View Full Version : It hurts.

Jul 18, 2009, 2:03 PM
Hi, i posted some time ago. i'm married,had never been un faithful untill i had a affair with my friend which i ended after she wanted me to lull my husband into thinking everything was ok in the marriage(you can work out the deciet involved-there was very little communication between my hubby& me by this point let alone anything else!) untill she got her house back from a lodger,at which point i was to pack up and just leave right outa the blue with him thinking it was hunky dory.

she's a very minipulative person.going to great lengths to get her own way.she lies,twists what her responses are depending on what i'd say.she was married but her husband has divorced her because of the affair.she told her hubby i'd pursued her-it wasn't true.she'd known from being a teen she is a lesbian,she says she isn't bi.

so much has happened with her,too much to write in 1 post. i loved her so very much,i was head over heels and untill she asked me to pull the wool over my husbands eyes i was planning to leave& be with her. it felt like a lightbulb moment!

some time after that we were in contact,i felt she was winning me round.she'd taken her wedding&engagement ring off,told me she was getting divorced wether i'd be with her or not because she was a lesbian& her hubby was like a friend, then i met her,we went out,she had her rings on again!!!! i commented,she replied,"oh it's nothing...it's just to keep him happy...it doesn't mean anything" i was so sad.if she could do that to him i knew she would do it to me.

i got caught up with her last year,tears etc,she told me she was suicidal etc etc without me. but i've learnt tears,kind words etc are all a trap, i can't trust her. she left me a coded message implying she was leaving the area,she had a van parked up on the drive and her car was nowhere to be seen,she later told me it was a neighbours van,i've no idea where she hid her car.i contacted her(yes stupid) to say goodbye because i thought she was leaving the area. again i got the ,"i'm so low without you i'm on medication",other stuff too.
i told her i'm happy with my husband and won't leave him. she said she'd take any time i'd give her.

she threatened to show my husband tex messages from when i was in the affair with her if i won't have sex with her,so you can imagine the content. BLACKMAIL.

i made a decision months before i wasn't going to cheat anymore. she's put me under a lot of pressure. i've had to change landine,mobile no's and email more than once and now only a handful of trusted friends have contact details. i've had un wanted mail including magazine subscrpitions from her.

my husband knows all about this,no secrets.it has had to be that way for him&i to continue. it also prevents her from hurting him even more than i have.

what she's done/doing is showing people locally my textsfrom when we were together. she was using 2 sim cards at one point and texing herself saying they were from me and answering herself! her behavoiur can be alarming!

so, a lot of people locally aren't (still) speaking to me. she's telling people i'm pursuing her which really, really is not true. i now realise i can't even afford to be polite to her if i see her out and about,she takes advantage,manipulates every situation.

i wish she would shut up and move on but she doesn't seem able to stop herself. i'm trying very hard not to speak to others about it as i think she keeps contact with me going via 3rd parties this way as things are passed back and too.

my hubby and i have worked so hard together and with Relate to repair our marriage. we're doing well, i love him very much. i loved her too i can't believe that she's still acting like this after so long. there's been so much to deal with including my sexuality.

to anyone thinking about having a affair i'd say please,please stop and think. this is very different to those who post about being open within a relationship and taking other partners.

i know they say atimes a great healer...i wish it'd hurry up.
sorry long post,bit fed up with all today:(

Jul 19, 2009, 10:28 AM
Hi hun.

I won't begin to assume I could offer any wisdom in this situation. But I read this story, and I felt compelled to respond, even if I don't have anything productive to say. Only thing I can say is:

* hug *


Jul 19, 2009, 11:38 AM
Hey, Lady. We haven't talked for some time and I've been wondering how you're doing. Sorry to hear your ex-GF is still "turning the screws". Some people are so selfish and inconsiderate...she is apparently one! You're lucky to have a husband who still loves you, even though he does not agree with that lifestyle. I hope all is well between him and you. I know you'd still like to have a lover, but if it does not happen, at least you home, safe.

I'd like to offer a hug, too!

Jul 19, 2009, 12:01 PM
I'm a firm believer in the notion that you'll eventually end up where you need to be, despite how bad something might seem at the time. I've had a few unfair moments in life, but out of that eventually came opportunities or knowledge to live by.

In your case, it seems you've learned that the bond between you and your husband is strong. You also learned the true personality of your lover, which was better to happen now than for your marriage to completely dissolve and then end up in a relationship with her.

Regardless, keep your chin up, better days are ahead!

Jul 19, 2009, 5:36 PM
Thankyou for the replies. i know i'm very lucky my husband still wanted me. i also believe if i hadn't had my "light bulb moment" when i did,i.e before i'd made the mistake of leaving my husband i would have had that moment when i'd moved in with her.

i'm just weary of her. i am trying very hard not to get into talking to people about her.

after the blackmail threat there's no way i'd ever allow myself to be involved with her ever again.

my husband has been very forgiving,i am very lucky.

hugs back,thankyou x

Jul 19, 2009, 10:46 PM
I'm one of those open types. But your story reminded me of a lady I saw for a time. Wife knew about her. I didn't heed the wife's 'bad feelings'. This lady was insistent upon doing something particular sexually. I had said about a half dozen times and as many ways, no. She pursued until I relented with the clause, "if I don't like it, it stops."

She knew I was married, too. Knew I'm bi. Knew I had no intention of leaving my wife. But that didn't matter. Can we say neurosis on the order of _Fatal Attraction_? Finally, I had no choice but to step aside and hide behind my wife's skirt. Which is okay because at times I am a touch effeminate. Other times, think S.A.S or S.B.S mate.

My wife put her combat boot down. No, she's not Mary Sue Joe Bob. But her boot still goes down rather obstinately just the same. I no longer have excursions with other women, period, full stop. Not that I mind either, wife is plenty of a woman for me. Never could really figure this lady that decided to have a thing with me. Told her from the start I was interested in finding a guy.

*sighs, shrugs* Good pisser on the house? *hug*

Jul 20, 2009, 12:26 AM
Since everything is out in the open now, why don't you report her to the police?

Jul 20, 2009, 10:33 AM
I am sorry about your situation--but it does go to show that we cannot get some sort of romantic notion in our minds that somehow a same-sex relationship is going to be some sort of panacea for us and is somehow superior to an opposite sex relationship--when it comes down to it---people are people and the plumbing doesn't really matter---we still find the same sorts of powerplay games and such in any potential relationship--same or opposite sex ones---

Sorry again about your situation---I do hate to say it since it sounds so cliche-- but you said it yourself and it does tend to be true--even if it does take loads of time---but "time does heal all"--I have found thus far in my life--as hard as it is to make it through whatever and get out the other side--we do tend to make it through and get to a better place and make peace with the rotten thing we just came through.