View Full Version : I'm still here!

Jul 20, 2009, 9:11 AM
Funny I got a email stating that it had been 60 days since I last visited here. I was shocked! So I guess I wanted to add to anyone who has missed me or wondered where I am that I am still around. :bigrin:

Life is busy, getting ready to go on a 9 day vacation to a resort in Arkansas. Flounder is (we hope) nearing the end of his lawsuit for his motorcycle accident 6/13/08. With it being mostly her fault. Hoping for a good outcome from that. He's since filed for disibility and lost his job 12/19/08 due to the economy and probably a little bit that he was not able to do is job from the accident. He was not the only one who lost their job so it wasn't totally the accident.
Little Flounder will be 6 in August and starting kindergarten. I continue to work 40 hours a week and bust my butt at home to keep up with everything. There is just not enough time in the day for me to do everything I would like to do and even if there was...I would be too tired!! :rolleyes:

I hope that everyone is doing well!
Mrs.F! :)

Jul 20, 2009, 10:34 AM
I saw "bust" and "butt" and my eyes glowed with excitement haha.

It's good to see that things are going to be going well for you guys soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the legal things end VERY soon.

Jul 20, 2009, 6:19 PM
Hello Mrs. F... We are here waiting for you and Flounder to join us again... Missed you folks... :):paw::paw:

Jul 20, 2009, 7:07 PM
Glad to hear that with all you two have on your plates, you can make it here at all---I do hope that things will work out for you--take care and come back when you can--we'll keep the light on for ya!!

Jul 20, 2009, 7:39 PM
Hey Mrs F,We miss you and Flounder!! We see Flounder every now and then. I can't believe little Flounder is 6 !!! Seems like he was born just yesterday,:)..Come see us when you can and have fun in Arkansas!!!!

Jul 20, 2009, 9:14 PM
Hello Mrs. F,

SO happy to hear from you. You are most assuredly missed. Glad that Flounder is feeling better and I am sure things will be looking up soon. Glad that you two are taking time for you both and the baby who is not a baby any longer. Keep in touch with us....PLEASE.


Aug 20, 2009, 10:11 PM
:angel::angel::angel:Well as if I'm not busy enough....my mom was recently diagnosed with Conn's syndrome! It means she has a mass on her right adrenal gland (adrenal glands are very small and located above your kidneys) they control alot of your body's system. She has had continuous health problems for the last 10 yrs. including depression, high b/p, anger, pain, extreme fatigue, kidney stones, critically low potassium and most recently diabetes which no one in her family has ever had. Figuring out little by little and finally pinpointing through a scan that she has a mass on her adrenal gland we have found the answer. I am off to take her to the U of Iowa hospital tomorrow for a consultation with a Oncology surgeon since they are the only one's who do this delicate surgery. They are 99% sure it's not cancerous so we are going with that news and praying they are right. But once this mass is removed her health should return to normal. Just when you think life is hard.......man, does it get harder. But I'm staying a trooper through this all because I have too. Must stay strong for her because she no longer has my dad to be with her and that alone has been the hardest on her!!

Thanks for all your words of kindness and Mrs.F is and will be forever here to stay! ;)

Aug 20, 2009, 11:37 PM
Mrs F, even tho you dont know me very well, please exect a hug from someone who's been there, done this. Please hug Flounder and the Little Flounder from me if you would please. :}
Take care and dont worry bout us, Hon. We'll be right here waiting for ya when ya get back.

Aug 21, 2009, 12:13 AM
Take care of your family Mrs. F--that is your first and foremost priority--I do wish her and you all the best and that she makes a full recovery once she gets proper treatment for her condition.

We'll keep the light on for ya!!

Aug 21, 2009, 10:15 AM
Anyone heard from Rissa?

OOps, wrong thread!