View Full Version : Bisexual.com Halloween Party

Da Doctor
Feb 12, 2006, 5:29 PM
Friends, Romans, Fuck buddies lend me your ears.

I am proposing a halloween get together this year for all of our friends here at Bisexual.com. This would involve finding a spot that is accesible to all at a low cost and a hotel hall to have the event. anyone have any ideas as to where to have this great event. I hope to hear from you all and will be posting more in the future.

Not a Real Doctor. Just plays one in porn. :tong:

Driver 8
Feb 12, 2006, 5:35 PM
Chicago does seem appealingly centrally located - perhaps because I'm in Indianapolis. Coasts might also be good, though.

Feb 12, 2006, 5:45 PM
would be so fantastic
even toug im ill the way over in ireland ill d my damn best
i wanna see al te ppl ive met in person
would be so great
fingers crossed ;)

Feb 12, 2006, 6:42 PM
Fer Real??!!
That would be awesome!!
Ok, now that I got that out of my system I am all for it. I work Saturdays now so finding out far enough in advance to get the time off would be super.
It would really be cool to meet you all in person. (And have some fun too)
I like the idea of Chicago because it is centrally located. Of course, I am in Des Moines, Iowa so it makes for a fairly easy drive.
Do we have anyone in Chicagoland that would be willing to check out the facilities in the area? Or am I jumping the gun?

Feb 12, 2006, 7:41 PM
being a texan currently trapped in washington state, i vote for chicago too.. makes sense as the central location for the US and probably our canadian and mexican /south and central american friends..

anyone know the laws there regarding our lifestyle? by that i mean, we won't get arrested for being ourselves there , will we???

next two places i'd think would be good from a US standpoint, is Las Vegas, and any other city that holds a lot of conventions...

any nominations as to an organizational crew? how bout time frame for reservations??

is there anyone here who has experience in this field that could help??


Feb 12, 2006, 7:49 PM
Toronto or Vegas is my vote. :2cents:

Driver 8
Feb 12, 2006, 7:54 PM
anyone know the laws there regarding our lifestyle? by that i mean, we won't get arrested for being ourselves there , will we???

Illinois was actually the first state to repeal their sodomy laws, so it's not illegal to be a bi group there, or even to go back to your hotel room for fun.

What I don't know is how bi-friendly the city is - whether it'd be hard to find a venue, whether the cops would hassle a bi event on moral grounds. (I've heard of such things happening in other cities.)

There's allegedly a bi group in Chicago, but according to the bi organizers here in town, their voicemail box has been full for years. Would anyone from Chicago be able to answer the question better?

Driver 8
Feb 12, 2006, 8:15 PM
Okay, I know I'm following up to my own post and all, but ...

1. Most people on this site are from the US or Canada, so a US or Canadian location seems best.

2. And it probably ought to be in a city with a major airport, so out-of-towners don't have to fool with rental cars and the like.

I still like Chicago, because it's convenient for me ;) and centrally located, so it's probably not too inconvenient for anyone. I'd be plenty willing to travel farther, though, especially if I'd have the chance to meet plenty of people. Any other suggestions?

I know some people who've organized much larger events in the Midwest, but I'll hold off asking them questions until things are more definite.

Also: the suggestions so far, Vegas and Toronto, sound great too.

Feb 12, 2006, 9:30 PM
I believe that KANSAS is right in the very center of the United States. I vote for Kansas!!! lol Let me know what I can do to help.


Feb 12, 2006, 11:58 PM
Vegas sounds good. Lots to do besides the get together. I also know that San Fransisco has alot of GLBT events... :2cents: :paw: :paw:

Da Doctor
Feb 13, 2006, 2:33 AM
Vegas while fun still has sodomy laws. I just read in Maxim. what about Florida Nice Warm and Plenty of Lifestyle in the Keys.

Feb 13, 2006, 7:21 AM
Da Doctor is FROM Chicagoland and is proposing we go somewhere else? Why?
Of course, there are plenty of great cities in the U.S. to do fun things but I thought the idea of this get-together was to get together.
Da Doctor, would you be at least willing to check out what is available in Chicagoland?

Driver 8
Feb 13, 2006, 7:26 AM
Vegas while fun still has sodomy laws. I just read in Maxim.

Is Maxim paying their fact-checkers enough? HRC says that Nevada overturned their sodomy laws in 1993. Plus, in 2003, the US Supreme Court ruled that sodomy laws are unconstitutional (in Lawrence v. Texas.)

I know I've seen articles on swingers' conventions in Vegas hotels, so a costume party would probably not be an issue. Vegas room rates tend to be pretty reasonable, too.

Feb 13, 2006, 3:30 PM
I was thinking about the midwest (centrally located and all) like Chicago or Kansas City (any excuse to go to KC :tongue: ) but one nice thing about Vegas is there are direct flights there from almost every city in the US. (yes I hate changing planes)

meteast chick
Feb 13, 2006, 4:15 PM
If I may be so bold, Chicago is wonderful, Kansas too, and I would gladly attend either, but if you're looking central, look no further than the Archway to the West, St. Louis, Missouri. I hear all the time about "Swinging" events at hotels and such, I can't see how this would be any different. The only divot in this plan is the slight perversion of the sodomy law...as such..."The Missouri Court of Appeal ruled July 6, 1999 in State of Missouri v. Cogshell, 1997 S.W.2d 534 (Mo.App., W.D.), that a revision of the state’s sodomy law had, in effect, decriminalized consensual sodomy in the state. This applies to the Western District, but it has not been appealled to the state supreme court."

If it helps, I find it quite appealing to say I went to a Bi Party in the Show Me State!!!! :bigrin:

Feb 13, 2006, 4:35 PM
It sounds like a great idea, but still maybe hard to pull-off. What about several locations, like New York, Chicago, LA, Las Vegas, Miami, 1 or 2 locations in Canada and in Europe too with a web based video broadcast to each other for one massive party. Just a thought.

:female: :male: :bipride:

Have you hugged your bi-friend today??

Feb 13, 2006, 5:14 PM
I think that would be sooooo freaking cool!! We'd have to wear name tags or something tho....Maybe we could have cool ones printed or something...I hate those red and blue Hi, my name is _________ ones. I'd volunteer to stand at the door to hand them out. That way I know I see everybody!! lol
As for where....my vote is somewhere WARM. I don't like to wear a lot of clothes. :bigrin: We are talking about October...does is snow in Chicago in October?

Mrs. Taz
Feb 13, 2006, 5:31 PM
I like the Kansas idea myself. but I am still wondering if it were in kansas how I would get there unless it was in my home town. my van dont go long distances plus I am teriable with directions anyway and taz cant drive.

Driver 8
Feb 13, 2006, 6:15 PM
We are talking about October...does is snow in Chicago in October?
Well ... yes, and if it's not snowing it's still probably chilly from the wind off the lake. I don't suppose the idea of pulling off your ankle-length coat to reveal your costume would make up for it?

Feb 13, 2006, 6:26 PM
Chicago is the place to be!!!!
OH and to whoever was wondering if it snows here in Chicago in October...the answer is no. October is actually a really nice month...good weather. I vote for Chicago...of course I live here...but really I think it would be tons of fun anywhere but I do vote for Chicago, IL.
Please let me know if I can be of any help for plans (hotels, bars, restaurants, etc.)

Feb 13, 2006, 8:49 PM
I have experience in arranging and being part of bisexual chatroom get-togethers, from the bisexual.org chat. Between autumn 2001 and late 2003, there were a few of them, taking place in Toronto, Las Vegas and Nashville.

I have a few suggestions and perhaps a reality check for everyone:

-- Indeed, it does help if planning starts a few months in advance. It would be preferable if a city was chosen that has an organizer living there, rather than a bunch of people picking a city and trying to figure out where everything is without proper perspective.

-- Try to get an idea of possible attendance and cater the plans to fit those numbers. Unless there are at least 100 people saying they will all travel to a city, there is no point in booking a party room at a hotel. No point in webcasting it. There are probably LGBT websites that are city-oriented and will give excellent perspectives on hotels, bars, restaurants etc. that will be comfortable for everyone.

-- By all means, go for the highest numbers possible, but allow for the possibility that only a few will actually make it. Unfortunately, that is what happened to one of the gatherings I attended. It was still worthwhile despite its size. Gatherings can be quite enjoyable if only a few travel to a city and get together over a weekend.

Feb 13, 2006, 11:00 PM
Hi Y'all, I myself would love to meet y'all. But unfortunatley wont be able to. So i would like someone to take photo's of the party. And that waythey could be posted for those of us who can't make it,could see what it was like. If it comes to fruition im sure it will be a great time had bi all :bigrin: . So if anyone can photo's please, :) . Y'all have fun if it happen's. Love,Charles,,,,,Tex.......

Feb 13, 2006, 11:35 PM
Hi Y'all, I myself would love to meet y'all. But unfortunatley wont be able to. So i would like someone to take photo's of the party. And that waythey could be posted for those of us who can't make it,could see what it was like. If it comes to fruition im sure it will be a great time had bi all :bigrin: . So if anyone can photo's please, :) . Y'all have fun if it happen's. Love,Charles,,,,,Tex.......
I don't know if I would be able to make it, but I'm sure that there will be plenty of pictures. Between phones that take pictures and most of us have digital cams. probably more pictures than we want to see will be posted.
I hope to make it. I am torn between Chicago (which is near by) or some place warm. And I love Vegas! Just let me know

Feb 13, 2006, 11:56 PM
My vote is for anywhere warm and bi friendly. Vegas sounds good to me.

Driver 8
Feb 14, 2006, 7:21 AM
I-- Try to get an idea of possible attendance and cater the plans to fit those numbers. Unless there are at least 100 people saying they will all travel to a city, there is no point in booking a party room at a hotel. [...]
-- By all means, go for the highest numbers possible, but allow for the possibility that only a few will actually make it.
(Polybear, you made some other good points that I skipped)

I used to be very involved with a local bi group, and we regularly saw dozens of people saying they'd attend events right here in their own city - no travel, no hotels, and parking was free! - and not showing. We were lucky to get half to a third of the number of people who'd loudly announced they'd show.

Personally I'd count a bisexual.com party a huge success if it had, say, forty people; even given the number of users on this site, probably only a small percentage would be interested enough to travel.

Is there anyone here who has both experience and interest in organizing? (I'm afraid I'm not a good candidate - I'm too likely to be very, very busy from March until May - though I'd be happy to brainstorm or bounce ideas off real-life friends who organize similar events.)

Feb 14, 2006, 6:04 PM
plz plz plz somewhere warm :tongue:

ow and with an airport would be good lol :bigrin:

Da Doctor
Feb 16, 2006, 1:45 AM
I have put together a nice group of fine ppl and we are going to start planning this thing A.S.A.P. Things that you should know.

1. This is just a get together and not an orgy. Don't walk into this party get naked and say lets get it on. If things work out between you and another guest more power to you.

2. Its going to be on halloween weekend so Costumes will be mandatory. you dont have to go all out. Just be creative.

3. Not sure if well have a pay bar or free bar depends on how many ppl come and the cost. Same goes for Deejay and Music.

4. Prepare to have a great time. I hope.

Thanks for reading


Feb 16, 2006, 9:36 AM
cant wait Doc
im in ireland but by god ill swim if i have to
good on ya mate
:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Feb 16, 2006, 12:27 PM
It sounds like great fun to me. I cannot promise I will be there but if I can I will. Would love to meet some of the people from this site.

Mrs. Taz
Feb 16, 2006, 11:42 PM
taz and I would love to be there but we are low on cash and our van wont make long distance, so unless its in our home town or 5 to 10 miles away from it we wont be able to make it. Home town is Winfield Kansas by the way. :) any ideas pls let us know.

Feb 17, 2006, 7:28 PM
I would love to be part of your halloween party but i live thousands of miles away, have a good time love you all

Oct 10, 2006, 11:17 PM
since im in kansas

i vote for ALASKA


just kidding

kansas city would be my vote

/me votes for the orgy! :male:

Oct 11, 2006, 3:00 AM
I vote for Chicago. It definitely can't be anywhere in IN because oral sex is against the law... oops! If someone has a budget for this thing, I have lots of experience in planning events thanks to my experience in College Residential Life and Activities.

Oct 11, 2006, 4:39 AM
Halloween Party sounds like fun, but I know for a fact I wouldn't go regardless of where it is. but New York City or anywhere close by is my vote

Oct 11, 2006, 10:31 AM
Chicago area works well for me. Would love to get together with others of a similar mind.

Now, I wonder how the wife will feel.....


Oct 11, 2006, 11:30 PM
Chicago is my vote. Dont care to see Vegas and stuff, If i go to vegas its to get tattoos n thats all, lol

Oct 12, 2006, 7:56 AM
Holy necropost batman! :)

shameless agitator
Oct 12, 2006, 9:55 PM
There's no way I would be able to make it to something happening so soon, but if people wanted to plan something further down the road I'd be willing to help with coordinating things.

And By the way Acro-"Sexuality is fluid; whether you're gay or straight, you just go with the flow." That was Shane on "The L Word" I'll take my kiss now please ;) :bigrin:

Oct 12, 2006, 9:57 PM
lol, otter, was thinking along the same line!!

geesh, all, has it been a year already since we first posted this and discussed it??

i'm not gonna be able to make it to this one if it goes, tho. i've suddenly been left running the remnants of the shop as we surge people out to our client sites, leaving a miniscule force here on 24 hour call.

have fun, i'll be watching from the sidelines this time.

Rich :flag3:

Oct 12, 2006, 10:32 PM
And By the way Acro-"Sexuality is fluid; whether you're gay or straight, you just go with the flow." That was Shane on "The L Word" I'll take my kiss now please ;) :bigrin:


There you go!

shameless agitator
Oct 13, 2006, 3:07 AM

There you go!Thank you Thank you & you weren't lyin' you do have the best lips ever pressed to mine. :wacko:

Da Doctor
Oct 13, 2006, 10:23 AM
a great apologee to one and all

I was not able to secure the hotel i wanted so I put all party plans on hold. I know i should have posted this a while ago but I was busy with the purchasing of a new home and work related problems. That is all done and over now so I do Promise next year. Some time we will have a massive hang out party.
