View Full Version : Came out and needed to vent!

Jul 18, 2009, 12:05 AM
like the title says i came out, and i have to say it was the most liberating experience of my life. i was giddy, i was excited i was nervous... it was like the most roller coaster football match compressed into a minute, between coming out and waiting for a response. i was super nervous, but i reckoned i'd do it because i felt i was ready, and that it was eating me up inside living a lie! i mean i'm mostly interested in women, but ever since i went to this all boys school when i was 13, and in the showers you had to shower naked, and i got a good luck at this one guys balls, and they were the most magnificent set that i'd ever seen! i justed wanted to do things to them! i got rock hard in an instant, and had to run to the toilet hiding it! ever since then the feelings haven't stopped and my fantasies are getting... well more intense is the word i'd use:bigrin:. i've had 'relations' ,lol, with girls (still a virgin) but still yearn for men, so six years on, i finally came out once i'd really settled on the idea that i'm bi. i told a good friend, who i'd always found open-minded and supportive, and i got an open-minded and supportive response:) which has filled me with confidence. so i'd recommend the same idea to anyone wanting to come out. i'm thinking of doing it to a member of family, but not yet there yet. yeah, that's my story!

Jul 18, 2009, 12:45 AM
I'm proud of and for you. Although not everyone will be as open minded and or supportive of you when you tell them, atleast you now know that you have one there that will be (a true friend) there for you to talk to when you do get that negative feedback from the ones that won't be supportive of you. Good luck to you.

Jul 18, 2009, 12:41 PM
Congratulations!! It's wonderful that you found someone you could be so open with. Remember, coming out is a process and can take time. Just use your best judgment in who you come out to and where and you'll be just fine :-)

Better than fine from what it sounds like!!

Jul 18, 2009, 3:53 PM
Congrats!! I to have recently decided to come out to a few people so I know exactly what you mean. It's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I've come out to about 7 friends and they've all been really supportive. I also haven't told my family yet, although the girl (sorry, woman) that i'm talking to thinks that i should tell my parents and that they would be understanding.....of course she's been out for like 12 years so her parents have had plenty of time. I got off topic...I just wanted to say congrats, take your time, build allies, and then take on the world (lol, or maybe just the difficult people in you life). Good luck!