View Full Version : Hypothetical Question-Just for the sake of discussion :}

Jul 21, 2009, 6:36 PM
This was taken from the Shine homepage. I thought it would be an interesting topic of discussion. :};)

User Post: What if your OB/GYN was lesbian? user
by 29_and holding, on Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:13am PDT 515

We all have a certain right to privacy. We choose what we wish to tell people about ourselves.

I know many people that would rather see a male doctor over a female doctor and vice versa. I have a friend that refuses to use a massage therapist that is female.

So my question to you is this. If you knew that you OB was a lesbian would that bother you? Would you be offended if you found out this information?

Or can you simply say this is no different from seeing a male doctor. Would you see it as a woman just doing her job?

Let me know what you think.

Jul 21, 2009, 6:48 PM
I have always preferred males, the only time I have even gotten an examination done by a female was because I was giving birth and the nurses who were with me were female or if the midwife that worked at my doctors office happened to be on that day instead of him. BUT...I don't prefer men because I feel creeped out by a woman doing it. Actually, it's really not a sexual thing at all. So, in the long run, it really doesn't matter to me. Even if it was a sexual thing, hell, I'm bi...I don't care haha.

Jul 21, 2009, 8:04 PM
I guess I have never thought about the question much. I have always selected my doctors on their qualifications and experience no matter their gender. In my life I have been picked and prodded by the best and frankly I can not imagine that they would be interested in me other than a patient. I do have a few friends who are doctors and I shall pose this question to them.


P. S. On the counterpoint....Have YOU ever been turned on by your doctor of the same sex or opposite?

My daughter broke her leg twice in one year when she was eight and her orthopedic surgeon was so so hot I would walk out of his office with wet panties and fantasies to last a week....or at least until the next visit for sure.

Jul 21, 2009, 8:44 PM
I wouldn't care if my box doc was gay, but I do prefer a female examining down there.

When I was young, it was comforting to know that my gyno went to a church not far from my own. It wasn't unusual for me to go to the other church, just so I could ask her a question afterward. :)


Jul 21, 2009, 8:49 PM
Ask any doctor who has trained in OB/GYN..it's hardly sexual...whether you're male, female, gay or straight...it's nothing more than part of the anatomy. A doctor's sexual preference should not affect his/her performance either and such information shouldn't be necessary in a person's choice of doctor, unless of course, they are seeking a bisexual/gay friendly physician for their own comfort.

Jul 21, 2009, 9:47 PM
P. S. On the counterpoint....Have YOU ever been turned on by your doctor of the same sex or opposite?

My daughter broke her leg twice in one year when she was eight and her orthopedic surgeon was so so hot I would walk out of his office with wet panties and fantasies to last a week....or at least until the next visit for sure.

I have struggled with something called numbuler dermatitis (sp?) which has caused me to have strange rashes a few times a year and horrible horrible scars all over my thighs and butt. When I was going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what it was, I finally went to a doctor in Philly who wrote the book on dermatology (literally, the nurse pulled out a book to look it up and the doctors name was on it). The whole time I was saying "Mom, I can't believe that I have to show my butt to all these people AGAIN, I'm so tired of stripping all the time. This is embarassing" and then the one male nurse came in. He was hott as hell. He asked some questions and then said "I'm sorry, but would you mind if I took a look at the rash?" and I said "Yeah sure!" and pulled my pants down. My mom bust out laughing. She later told me that she wished she had a rash so she could show him too :tong:

Jul 21, 2009, 9:50 PM
Ask any doctor who has trained in OB/GYN..it's hardly sexual...whether you're male, female, gay or straight...it's nothing more than part of the anatomy. A doctor's sexual preference should not affect his/her performance either and such information shouldn't be necessary in a person's choice of doctor, unless of course, they are seeking a bisexual/gay friendly physician for their own comfort.

Yeah for the most part all docs just see it as the part of the body they specialize in. It's kind of like when I worked as a pharmacy tech...by the time I went home and had to take my meds at the end of the night...I was saying "If I have to look at another bottle of pills I'm gonna scream..."

Hope the male doctors don't really look at it that way though because if they are straight and married, I feel bad for their wives lol.

Jul 21, 2009, 10:38 PM
Ask any doctor who has trained in OB/GYN..it's hardly sexual...whether you're male, female, gay or straight....

Yeah.... Right... If you don't believe them, just ask them.

Jul 21, 2009, 11:16 PM
If I have to go see an OB/GYN, I had better be getting some royalties from someone :tong:

Doggie :doggie:

Jul 22, 2009, 1:53 AM
I prefer a male doctor...but if I had a female doctor I think that I would actually prefer her to be lesbian for some strange reason. I guess I just feel kinda awkward having a straight female nosin' around down there. I'm used to guys and gay girls :p

As for being attracted to your doctor...my OB is very attractive! I never missed an appointment while I was pregnant. Now I'm kinda sad I won't be seeing him once a month! haha.

Jul 22, 2009, 7:55 AM
I'll answer the reverse from a male perspective... since its a theoretical discussion. I want an LGBT doctor as an LGBT identifying guy.

About 10 years ago, I shopped for a good male doctor who was gay (LGBT). I got referrals from another gay medical professional. Dealing with my old str8 doc was too stressful.

This way, I can be extremely blunt, as can he, about my health issues and any sexual issues I need to talk with him about. It's not an issue if I'm having some kind of problem for him to just ask do I bottom or do I top or whatever.... it's just asked or said either way. He's very professional about it.

Its also extremely important that LGBT people be OUT to their doctors. There are many very specific issues that both genders face.

It helps that he happens to be extremely adorable but its always very clinical and he's very professional as well as very married to a partner of many years who I happen to know as well. :male:

Lisa (va)
Jul 22, 2009, 7:08 PM
My family doctor is male, OB/GYN is female: other than they both wear wedding rings, I have no desire to know their sexual preferneces / practices. as I chose them as doctors not partners.


hugs n kisses