View Full Version : Thankful for the friends that I've met here

Feb 11, 2006, 5:49 PM
I want to share my thanks for the wonderful people here on this site. Drew, You've done an exceptional job.

For those of you that are my "Buddies", thank you for your friendship, care and support. I'm proud to have met you, and so thrilled with the conversation's that we've had. You are special people!

To my friends, and the commuinty at large, I urge you to support our troops in the Middle East. My Stepson just deployed to Afganistan with the United States Marine Corps. There is a way for you to support our women and men on the front. Go to www.penpalsforsoldiers.org and you can find some wonderful resouces to write a letter showing your care.

Should you know someone on the battlefield go to www.motomail.us/
Lookup the unit number of your family member, or friend, and you can send an email to him, or, her. Both sites are free of charge. As a Vietnam Veteran, I know that they will appreciate the wamth of your message. . . From home.

Take good care of you and yours.


Feb 12, 2006, 1:30 PM
Thanks Sparks for the info. A co-worker of mine's son-n-law was just deployed a couple of weeks ago. The sad part of the whole deal is that he's 48...married late in life to a woman who is 32. They have 3 kids all under the age of 5 and was about to sign his retirement papers from the Navy Reservists when they noticed in December he was at retirement...they sent him deployment papers instead. Pretty raw deal if I do say so myself. He went for his country but was petrified to leave behind his family as many of them are. :(
It's been tough for the family and horrible on the kids who don't understand where daddy went and why he's not coming home for a yr.
Again, thanks for the info.

Praying for all who are over there fighting for us. :angel:


Feb 12, 2006, 2:33 PM
Thanks for the link Sparks...So far I have had one cousin and a niece gone and back safely. But one of my neighbors brother lost his life a week before Thanksgiving and we felt the sorrow they felt for thier loss. I will keep your stepson in my prayers and ask the Great Spirit to deliver hm safely back to his loved ones...

Feb 12, 2006, 2:43 PM
It goes without question that you have the understanding of all of your buddies and your friends here during this very difficult time. As a parent you want to protect your child, from infantcy to adulthood. I can not imagine howyou are coping . But know that all our thoughts and prayers are with you and the parents of all of our service men and woman.


Feb 12, 2006, 5:35 PM
I agree, our hearts and prayers go out to our Sailors, Marines, Soldiers, and Airmen who are fighting for us. As a retired Vet, I know the thoughts and mail means so much when you are out there. Keep it up and fair winds and following seas to our troops

Love ya guy and gals!

Feb 12, 2006, 6:37 PM
I am also happy to support these websites. Sparks, I am happy to do my best for your step son and the rest of our dedicated service men/women over seas. Can you tell us the name, unit number, etc of your step son so we can all write to him with words of encouragement? Until he returns, keep you head high and be proud of what he is doing. He certainly has a wonderful role model for his father. As a Vietnam Veteran you know the sacrifices and difficulties that military service brings. To now experience it from the parental side I'm sure makes the second time all the harder. We all will be thinking of you and your step son Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.