View Full Version : My Story - Acceptance

Jul 29, 2009, 5:32 AM
Hey folks... Yea I know this is a bit of a long post, but this is a story a wrote a year or so back. It is based on my bisexual awakening. A few minor things were changed for story flow... but other then that this is fairly spot on.

I hope you enjoy it.



You know all the usual stuff, don't read if it's illegal or you don't like sex or sex between two males offends you. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in.




I was a typical teenage boy. I liked all of the things most typical boys my age were into, girls, games, girls, sports, girls, cars, girls, movies, and did I mention girls! I had dated several girls since freshman year, and I had fooled around with plenty of them, but I had not had sex with any of them.

I wanted to have sex as much as the next guy, but I wasn't interested in a "one night stand." I wanted a relationship. It wasn't until my sophomore year that I found a girl that I really liked and dated steadily. Her name was Janice, and she was beautiful.

I was kind of a big guy, not fat really, but broad and tall. I had always been a big guy. By eleventh grade, I was six foot-one, two hundred and forty pounds. I had a bit of a beer belly, but I looked like a line backer. Everyone always asked me 'why I didn't try out for sports' and although I did enjoy playing sports for fun, I had other interests. I was a geek! I loved chess, choir, band, and drama. I was even in several school plays. Yep. I was a geek, but I was a very popular geek.

I was friends with most of the jocks, and I was always invited to all the big parties. At the same time I had no problem fitting in with the geek crowd either. I stuck up for them any chance I got, and our school was a fairly bully free zone. The goths, the nerds, even some of the outed gay crowd, were all counted as my friends. I was and all around kind of guy. I loved it!

Janice was very special to me. I knew I had strong feelings for her, and she had strong feelings for me. I don't think, however, that we were ever really 'In Love'. Oh we liked each other enough to have sex. We were each other s firsts. We both came from Christian homes, and although we didn't really want to 'wait for marriage.' We both had the opinion that a committed relationship, was about as close as we wanted to get for a while. She was like me and didn't like the idea of just sleeping with the next guy that came along. We just really clicked together and we were the couple of the tenth and eleventh grade.

I also had this best friend. His name was Sylvester. I always called him Sly. We had been best friends for almost four years. Its beginnings are a bit strange though. You see Sly had been the skinny runt that all the neighborhood kids picked on. That was, until I moved into town.

I had been walking through the new neighborhood, just checking things out, when a commotion caught my eye. I was fourteen at the time, but I had already started getting big. I liked to workout on the home gym, and just really liked working out, I know weird huh?

There were three kids about my age or maybe a year younger, none of them as big as me, picking and hitting this small, skinny kid. I started getting mad... I hate bullies. I ran over to see what was going on.

"Hey! What are you guys doing to that kid?"

"Who the fuck are you, dillhole?"

"Yea, mind you own business!!" the tallest of them said to me.

The tall one then grabbed the poor kid again and he cried out in pain, tears streaking his face. His shirt had been ripped and I could see a bruise on his side. That was all I could stand!

I walked up to the first smart mouth, and landed a blow right on his nose. He went down holding his nose. I then spun around and round house kicked the shocked one standing to my left. He spun around and landed face first on ground, not moving. I think I knocked him out. That just left the asshole still holding on to the kid.

He released the kid once he realized what I had just done and I'm sure the look on my face wasn't helping much, because he looked terrified. The small kid fell to the ground, being released, clutching his bruises. The asshole backed away, turned, and tried to make a run for it, leaving his buddies behind.

I hate bullies, but what I hate even more are bully cowards! I did a sweep kick to his legs, and he fell to the ground planting his face in grass. I walked up, used my foot to roll him over on to his back, he was still groggy, and I applied pressure with my combat booted foot. He sobered up quick as he doubled up and grabbed at my foot, trying in desperation to relive the pain. He was crying out a bit loudly.

"I guess that hurts then doesn't it?" I lifted my foot slightly and before he had time to get his hands over his stomach, I jabbed down my foot quickly. His cries stopped as he rolled over onto his side, in the fetal position, sucking in air. None of the kids ever messed with Sly again after that.

Sly and me became instant friends. There was always something about him. We just clicked. He was my best friend and I loved him like a little brother I never had. (I was an only child.) We had had so much in common. We both loved all the same things, did most of them together, we even slept over at each others houses on the weekends.

We talked about, well just about everything, especially Sex. When we found some porn mags in his older brother's closet, we would sit for hours reading and looking at the pictures and talk dirty, we never jerked off around each other like some kids did. We were actually kinda shy around each other. We had never even been naked around each other before, but I had no problems showering at school around the other guys.

I had the broad chest, tall, muscular thing going on for me, but Sly developed into quite a strong and well toned young man himself. He came over and worked out with me often and he loved to skateboard. Skateboarding was one thing I never had the coordination for. Every time I tried I would bust my ass. Sly however, was awesome!

Sly, at eighteen, was about five foot six, one hundred and fifty-six pounds. He had that skater / swimmers body, with jet-black hair that was always hanging in his bright green eyes and this pale, almost milk colored skin. He was always getting bad sun burns in the summer. He had these funny dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. All the girls thought he was so cute!

I was cool for Sly, because he went from being the skinny kid that everyone picked on, to the cute little guy that was at all the cool parties, and hung out with the cool kids. The biggest benefit for him though was all the older girls that always went, "Aww he's so cute!" at all the parties. No one ever picked on him again.

Sly, unlike me, was a little horn dog and used his new found fame to get it any chance he could. He started at fifteen, with a sixteen year old hottie, and never looked back. He dated a few girls his own age, but he loved the older girls.

He actually had sex before me. We talked about it all though, he always told me how much fun it was and how good it felt. He was always bragging how he lasted a good twenty minutes or more. It was a few months after his first sexual escapades that I started getting serious with Janice, and we had sex for the first time. It was awesome, just as good as he had described, but better I think. Mine and Janice's relationship was more caring then his generally were. Most of his conquests were one-nighters.

It was my senior year, around thanksgiving. Me and Janice had been together for almost two years. Things were good between us, but we both knew that something was not quite right. We cared a lot for each other, the sex was great, and we both remained faithful to one another, but neither one of us could say the "L" word. We had talked about it several times. We knew that at some point, we would have to break it off, but for the mean time, things were great, and we had big plans for prom night. We figured that we would probably go our separate ways when we left for college.

Sly had just turned eighteen and I had turned eighteen over the summer. He was staying at my place one weekend, as we had done for four years, whenever we didn't have dates planned. It was around midnight. We were in my room, in my king sized bed, as always. As usual, we were laying there discussing the week's events. Also as usual the talk turned to our love lives, and sex.

"Did I hear right? Did you dump Kim and go back to Amy again?"

"Yea, what can I say? Amy is an amazing fuck! But that is it, you know... the only thing Amy wants is physical, and that's cool by me. She could be the perfect girlfriend. I mean she has a hot body, she is smart, popular, great sense of humor, but there is no real emotional connection there. I love sex with her, but I just need more... I'll probably break up with her in a week or two again."

"How many times have we talked about this man? You need to lay off the sex a bit, and just date for a while... find the girl man!"

He was grinning at me, "Man you know me! I want something more, but Sly jr. just keeps getting in the way." We both laughed at that. After a while of just laying there, almost falling asleep, Sly started a conversation that would change my life forever.

"Um... hey Josh? You ever have, strange sex dreams? Things of you doing stuff you would never do?"

"Ahh... What do you mean?"

He took a big breath, "Well... I have.... Um... been dreaming of... oh just forget it!" He rolled over, away from me. I knew from the shakiness of his voice that this was something he wanted to talk about, but he seemed... afraid.

"Go on Sly, you know we can talk about anything." I wasn't as prepared for what he had to say as I thought I was.

He rolled back over, I think I saw a tear in his eye. "Josh, I've been... I've had several dreams lately... of..." he took a deep breath. "...of having sex with a guy!" He was staring at me, waiting for my response.

"Wow..." I was a bit dumbfounded. I knew a few guys that said they were gay, but I never talked to them about the homosexuality. Being the nice straight boy that I was, I had had it beaten in that being gay was a betrayal to ones self. It was abnormal! Although around other straight guys you can joke around at being gay, but you made it clear to all in the room that it was just for a joke, and that you were as straight as they come.

Being a born and raised Christian, you are told from the time you can understand, that to be gay or have gay fantasies was wrong! It was a sin against God! And my best friend in the world was just confessing to me to having Gay fantasies... My gut took over and I said the same thing that any straight boy would say if his manhood was put into question... the totally wrong thing! "Dude, that's gross... how can you stand having gay dreams?"

The wide look in his eyes, and the water that began to form told me I had said the wrong thing. I knew it was wrong as soon as it had left my lips. The look on his face told me I had just fucked up! His voice was quivering, "You think I want these dreams..."

There was something about the way he had said it. It was like he was trying to convince himself, and me, that he didn't want the dreams. "That's not the worst part." He was openly sobbing now, "The worst part is in these dreams... I'm having sex... with YOU!" his voice had raised at the end. I was shocked! He was not only having dreams about gay sex, but gay sex with me in them. None of that prepared me for what happened next.

With the tears still streaming down his face, he moved up quickly over the top of me, and placed his lips on mine. My initial straight boy gut kicked in and tried to get him off of me, but I didn't really end up trying very hard. With my eyes locked into his tear soaked green eyes, waves of pent up emotion came over me from out of nowhere.

You know how they talk about life flashing before your eyes before you die. Well I had one of those moments. The past four years flew past me in the blink of an eye, and I realized, in that moment, that what I had mistaken for brotherly feelings of friendship, where much, much more. I loved Sly! I could see it all, plan as day.

My straight indoctrinated mind had not let me see it. I realized that I had always been very attracted to Sly. He was the only guy I have ever felt... shy around. I had no problem being but naked in front of the guys at in the gym shower. I was never really that modest of a person, just around Sly. All of it just to hide my own attraction, and feelings for Sly. All of my perceptions of our relationship changed with a simple kiss.

Five minutes later and our first kiss was still going on. We were exploring each others tongues. Our hands were exploring our bodies. Mine was caressing his face, hair, and the back of his neck. His were on my chest checking out every inch of pectoral muscle. When we finally came up for air, Sly started to move off of me.

"No, just lay down here." I said taping my chest. He unstraddled my waist and lay down on top of me draped off of my right side. We lay there for a while neither of us wanting to talk about what had just happened. His head resting on my chest, and my arms around him, He felt like he belonged there.

I broke the silence, "Ok, First..." he propped up to look at me. He had this angelic look on his face. I continued, "I'm sorry for what I said a few minutes ago. I was not being honest with my self. I... I think I'm in love with you Sly!" his face became a huge grin. As I said it, it did all click in my heart. I did love him. "I haven't had dreams about you, that I can remember, but I realize that I that I have had strong feelings for you, for a very long time."

He had those tears again, "Thank you! I have been waiting to talk to you about this for almost a year now." He moved up a bit a kissed me again. A few seconds later the feeling of a hand rubbing my cock though my shorts, made me realize that I had been hard for quite some time now. I became aware of his prick too, as it was pressed firmly against my hip. Part of me started screaming in my head that this was wrong. The other part of me however, was beating the hell out of the first part. My whole being wanted this, badly.

My right hand found its way to his ass, while my left was grinding his mouth into mine, pushing down on the back of his head. His tongue was on fire. This was so much hotter then with Janice. His hand left my cock, and made its way under my shirt and found a nipple to tweak.

I was getting so turned on by this. Sly broke our kiss, "I want to see you... all of you!" He jumped out of the bed and ran across the room to the light switch. It was about one o'clock in the morning. As my eye became used to the light, Sly began striping off his clothes as he walked back to the bed.

His body was amazing. All the working out had really paid off. He had these six pack abs I would kill for, instead of the slight beer gut I had going. As his shorts hit the floor, I saw the one part of his body I never seen. His cock was beautiful. It was so hard that it was practically pointing at the ceiling. His trim, black pubes were a real turn-on and his nuts where large and hung low, at least a good five inches from his body.

His cock was long, but skinny, like the rest of him. I think the only fat part of his body was the head of his prick. It was big, puffy, and a deep shade of purple. It looked a bit off since the rest of his body was a milky cream color.

I sat up and started to shuck off my shirt. He jumped on the bed and went straight for my shorts. I was proud of my six-and-a-half inch monster. What it didn't have in length it more then made up for in girth.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but at the same time I knew I wanted this more then anything in my whole life. Sly had flipped a switch in me and years of pent up emotion came crashing through both of us.

He took my rock hard monster and began one of the best blowjobs I have ever received! (That is still true to this day!) His mouth was on fire. I was so glad that my bedroom was in the attic over the garage, and that my sleeping parents' room was on the other side of the house. I'm sure they would have heard the screams and moans of pleasure coming from my lips.

I didn't last long under his assault. Within a few minutes I could feel the pressure building up.

"Sly... I'm about to cum!" That did not have the effect I thought, he started to work harder.

It was then that he did something I really didn't expect. I felt his wet finger press into my asshole. My initial reaction would have been to stop him, but it was way too late for that. His finger slipped into my ass, and slid surprisingly painlessly, until his knuckles were pressing against my cheeks. I felt his fingertip start to rub something deep inside me, and I exploded into rapture. I flooded his mouth with a weeks worth of built up cum, and screamed, "FUCK!!!"

My whole body shook from the earthquake traveling though my body. When it slowed down I was tingling from head to foot, from the best orgasm of my short life. Sly crawled up and kissed me slowly, sharing a bit of my cum with me. I had to admit, I tasted pretty good. I had never even thought of trying my own spunk before. It was actually a bit of a turn on for me.

Sly broke the kiss after a while, and looked deep into my eyes, "Josh... can I make love to you?"

I didn't know what to say at first. There was still a whisper of that hetero-voice in my head saying, "No! It will make you GAY!!" but I had already decided, I was in love with this boy, and I wanted to experience everything I could with him. I was a bit scared too, because I thought of how it would hurt, but I just smiled at him, "Yes, I would like nothing more."

I rolled over to the night stand, opened the drawer, and pulled out the petroleum jelly that used to beat off with. He smiled as he read my mind. He took the jar and scooped out a finger full as I pulled my legs back. I felt the cold jelly on my ass, and then his finger as he slowly worked it around my asshole. He slowly started to push into my ass again, working the jelly around just inside.

He kept looking at my face to see if he was hurting me, but he went slow and worked my hole open, a little at a time. It really felt good! There was no pain the whole time as he worked one, two, and finally three fingers into my ass. Every now and then he would hit that spot again as he worked his fingers in and out. My cock jumped each time. It was now very hard again.

After a few minutes of this, Sly removed his fingers and leaned forward to kiss me again. He leaned back with a hungry look in his eyes, and I felt it. His cock pressed against my ass as he slowly pushed in and out, right at the entrance. He slowly pushed further each thrust until the head broke the event horizon of my ass. There was a brief moment of pain as his head popped in, but it was replaced soon with waves of pleasure.

He slowly worked his way in until his balls came to rest on my cheeks and I felt full, like I had to take a shit. Once he was all the way in, he leaned back down and we kissed for a good minute. When his lips left mine, they slowly made their way down my neck, and then on to my chest.

He then, started to move his hips. Wow! I couldn't believe how good it felt. It was so different from any sex I had ever had. Not just because I was on the receiving end, but the emotions, the passion, it was more... raw, more... animal. Maybe it was because I had cared for Janice, but I had always known that didn't really "love" her. This... this was pure Love!

Sly sat up and started getting a faster rhythm going. I could hear and feel his low hanging nuts, slapping my ass. I really wanted to experience this, so I whispered to him, "Harder baby! Hit it harder, I know you can!" the look on his face when I called him 'baby' was worth the price of admission, and harder he did.

My bed started to squeak from the pounding Sly was giving my ass. He had placed his hands on the back of my knees, pressing them into my chest, shifting my ass so his stroke hit from a slightly different angle. The change felt amazing! I could feel my nuts tightening up. 'Shit I'm about to cum again!' I thought. It would be the first time I had ever had an orgasm without being touched.

My second orgasm of the night felt even more powerful then the first. The first shot hit my nose, dribbling into my mouth. Sly grabbed my cock like it was an arcade joystick. The next few shots hit his chest, and then drooled down onto his hand. My prostate was screaming from the stimulation, I was shivering all over as my orgasm was slowing down. My ass had been squeezing his cock with every wave, but as I started to come down, he started pumping his seed deep into me.

We had both been moaning and swearing rather loudly. Sly collapsed on my chest, his head resting against my neck. We were both breathing hard and sweating all over each other.

The next thing I remember is waking later that morning with Sly draped across me, now laying on my right side, his head on my chest now. He was quietly snoring. He was so cute!

I just laid there for about an hour, thinking over this morning's revelation. I couldn't believe I had never seen it before. I had been so blind. I even realized that there were a few other guys at school that I found personally attractive for one reason or another. My mind had been so closed. Now, it felt as though a weight had been lifted off...

I have considered myself bisexual ever since, although I still consider myself a monogamous person. I did break things off with Janice the next day. She was a bit upset at first, because of the suddenness, but we talked a long time about it, and agreed that we were just fooling ourselves and that we should get out there and find that right person for each other. She was still one of my best friends for a long while, until I lost contact with her a few years later after college.

Me and Sly were together.... and that's all I really cared about.

Jul 29, 2009, 6:36 AM
Well done! I'm sure that story could have been told a million times, for both genders, for centuries. You write well and I loved the way it built up to the climax ......it was very rewarding. I like happy endings!

Jul 29, 2009, 10:36 AM
Very good writing Josh and it is a great story----I love to read stories of this nature more than seeing stereotypical porn--guess it is the writer in me that finds reading about sex much better than porn--and especially stories of this sort more than watching by the numbers porn----

Now that you have this part of the story--I hope you have more installments coming-----I want to know how things worked out between the Josh and Sly of the story.

Jul 29, 2009, 12:16 PM
I agree with Volty. I enjoyed the story very much. Thought it was well written and suggests in my mind that most men, however much they deny it would in fact welcome an advance by another man. That the bond between two men can indeed be based on more than just pure sex. Perhaps not every man....but many.

I look forward to hearing from you on the next chapters in the relationship.

As an asside....I am not sure if this question has been posed here before.....but is there a location within this site for talented writers to share their stories? I know that I have been priveledged to read some of our writers stories and thought it would be nice to share them.


Jul 29, 2009, 1:22 PM

Over all I liked the story. Apologies for reading it with an editor / writer's eyes.
Did not find much of anything as errors go. Not really being critical, just 'cleaning up'.
Take or leave suggestions as you see fit.

I loved Sly! I could see it all, plan as day.

# plain as day

As my eye became used to the light, Sly began striping off his clothes as he walked back to the bed.

# eyes became ...

I was getting so turned on by this. Sly broke our kiss, "I want to see you... all of you!" He jumped out of the bed and ran across the room to the light switch.


Sly had flipped a switch in me and years of pent up emotion came crashing through both of us.

Good usage of metaphor and continuity here. Really appreciate this, it's nice to read
when a good author can do it. And well, you pulled it off, so you're a good one. <grin> Takes it to know.

I rolled over to the night stand, opened the drawer, and pulled out the petroleum jelly that used to beat off with.

# ... was used to ...

Thank you for granting the honor of reading this story. You might actually get me inspired / motivated to start writing seriously, again. And Belle is right, we need a cove for good writers to share. Not sure if here on the board is exactly a suitable place, for many reasons.
Sure, we can be ourselves and all freaky bi and open on the site. Writing though can be
a little more private, more a delicacy.

Jul 29, 2009, 2:25 PM
From a fellow writer, well done Sugar.;)

Jul 29, 2009, 6:35 PM
Very nice Josh. Thank you for sharing your story.

Jul 29, 2009, 6:48 PM
I do wish that the owners of the site would change the software to another type so we could have more permanent postings and we could post up things like our writings, photos, etc.

It would sure be great if we had the ability to do so on here---it might also serve the needs of those academics that come to visit us time to time--studying we bisexuals like we are some newly discovered species of insect or something!! :bigrin:

It would sure be nice for our own purposes.

Jul 30, 2009, 12:21 AM
Volty has the notion. :) I was also thinking maybe a separate area for writers, each having their own private 'desks' if you would. Then give the writers access to controlling their readership a bit. Of course, won't say much about the whole thought of intellectual property, copyright, etc. And there would also need to be a PICS system, or other means of content ratings. Damn it's a mess to think about. Designing wouldn't require too much, but the bs would snuff it probably.

M. Wolfe
Jul 30, 2009, 2:43 AM
Wow dude, I think that may be the best erotic story I've heard. This isn't a bad thing, it doesn't at all detract or lessen the story but I totally saw this bit coming...

He was openly sobbing now, "The worst part is in these dreams... I'm having sex... with YOU!" his voice had raised at the end. I was shocked!

You geared the audience for it.

With much help from cat, I managed to put one of my best fantasies into words and I think I may put it up if you guys would like to hear it.

Jul 30, 2009, 4:57 AM
Thanks for all the great responses guys. This was an interesting story for me to write. It is rather close to how I remember the events of that time... though there was a bit of poetic license used in the retelling... but that is usually a given :)

Very good writing Josh and it is a great story----I love to read stories of this nature more than seeing stereotypical porn--guess it is the writer in me that finds reading about sex much better than porn--and especially stories of this sort more than watching by the numbers porn----

Now that you have this part of the story--I hope you have more installments coming-----I want to know how things worked out between the Josh and Sly of the story.

The story of me and "Sly" was the typical relationship. we had a great time together, and it was a great couple of years there... in the end we did break up... but it was more of a mutual thing... we both really wanted a family with kids and all... and he eventually found a great girl and is raising three great boys.

I still chat with him from time to time... but maybe one day... when we are old and gray... I'll get my first love back LOL

I look forward to hearing from you on the next chapters in the relationship.

As an asside....I am not sure if this question has been posed here before.....but is there a location within this site for talented writers to share their stories? I know that I have been priveledged to read some of our writers stories and thought it would be nice to share them.

Unfortunately this is the only story that I have written about me and "Sly" that could change one day... but until then I have tons of other stories I'm working on.

As for the other location on the site for Stories... I would love it and I read that a few others would as well... however if it is cool I might just post a few others up here at some point :)

Over all I liked the story. Apologies for reading it with an editor / writer's eyes. Did not find much of anything as errors go. Not really being critical, just 'cleaning up'. Take or leave suggestions as you see fit.

Hey thanks I can always use the help :) I'm actually a bit dyslexic and rely on spell checkers a lot... lol I used to be a one man Writing/editing type of guy, and I would miss quite a bit... but I have a really great editor now... though she has not gone over this one yet... she is working on my new stuff :)

M. Wolfe:
With much help from cat, I managed to put one of my best fantasies into words and I think I may put it up if you guys would like to hear it.

Hey I for one would love to read your story... I say the more stories the better :bigrin:


Jul 30, 2009, 6:08 AM
Aside from a few typo's...great work Joshua. You are very good at dialogue...a difficult thing for me to write.
Well done....a truly a good story.
:) Mati

Alaskan Couple
Jul 31, 2009, 12:27 AM
I agree, nice clean story with good flow and content. I also think you achieved what so many "erotic stories" lack, and that is a theme that speaks to the human condition. (in this instance you hit on the very common experience of discovery and exploration of normal sexuality, etc). The only constructive critique I might offer is one that was given to me; it is good to slow down the pace of the plot sometime and build some detail on the characters - as writers, we have to remember that we intimately "know" our characters because they live in our head. But the readers do not share that familiarity and it is never a bad thing to make sure they "know" them well enough to really get into caring about them. (an example would be; it would have been nice to have been "inside" Sly's head a bit more and see the turmoil and doubt that he fought for over a year. As it was, he just sort of blurted it all out in a flash.)

However, having offered the critique above, I also concede that the format of a "forum" like this is somewhat limiting as to the length you could play with.

So as a fellow writer, I second (or is it third?) the idea that a "story" section would be a great addition to this site. It would give a format for longer stories and a place where they could stay accessible for a long time.

Jul 31, 2009, 4:32 AM
The only constructive critique I might offer is one that was given to me; it is good to slow down the pace of the plot sometime and build some detail on the characters - as writers, we have to remember that we intimately "know" our characters because they live in our head. But the readers do not share that familiarity and it is never a bad thing to make sure they "know" them well enough to really get into caring about them. (an example would be; it would have been nice to have been "inside" Sly's head a bit more and see the turmoil and doubt that he fought for over a year. As it was, he just sort of blurted it all out in a flash.)

LOL well I can understand wanting to get into "Sly's" head more... there were lots of times I wished I could have got into his head... he could be really complex at times...

its funny, he had this real innocence about him... those that didn't know him well would have never guessed how much of a horn-dog he was. And kinky... boy did every teach me kinky LOL

I miss him a lot sometimes.


Jul 31, 2009, 6:40 AM
I told Joshua in a private message of another place he could post his work----a site called FreeGayPix.com where such stories can be posted along with the other offerings at the site----they are male gay/bi oriented stories----if anyone is interested in posting such stories---here is the link to the opening page--you have to click the big blue "ENTER" to get another box to open to access the site.


PS---I had not been there much lately myself--but I see they do have a bisexual side too that you can see pics and also post bithemed stories as well----just look around on the page--you will find the links. Volty

Aug 2, 2009, 10:05 AM
So as a fellow writer, I second (or is it third?) the idea that a "story" section would be a great addition to this site. It would give a format for longer stories and a place where they could stay accessible for a long time.

I'm new here (I think- used to be a member of a bi site years ago, but it might have been bisexual.org), but I'll fourth the motion. I'm sure all of us have stories of either great sex or coming outs- Joshua's being a bit of both. I'd love to be able to write about some of mine.

I actually wrote a book of sorts about my bi/ homo activities years ago and suggest some of you consider doing the same. If we had a personal stories section here, you could then just past a certain story from your book on this site.

What I did was part of my acceptance of my homosexuality which I later determined was bisexuality. I wrote a book about my sexual experiences starting with the first one I could remember at age 1 to the outing of myself to a brother- in- law I had the hots for. I only included the man on man relationships except where a gal might have been involved.

I really enjoyed writing that book. I couldn't stop. I finally got up to my present life and pretty much stopped, hoping to find more stories to add.

Eventually, there it sat and, although I'd written the book as a form of outing myself (I gave enough details without using my name that someone familiar with me would know it was me) I ended up being nervous about someone stumbling on to my book on my computer or the floppy I had it stored on. Why I was so nervous about that when I'd published some sections of the book online was beyond me.

I finally deleted the book, a decision I've regretted ever since. I really enjoyed writing the stories, rereading them myself and sharing them with others.

Anyway, some of you might consider doing the same thing. I'm sure most here have many stories to tell. Maybe I should rewrite my book? This has got me thinking about it.

Aug 2, 2009, 11:27 AM
I really enjoyed writing that book. I couldn't stop. I finally got up to my present life and pretty much stopped, hoping to find more stories to add.

Eventually, there it sat and, although I'd written the book as a form of outing myself (I gave enough details without using my name that someone familiar with me would know it was me) I ended up being nervous about someone stumbling on to my book on my computer or the floppy I had it stored on. Why I was so nervous about that when I'd published some sections of the book online was beyond me.

I finally deleted the book, a decision I've regretted ever since. I really enjoyed writing the stories, rereading them myself and sharing them with others.

Anyway, some of you might consider doing the same thing. I'm sure most here have many stories to tell. Maybe I should rewrite my book? This has got me thinking about it.

My vote is that you do rewrite your stories--too bad that you deleted it to begin with----

Now--get started and go for it!!!!

Aug 2, 2009, 11:29 AM
My vote is that you do rewrite your stories--too bad that you deleted it to begin with----
Now--get started and go for it!!!!

Yep. I think I will. It will take some time, though.