View Full Version : As a Bisexual Writer

Isaac Steel
Jul 26, 2009, 4:25 PM
I am a writer, as a hobby not profession, although one can dream, and many of my stories have a bisexual theme. I have shared them with friends and family who know I am Bi. However, since I am not out to everyone, I still feel uneasy sharing them. If I am ever going to be published, I need to get over this fear. I thought I was over this stuff, I guess not. All input is appreciated, thanks.

Jul 26, 2009, 8:13 PM
Why not write under a "ghost writer" name? That way you can get published and don't have to come out to anyone other than the ones you want to know.

Jul 26, 2009, 8:26 PM
I am not out to anyone yet. I write stories that are bi and I've sold a few. You can sell stories without revealing or outing yourself. Not a lot of money, but some exposure for the stories you write. Write your fantasies, what you desire, keep typing where the muse takes you. You never know what will sell

Jul 26, 2009, 8:38 PM
Do as many published writers do - write and publish under a "Pen Name" such as "Issac Steel" - unless that's your real name, of course.

Doggie :doggie:

Jul 26, 2009, 8:56 PM
Nom de Plume.....Issac Steele.....sounds SO nice.


Jul 26, 2009, 9:56 PM
yea... Joshua Glynn is not my real name... it is my author name that I have used for years...

For me I took my real middle name... that is the 'glynn' and too the first name of one of my favorite characters.

I also have several stories that have been published online... nothing sold or anything.. though I have been told that I should. :bigrin:


M. Wolfe
Jul 26, 2009, 10:29 PM
yea... Joshua Glynn is not my real name... it is my author name that I have used for years...

I've been wondering, is Glynn pronounced 'glin' or 'glen'?

Jul 26, 2009, 10:30 PM
I've been wondering, is Glynn pronounced 'glin' or 'glen'?

it is pronounced Like Glenn Close http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000335/



M. Wolfe
Jul 26, 2009, 10:58 PM
it is pronounced Like Glenn Close.

I know who she is, Crewela Devile.
I was wondering because my mums name is Lynne and that's pronounced as if it were spelt with an 'e'.

Jul 27, 2009, 12:03 AM
Many writers use alternitive names when writing so that the public doesnt have to necessarily Have to know who they are. A "Non-deplume" is a great way to get your works published and to keep your anonomimity(sp) as well.:}
Good luck from a fellow writer. ;)

Jul 27, 2009, 7:13 AM
I too write as a hobby. Not been writing for a bit now. Have been working upon other things.

Frankly, it kind of irks me that bisexual people _need_ to _hide out_ on the verges. There are plenty of _out proud_ homosexual authors in the industry at present, plenty of heterosexual authors, too. :) No one suggests they _hide out_.

The idea of pen names strikes me as being a very transient step away from names of war. I guess in a sense we do fight a war. It's been said many times and ways, people are people.

Why must we be forced into a war, when all that is desired is equality? Is that not our given right, by God, or not? Apologies for a few semi-dangerous rhetorical questions. Been watching Firefly, thanks to my boyfriend. I'm having a Jayneism.

Some words dribbled on an open electronic page, thanks for reading them. Run it slow.

Alaskan Couple
Jul 28, 2009, 12:33 AM
I too write erotic short stories. Currently I only publish them on a non-paying web site that is geared for that. I have had some surprisingly favorable responses. I was wondering if any of the folks who have responded here and have actually found a way to sell their stories might be willing to share some of the details about how one goes about that. For example, where would one sell stories of a bi-sexual and/or gay theme? What kind of money would one expect to receive?

As to the original question, I agree that the pen-name would be the way to go for someone who is not totally out about his sexuality. (and I tend to believe that to be out or keep such a thing private is a personal choice, both of which are valid and acceptable)

Jul 28, 2009, 8:09 AM
I am a writer, as a hobby not profession, although one can dream, and many of my stories have a bisexual theme. I have shared them with friends and family who know I am Bi. However, since I am not out to everyone, I still feel uneasy sharing them. If I am ever going to be published, I need to get over this fear. I thought I was over this stuff, I guess not. All input is appreciated, thanks.

My mother was a writer. She wrote under a pen name as well. Her "meatier" writings came under that name...and her more...."spiritual in nature" were under her own. Unfortunately, she didn't live long enough to publish, but she was very talented. I hate to see a talent wasted. Don't wait...just do it.

I write too, not on blogs or sites....just write. I stopped for a long time because my husband told me once that words written were just lies. I don't know why I let that stop me, but it did. Joining this chat has opened my mind again and I am loving writing and sharing stories...with individuals at this time. Maybe someday I will share them with others.

I appreciate fiction with a hint of real life. Pen names can be fun. My mother's was Fannie Martin.

:) Have a good day today, all....Mati

Jul 28, 2009, 8:28 AM
I would really enjoy reading something that puts bisexuals into a positive light.

Just recently I was discussing various sexuality issues with a couple, who I wish had something like that to read..

They appear to be very open and liberal about relationships and life in general, but upon mentioning gay and bisexual lifestyles, I was shocked to hear that they thought those were akin to criminal activity!

I explained that they are no more prone to being criminals than the Sunday school teacher, or the policeman, or someone's mother.

They had a life-time of conditioning to deal with. I know, I had the same prejudices heaped upon me, too. Their opinions were not their own, but those who have been preached to them about the evils of "deviates" and how we are some form of low-lifes...............who hide in the dark, waiting to grab little children for unmentionable reasons, and seduce their husbands and wives, with our hypnotic ways.

I admit that I did not tell them I was bisexual and that I did none of those things. But I told them half-truths; I said that I KNEW some gays and bisexuals, who were fine-upstanding citizens, and they would never participate in any activity like that.

If there was an author, who could write a brilliant, honest, book about a good, solid, bi, or gay citizen, and the story could put a positive light on that lifestyle, maybe the seed could be planted.

Jul 28, 2009, 9:49 AM
Hello Steele.

I'd be really interested in reading your stories if you'd allow me. I'm also a writer and i've been planning my Opus magnum on bisexual stuff. I think it could be an interesting point of view, especially an out-of-the-closet view.


Jul 28, 2009, 12:34 PM
I would really enjoy reading something that puts bisexuals into a positive light.
If there was an author, who could write a brilliant, honest, book about a good, solid, bi, or gay citizen, and the story could put a positive light on that lifestyle, maybe the seed could be planted.

Something to consider, thanks. :)

Alaskan Couple
Jul 28, 2009, 8:36 PM
......I write too, not on blogs or sites....just write. I stopped for a long time because my husband told me once that words written were just lies. I don't know why I let that stop me, but it did. Joining this chat has opened my mind again and I am loving writing and sharing stories...

I think the thing your husband said to you is not only insensitive, it is just flat out wrong. I believe this saying is closer to the truth; "If you have read my stories, then you have read my mind."

From the small bit I know about writing, truly great writers have a broad wealth of experiences, emotions and insights that, when crafted into a work of art on the page, speak to the inner voice of others. This is the gift...the talent of a writer. Perhaps the plot and characters are fictitious, but the truths expressed are not. It is this touching of others heart that is both the gift and the reward I think.

From the number of posts on this subject, it seems that there are a lot of writers here. I hope everyone will share more on this topic.