and hugs. Wolfie

Jul 29, 2009, 2:22 PM
Yee Haw! Theres my Wolfie! Welcome Home, Sugar, we've missed you! Congrats on all the newness in your life, you deserve it Darlin. ;)
Kisses and Boobie hugzz:bigrin:

Jul 29, 2009, 6:25 PM
Finally !!!

Cat and I were wondering what the hell happened to you haha.

Jul 29, 2009, 6:51 PM
Wolfie...HUGS HUGS and even more HUGS. We have missed you SO much.


Jul 29, 2009, 7:53 PM
Welcome back Wolfie---glad things are turning out well for ya-and as far as finding your "mr. right"-I am sure that will come in its good time too---while it might be hard to wait for such a thing--it is really something that can't or shouldn't be rushed----don't want to make a bad choice---take care--welcome back and hope to chat sometime or at least see your future posts.

Jul 29, 2009, 8:13 PM
Welcome back, Wolf

I thought you found someone! Didn't work out?

M. Wolfe
Jul 29, 2009, 8:40 PM
A challenger appears!!!

JK. Hey wolfie. I hadn't realised you'd gone.

. Wolfe

Jul 29, 2009, 9:14 PM
WOW L W been wondering where you been hiding cause you are usually at least commenting in the forums and I haven't seen you in a while. So glad to hear that you are back to the BI site. Be lookin forward to hearing from ya. Damm I didn't know that you were into having a moving experience!!! :tong:

Your friend, :doggie: .......:bipride:

Jul 29, 2009, 11:15 PM
lol Grabs Rissa's hands and squishes Wolfie in between us...Squissshhhh...lol:bigrin:
Yep, we missted you...:}

Jul 30, 2009, 6:24 PM
Thank you all for the kind, warm welcome back. I missed all of you as well. Thanks Voltman for the great advice. I WILL take things slow and if it's meant to happen - it will. Cat & Rissa - Thank you ladies - I love boobie hugs!!! LOL Doggie - was that comment about a "moving experience" a proposition??? Wink - wink! LOL Yep- it's been an experience alright!!!
Realist - there WAS someone - but it dodn't work out - His loss!!!! :-)
M. Wolfe - no worries about a challenger - there's room on here for a whole pack of wolves!!! LOL We'll just howl at each other from time to time. Onewhocares - thanks! Your words (as always) made me smile. God Bless you all, and in the words of Judy Garland's Dorothy; "There's no place like home". Hugs Wolfie

Jul 30, 2009, 6:52 PM
Welcome Back Wolf...you and your howls have been missed!

Jul 30, 2009, 6:54 PM
Welcome Back Wolf...you and your howls have been missed!

Thanks Kate! It's good to be back! Cheers & Blessings