View Full Version : Younger

Jul 7, 2009, 2:33 PM
Where are all the 18-24 y.o. boys on this site?

Jul 7, 2009, 2:36 PM
Not many here, as far as I know. Maybe someone will answer your question. Most seem to be in their 20s and up.

Jul 7, 2009, 2:50 PM
Are there any other sites for the young crowd?

Jul 7, 2009, 2:52 PM
I'm sure there are, you'll just have to do a search. There's some great folks here, interesting information and stories, but it's not generally classified as a hook-up site, though.

Jul 7, 2009, 3:19 PM
Hi Mickey Johnson, I am 27 y/o male and I have been looking for sites with 21-34 and not having much luck either, especially in my area. So if you find some sites please spread the info!


Jul 7, 2009, 3:22 PM
I would just use myspace or facebook.
but im not out yet and people i know will find out:(

Jul 7, 2009, 4:00 PM
Our bunch might be older and out of your dating range but this is a really great place to get your feet under you while you're working on your coming out process. Are you out to anyone yet?

Jul 7, 2009, 4:39 PM
nope. no one. my mother will be the first to know but only after my 1st bi-kiss i guess...

Jul 7, 2009, 4:47 PM
See I am out to my wife and a couple select people so far. I really don't care what people think and I won't deny it if asked. I am on Facebook and Myspace but so far I am striking out there too.

not on here anymore
Jul 7, 2009, 5:04 PM
There are afew in my area, but only afew. Then theres the annoying spam massages I get from wierd old guys. There realy isn't anywheree for the 18-30 crowd to the hook up or chat. But aside from that, there's good stuff here as far as info goes.

Jul 7, 2009, 5:14 PM
There are afew in my area, but only afew. Then theres the annoying spam massages I get from wierd old guys. There realy isn't anywheree for the 18-30 crowd to the hook up or chat. But aside from that, there's good stuff here as far as info goes.

Hey!! Some of my best friends are weird old guys LOL! Seriously, there are several members of the younger set here...last time a thread like this was posted, they had several responses....just give it time. And if you don't find anyone younger, stick around and get to know the rest of us...we're a nice bunch and not all of us are gonna make ya feel uneasy LOL!

Jul 7, 2009, 5:22 PM
I don't mind the older crowd at all, and have made friends with some. However, I am looking for a relationship with someone and I would like that person to be around my age. I say around because as it is my wife is 7 years older than me. I also love this site everyone I have talked to is really cool and I feel I can start a discussion about anything and somebody will give input. Love that!

M. Wolfe
Jul 7, 2009, 11:10 PM
I'm 20.

I think it'll be awhile before younger bi guys become easier to find. Younger guys are more typically insecure about themselves. I think it takes time for a guy to mallow out before he'll accept his gay streak along side his strait attractions.

Jul 7, 2009, 11:42 PM
Try other sites and going to GLBT bars/dance clubs.

Lots of younger queer men are coming out and in general people are coming out younger and younger these days and this is a good thing.

I know on this site people write about coming out or realizing it when they are in their 30s or 40s and I knew at the middle of puberty when I was 12 or younger and for sure at 16.

Jul 8, 2009, 10:15 AM
I'm 20.

I think it'll be awhile before younger bi guys become easier to find. Younger guys are more typically insecure about themselves. I think it takes time for a guy to mallow out before he'll accept his gay streak along side his strait attractions.

Are you in college? You might change your mind if you do a little searching in college haha. Truthfully though, young bi guys really aren't that much harder to find than bi girls or older bi's. They are all over the place. The only difference is, they may not be as open about it. The reality is though, that not many women come up to me and say "Hi, my name is Mary and I'm bi, you?" so, if I want to find someone I have to LOOK for it. Put those feelers out. Like DD said, you have to go to gay bars and clubs and such. Join groups in your area, online or otherwise.

Once you start really getting out there, you might find that finding the RIGHT young guy for you will be harder than plain finding guys.

I'm 22 and I've known just as many bi guys around my age as girls. The reason is beause that since elementary school I made it clear to my peers that I was open and not only inviting when it came to people with "differences" but I enjoyed being around them. They flocked to me! It seems like the only good friends I ever made were bisexual because of this. But if I never put anything out there and let people know that I was open to getting to know them and not judge them and all, I probably would have never really known these people growing up.

Jul 8, 2009, 10:26 AM
That's true Rissa. I had a friend for over 6 years and never knew he was bi-curious. One time, when we were alone and sharing some deep secrets, he mentioned that he'd thought of mm sex, but never knew anyone, or felt safe telling anyone. When I admitted to him that I'd been in a couple of mm, one mff and one mfm, relationships, you should have seen his face! He was delighted! What followed was a 10 year relationship of some of the best mm companionship and sex I ever experienced.

M. Wolfe
Jul 8, 2009, 10:50 AM
Are you in college? You might change your mind if you do a little searching in college haha.

I am yet I don't know any bi guys in collage or otherwise. I'm the only bi guy I'm so far aware of. Although I am looking, I'm not looking hard.

Jul 8, 2009, 11:05 AM
I'm 35 but hang out with the younger crowd. Hit me up if anyone's interested. Females, Males or couples.

Jul 8, 2009, 11:38 PM
Well, you will also improve your chances of a positive response by completing your profile.

I doubt that there are a lot of people that want to talk to someone with a blank profile........particularly when they have theirs filled out for all on the site to see.

Just a thought that can help you.

Jul 9, 2009, 3:16 AM
Well, you will also improve your chances of a positive response by completing your profile.

I doubt that there are a lot of people that want to talk to someone with a blank profile........particularly when they have theirs filled out for all on the site to see.

Just a thought that can help you.

Right on man!! MickeyJ--I agree with Falcon----it really would be good if you provied some more info in your profile---it'd help others to get to know you a bit more----you don't need to post up too much---just a bit more detail about yourself and what you are looking for----

Good luck in your quest to find someone---

I think someone needs to start a serious bi/bicurious dating site along the lines of E Harmony---I do know of some people (straight ones) who have found successful matches on it----but they don't tell ya in the ads for the site but I guess it is easy to surmise that it is only for heteros---

It seems that most of the "bisexual/bicurious" internet "dating" sites out there are really more for hooking up instead of being concerned with people establishing more broadbased relationships.

Welcome to the site---and once again--good luck. I do hope this site does help you in other ways though--as it has helped many of us in the process.