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Jul 16, 2009, 8:11 AM
You wrote me privately: "don't force me to make an example out of you, publically"

Since you won't accept PMs, here's my response:

I have no idea what you want, or why you wrote that.

It's apparent to me that your intellect is mostly over my head and I'm often left wondering, "What in hell is he saying, or, what did he mean by that?" I would probably understand Russian, or Martian, better than your English.

Darkeyes makes more sense to me than you do!

I admit, I'm no wizard, intellectually. I'm also 69 years old and from a completely different era, and maybe even planet than you are.. So, if you expect me to understand you, you'd better use more common and mundane English.

Developing a reasonable train of thought, that has an obvious progression from beginning, to the body, and then having a decent ending, would help, too.

Also, Being a computer novice, I can't see anything specific about the site you sent.

Not trying to be a smart-ass, here, but I usually do not know where you're coming from, nor do I understand most of what you say.

So, why you wrote what you did, I have no idea. It sounds like a threat, or even blackmail, to me. If it was meant to be intellectually titillating, it failed to do so. If it was meant as an actual threat, I've lived through several wars where the threats were real, so do whatever you feel you must..

Basically, for your answer, here's I have for you:

If you care to communicate with me, get down on my level. You are WAY over my head. If you don't care if I understand you, or not, then quit sending me messages!

Jul 16, 2009, 9:36 AM

This is great.

What the fuck did you do now?!

*wondering if I'm next on the chopping block for one reason or another*

Jul 16, 2009, 9:59 AM
You wrote me privately: "don't force me to make an example out of you, publically"

Since you won't accept PMs, here's my response:

I have no idea what you want, or why you wrote that.

It's apparent to me that your intellect is mostly over my head and I'm often left wondering, "What in hell is he saying, or, what did he mean by that?" I would probably understand Russian, or Martian, better than your English.

Darkeyes makes more sense to me than you do!

I admit, I'm no wizard, intellectually. I'm also 69 years old and from a completely different era, and maybe even planet than you are.. So, if you expect me to understand you, you'd better use more common and mundane English.

Developing a reasonable train of thought, that has an obvious progression from beginning, to the body, and then having a decent ending, would help, too.

Also, Being a computer novice, I can't see anything specific about the site you sent.

Not trying to be a smart-ass, here, but I usually do not know where you're coming from, nor do I understand most of what you say.

So, why you wrote what you did, I have no idea. It sounds like a threat, or even blackmail, to me. If it was meant to be intellectually titillating, it failed to do so. If it was meant as an actual threat, I've lived through several wars where the threats were real, so do whatever you feel you must..

Basically, for your answer, here's I have for you:

If you care to communicate with me, get down on my level. You are WAY over my head. If you don't care if I understand you, or not, then quit sending me messages!

Well said Sir! Well said!!

Jul 16, 2009, 11:51 AM
Very well said. Couldn't agree more about communicating with azreal and darkeyes.


Jul 16, 2009, 12:07 PM
I would also like to add that I don't think that Azrael is over your head at all. I think it's something else entirely. Please don't think that you are not as intelligent as him because you don't have a clue of what he is saying. Believe me, it's not that.

Jul 16, 2009, 12:23 PM
Honestly, I've said it, and others agreed, it simply looks like a case of someone who forgot their medication.

He's not above you, don't think that.

Jul 16, 2009, 12:24 PM
Yay... I too was lost but at least im in good company. Didnt know how to respond to the threats as i failed to note where they were coming from. Now I know less but feel much better. I am not nice but i am kind and although i can be abrasive, mean no harm. I thank all the fine people that understand this about me sight unseen and who, like me are here to have fun.
May we all have ducks backs and let the water roll.

Jul 16, 2009, 12:56 PM
Realist, honey. Dont let Anyone get you over. You and I are of the same era so we understand each other. Just be you, Sweet Cakes and dont worry bout what anyone else thinks. You did beautifully confronting him this way, you Could have went to Drew, but I'm very glad that you decided to deal with this "In House" first.
Big Hugs Sugar.;)
Old Cat

Jul 16, 2009, 3:18 PM
Wow! Thanks all for your love and support.

I rarely get fired up over anything, but, that sounded like threat to me. I don't do threats well. I hope I'm wrong and maybe I jumped to a conclusion. If so, I'll apologize. But, if he's that smart he should be able to write in MO' GOODER English!

I wish you all lived close by! I love youins, as they say in Pennsylvania!

Jul 16, 2009, 3:22 PM
Wow! Thanks all for your love and support.

I rarely get fired up over anything, but, that sounded like threat to me. I don't do threats well. I hope I'm wrong and maybe I jumped to a conclusion. If so, I'll apologize. But, if he's that smart he should be able to write in MO' GOODER English!

I wish you all lived close by! I love youins, as they say in Pennsylvania!

Funny, after ten years of being in PA...never heard that lol.

Jul 16, 2009, 3:42 PM

My ex and I were being seated in a restaurant while were discussing local dialects. She was telling me about Pennsylvanians using "RET UP" for cleaning up a room, "Garsh" for gosh, then she said you used to hear people say "youins", or "youse", but they didn't say that much any more..

Just then, the waitress came over and said, "Hi, what are youins gonna have?"

We both cracked up and the waitress wondered what the joke was!

We lived in the center, just south of Williamsport, right off of I-80, for about 10 years, too.

Jul 16, 2009, 4:07 PM

..... waitress came over and said, "Hi, what are youins gonna have?"

We both cracked up and the waitress wondered what the joke was!

We lived in the center, just south of Williamsport, right off of I-80, for about 10 years, too.

Hmmmm? Probably trying to tell you that you both were young - even though you'd might not look that young. Heh, it was awhile ago... It was a pleasentry that got you both laughing and remembered. Like, what is better is that?

- graytwo

Post a Note: This "For Azrael" thread is getting rather tiring since most things "Azrael" or this person's other alter egos post make no sense to me. Just my views......

Jul 16, 2009, 4:13 PM
Right, Gray One. I try to retain the good and forget the bad. I like to smile, be nice to others, and have good memories. Holding onto the bad stuff only drags you down.

Jul 16, 2009, 4:13 PM
Obviously this will not be a battle of the minds. Both parties are unarmed. One is offended but does not explain why! The other is obviously ignoring the thread because he can't resist hearing himself run off at the mouth. As a general rule we avoid any thread with either of their names attached. Both try to impress everyone with the written word and both of them fail.
Just our opinion but we are glad this didn't turn into a flame war. The sob story is enough. :2cents:

Jul 16, 2009, 4:17 PM
I'm NOT! I admit it!

Jul 16, 2009, 4:29 PM
Wow! Thanks all for your love and support.

I rarely get fired up over anything, but, that sounded like threat to me. I don't do threats well. I hope I'm wrong and maybe I jumped to a conclusion. If so, I'll apologize. But, if he's that smart he should be able to write in MO' GOODER English!

I wish you all lived close by! I love youins, as they say in Pennsylvania!

Hey! Leave Pennsyltucky out of this :bigrin:

I'm too busy watching for part 33 and a third ;)

Jul 16, 2009, 4:51 PM
Hey! Leave Pennsyltucky out of this :bigrin:

I'm too busy watching for part 33 and a third ;)

Pennsyltucky - dat's fighting words. Like 'tucky' is claim to those those from Ken"tucky" - Mich'a' "tucky", Ill'anoise'"tucky', Inda"tucky", and those Ohio types that say - no "tucky". Me thinks, O'Tucky sounds better for Ohio than New York 'a' tucky or California 'a' tucky.

Keep the needle in the groove watching the 33 -1/3 spin to the next song on those 'long play records'. :)

Really Great post!

- graytwo

Jul 16, 2009, 5:02 PM
Obviously this will not be a battle of the minds. Both parties are unarmed. One is offended but does not explain why! The other is obviously ignoring the thread because he can't resist hearing himself run off at the mouth. As a general rule we avoid any thread with either of their names attached. Both try to impress everyone with the written word and both of them fail.
Just our opinion but we are glad this didn't turn into a flame war. The sob story is enough. :2cents:

WTF? Really? You really didn't see anywhere in his OP why he wasn't thrilled? It's obvious that he is not happy because he got a message sent to him privately that was not exactly pleasant and possibly threatening from an individual that has never made it fully clear why he would deserve a message like that. Hell, he even explained why he may not have even understood if he had said something before, which was another reason why he was frustrated. It doesn't take a genius to crack the code of the darn post!

And you speak of others being unarmed in a battle of minds?

Why do you do that by the way? You manage to quite often insult someone, or judge someone very rudely and harshly. I see you saying negative things about everyone more than I see positive, then you'll cover it up with something along the lines of 'Hey, it's just my opinion,' or 'Just my two cents here.' I am most definitely not the first person to mention this either, but if you would just be a little nicer, or at least not be so negative the majority of the time, you may come across as being a bit more likable.

Just my humble opinion of course;)

Jul 16, 2009, 5:03 PM

My ex and I were being seated in a restaurant while were discussing local dialects. She was telling me about Pennsylvanians using "RET UP" for cleaning up a room, "Garsh" for gosh, then she said you used to hear people say "youins", or "youse", but they didn't say that much any more..

Just then, the waitress came over and said, "Hi, what are youins gonna have?"

We both cracked up and the waitress wondered what the joke was!

We lived in the center, just south of Williamsport, right off of I-80, for about 10 years, too.

I was in the West End, know where that is?

Jul 16, 2009, 5:06 PM
Honestly, I've said it, and others agreed, it simply looks like a case of someone who forgot their medication. He's not above you, don't think that.

either that...or he is self-medicating

....byyyyyyy the way

did you folks know that if you click the black ! within the red-bordered triangle on any posting, (bottom lefthand corner) you can ignore the poster in the forums... and of course we have our well-loved iggy in chat :tong:

Realist: Azrael is a master baiter (no pun intended). He baits people, they respond. He knows this. What a waste of a mind. (He's on my permanent iggy list). We all have better things to do.... your own sweet self included :)

Jul 16, 2009, 5:12 PM
either that...or he is self-medicating

....byyyyyyy the way

did you folks know that if you click the black ! within the red-bordered triangle on any posting, (bottom lefthand corner) you can ignore the poster in the forums... and of course we have our well-loved iggy in chat :tong:

Realist: Azrael is a master baiter (no pun intended). He baits people, they respond. He knows this. What a waste of a mind. (He's on my permanent iggy list). We all have better things to do.... your own sweet self included :)

So true Peg, I don't normally ignore people for my own reasons, however as of about ten minutes ago, I decided to ignore a NUMBER of people. Hopefully others will follow and everyone will be able to continue with our happy little bisexual.com lives haha.

Jul 16, 2009, 5:21 PM
There was a time when two people arguing were left alone to settle their disagreements without input from the rest of us. I think now is a good time for us to follow that idea. After all, this disagreement is between Azrael and Realist. Neither one of them benefit from our interference and they don't solve their differences. What's worse is one, the other or both of them are going to end up feeling antagonized, baited or otherwise emotionally upset.

IMO it's best to leave well enough alone and leave the two of them to settle it by themselves.

Jul 16, 2009, 5:57 PM
He is not happy with the message? Not exactly pleasant? "POSSIBLY" threatening? He "May not have understood"
No it doesn't take a genius and the same could apply to your WTF? reply. Where the hell to you get off telling people what they can post as their opinion? If you see the posting as NEGATIVE then so be it, you have negative views, we see it as plain old FACTS. If you don't like it then don't read it. We won't be at all offended.
But have a good day anyway.:2cents:

Just my humble opinion of course;)[/QUOTE]

Jul 16, 2009, 6:27 PM
Well, I just found out how to avoid that kind of conflict in the future. I promise you folks that you won't hear any more outbursts like that out of me.

I appreciate your responses, nonetheless.

Thanks PEG!

Jul 16, 2009, 6:41 PM
He is not happy with the message? Not exactly pleasant? "POSSIBLY" threatening? He "May not have understood"
No it doesn't take a genius and the same could apply to your WTF? reply. Where the hell to you get off telling people what they can post as their opinion? If you see the posting as NEGATIVE then so be it, you have negative views, we see it as plain old FACTS. If you don't like it then don't read it. We won't be at all offended.
But have a good day anyway.:2cents:

Just my humble opinion of course;)[/QUOTE]

Sheesh, hit a nerve or what...

I didn't really say that you couldn't post up anything negative or that you couldn't post your opinion, I simply made a suggestion that maybe if you didn't go about it in such a dickish way you may not come across as being...well...dickish. However, it seems that you don't care about coming across that way anyway so oh well. Enjoy. I will do as you suggest and not read it since I plan to ignore you anyway. I've been considering doing as much for a while anyway.

Jul 16, 2009, 6:43 PM
There was a time when two people arguing were left alone to settle their disagreements without input from the rest of us. I think now is a good time for us to follow that idea. After all, this disagreement is between Azrael and Realist. Neither one of them benefit from our interference and they don't solve their differences. What's worse is one, the other or both of them are going to end up feeling antagonized, baited or otherwise emotionally upset.

IMO it's best to leave well enough alone and leave the two of them to settle it by themselves.

You are so right! To quote yourself:

"Never be bullied into silence..."


Jul 16, 2009, 6:46 PM
He is not happy with the message? Not exactly pleasant? "POSSIBLY" threatening? He "May not have understood"
No it doesn't take a genius and the same could apply to your WTF? reply. Where the hell to you get off telling people what they can post as their opinion? If you see the posting as NEGATIVE then so be it, you have negative views, we see it as plain old FACTS. If you don't like it then don't read it. We won't be at all offended.
But have a good day anyway.:2cents:

Just my humble opinion of course;)

Do you see Sophia at Shady Pines too? :eek: Tell her we said hello:)


Jul 16, 2009, 6:51 PM
You are so right! To quote yourself:

"Never be bullied into silence..."


Well, I think that if Realist would have been able to respond privately to Az, they would have worked things out privately. No one would have even known that any messages were sent between the two at all. Considering that Az said he was taking a break from the site anyway, I think this will just end up being a forgotten subject anyway since he won't be responding. I guess that's pretty good though, cause then it will be a "time heals all wounds" sort of thing.

Jul 16, 2009, 8:03 PM
Good point Rissa, let it die. Get out of the trailer park and out of Fayetteville for a bit. You will get a new perspective on things. Bi the way you can put us on your blocked list and you won't get our opinions. That may make your online experience more compatible with what you think life should be.

Jul 16, 2009, 8:09 PM
We don't know the entire story. We only got one tidbit from Realist. AND he addressed this thread "For Azrael". But that didn't stop others who were NOT Az from jumping in.

I know there have been times when I've been SO totally pissed at someone that I blocked them only to come back later and unblock once I've cooled off.

Let's just let this thread die and let the two of them work it out.

Well, I think that if Realist would have been able to respond privately to Az, they would have worked things out privately. No one would have even known that any messages were sent between the two at all. Considering that Az said he was taking a break from the site anyway, I think this will just end up being a forgotten subject anyway since he won't be responding. I guess that's pretty good though, cause then it will be a "time heals all wounds" sort of thing.

Jul 16, 2009, 8:15 PM
Ooops damn iggy didn't work.

By the way, I live in a house on a military base that happens to be in Fayetteville (nice attitude towards the people that help protect your freedom by the way, my husband and the rest of us trailer folk thank you). Does not mean that I have any contact with people who live out in Fayetteville. And not for nothing, the people that I have surrounded myself with in real life aren't assholes so, yes, if I ignore you (which I will make sure this time it DOES work) my online experience will be like real life.

Jul 16, 2009, 8:41 PM
Ooops damn iggy didn't work.

By the way, I live in a house on a military base that happens to be in Fayetteville (nice attitude towards the people that help protect your freedom by the way, my husband and the rest of us trailer folk thank you). Does not mean that I have any contact with people who live out in Fayetteville. And not for nothing, the people that I have surrounded myself with in real life aren't assholes so, yes, if I ignore you (which I will make sure this time it DOES work) my online experience will be like real life.

you click on the triangle with the exclamation mark to mark a rude, harassing post. To ignore a person do the following...

go to their profile page by clicking on their name

on the green line under their name it gives the options to either a) add the person to a buddy list, or b) place the person on ignore.

from your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!


Jul 16, 2009, 8:52 PM
We don't know the entire story. We only got one tidbit from Realist. AND he addressed this thread "For Azrael". But that didn't stop others who were NOT Az from jumping in.

I know there have been times when I've been SO totally pissed at someone that I blocked them only to come back later and unblock once I've cooled off.

Let's just let this thread die and let the two of them work it out.

I honestly do not think that there are two sides to this. Realist has had the odd private messages. I have also had them and they began as being very normal. If two people have had these strange messages, then I am sure that more have, too. There is no way to reply privately to Azrael, for as Realist stated, he is not accepting private messages. He also has another nickname which he used last night and that is for ''watching.''

I don't think that Azrael is ''pissed off,'' by anyone.....He is just being Azrael! He has been creating threads en masse recently and I think Peg may have hit the nail on the head.

I find that the best way to ignore someone, is not by clicking on any ignore buttons, but to just ignore them, knowing fulwell that they will know that one can see their posts or chat.

Realist....you did right to open the thread....but to kill it is a good idea....for the dear boy will be hoping that he will be mentioned, over and over again.

Jul 16, 2009, 9:07 PM
Good point Rissa, let it die. Get out of the trailer park and out of Fayetteville for a bit. You will get a new perspective on things. Bi the way you can put us on your blocked list and you won't get our opinions. That may make your online experience more compatible with what you think life should be.


Trailer park? What kind of classist assumption is that? If you knew any damn thing about Rissa, she isn't an NC native, she's a military wife, which means she's logged a good amount of mileage; talking to her like a condescending asshole reveals that you seem to like the sight of your own posts than to know anything about who you're talking to.

Probably to a person, the people on this forum of are sick of you. Sick of your judgmental attitudes, your putting down. You haven't contributed much besides that.

We'd of voted ya'll off the island so long ago if the owner had let us. I guess you're lucky he's sort of an absentee landlord.


Jul 16, 2009, 9:10 PM
He is not happy with the message? Not exactly pleasant? "POSSIBLY" threatening? He "May not have understood"
No it doesn't take a genius and the same could apply to your WTF? reply. Where the hell to you get off telling people what they can post as their opinion? If you see the posting as NEGATIVE then so be it, you have negative views, we see it as plain old FACTS. If you don't like it then don't read it. We won't be at all offended.
But have a good day anyway.:2cents:

Just my humble opinion of course;)


Somebody comes off with a "Don't force me to make an example of you" is enough of a threat. He made the post a "public one" because his pm's aren't allowing messages. He's got questions (as most would given the message and dialogue) that maybe answered, maybe not.

He's not the only here who's tried to decypher some of the psychobabble he's written.

And some advice to you and whomever would be to stay in your lane with that "holier than thou" attitude. :rolleyes:

Jul 16, 2009, 10:15 PM
Well I just got another couple to put on my iggy list. Yep, looks like school is out for the summer.

Jul 16, 2009, 10:31 PM

Trailer park? What kind of classist assumption is that? If you knew any damn thing about Rissa, she isn't an NC native, she's a military wife, which means she's logged a good amount of mileage; talking to her like a condescending asshole reveals that you seem to like the sight of your own posts than to know anything about who you're talking to.

Probably to a person, the people on this forum of are sick of you. Sick of your judgmental attitudes, your putting down. You haven't contributed much besides that.

We'd of voted ya'll off the island so long ago if the owner had let us. I guess you're lucky he's sort of an absentee landlord.


Ye haw! you tell 'em Taylor, my thoughts exactly. And I dont bel;ieve I'm alone in this thought. Well lickit, that was rude and immature to say things like that to someone you dont know, too.
Shutting up before my tongue starts to carve! lol

Jul 16, 2009, 10:33 PM
Strange thread. I do not know the reason for it. But, It very much confirms my opinion of those who responded.

Jul 16, 2009, 10:36 PM
I ain't jumpin inta this swamp without my hip-waders on. :eek:

Of course, just my :2cents:

Doggie :doggie: