View Full Version : Omegle.com

M. Wolfe
Jul 15, 2009, 3:09 AM
Has anyone been on omegle.com (http://www.omegle.com) before?

Talk to strangers

It basically is an anonymous private chat room where you get connected to one random individual from anywhere in the world. It's very interesting. But because it's anonymous people abuse it and these people are the most fun - I like to string them along and see how strange the conversation gets and how long before they give up.

My second conversation is still the best I've had.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hello
Stranger: hello stranger
You: who's this?
Stranger: your terribly annoying neighbor, jim
You: I don't have a neighbor jim,
You: I have a flatmate jim
Stranger: i have no plans in returning your hookah, alan
You: but he's not annoying
Stranger: ooooh
You: lol
Stranger: i bet youre fucking him
Stranger: that explains the condoms in your garbage last week
You: meh, wouldn't mind too
Stranger: i bought binoculars to spy on you
You: actually those condoms were part of an 'Alien' marathon prop
You: you know the tendons in the aliens' mouth were condoms?
You: look it up on wiki!
Stranger: and what about the white liquid inside those condoms
You: fake rabbies goop
Stranger: havent seen your flatmate jim yet
You: aliens have rabbies sometimes
Stranger: maybe youre talking about jared, your imaginary friend
You: my imaginary friend is named peter
Stranger: im pretty sure his name is peter
Stranger: my imaginary friend jason said he met him at mcdonald's
You: Peter doesn't go to mcdonalds
You: at least that's what he tells
You: me
Stranger: oh god peter/jared is such a terrible liar
You: If I find out he's lying, Ima give him a thrashin
Stranger: i have butt plugs here if you want to borrow them
You: got ma own thanks
You: I know they're clean
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

But I've also had some really kick ass convos with really cool people, you guys should totally check this out!