View Full Version : Piercings Anyone?

Feb 11, 2006, 2:35 PM
Well I just saw a thread for who has tattoos. Now I'm curious as to who has piercings and where. I'm thinking of getting my clit hood pierced and would like to know if anyone has it done and is it worth it?

Feb 11, 2006, 2:50 PM
Yes I have one. I even did it myself. Check first pic on profile

Feb 11, 2006, 3:07 PM
You did it yourself Mike???? :eek: Have you met M.I.H.H.????

Feb 11, 2006, 3:42 PM
Just the ear, I am thinking of getting a nipple pierced. My nipples are already very sensitive, does it really increase the sensitivity??????? Does it hurt really bad when it is done?

Feb 11, 2006, 6:44 PM
I have quite a few piercings.... all had varied healing times and i love them all...

my nipple piercing took over a year to heal but now it has it feels very erotic....

my favourite is definitely my hood piercing though... the pain was minimal, it completely healed in weeks..... and is very, very worthwhile having ;)

good luck, in whatever you decide

Julie x :female:

Feb 11, 2006, 7:23 PM
I've had a few over the last several, all done by me (not difficult when local anesthetics can be used). Loved my nipple, but it kept migrating, so it is no more.... only one I've kept is my prince albert, and it's a 6ga these days.

Feb 11, 2006, 7:40 PM
I've had a few over the last several, all done by me (not difficult when local anesthetics can be used). Loved my nipple, but it kept migrating, so it is no more.... only one I've kept is my prince albert, and it's a 6ga these days.
Migrating?? :eek:
I only have my ears done-3 each ear....I want my tongue or eyebrow, but my job won't let me have any facial piercings :(

Feb 11, 2006, 7:52 PM
11 in my ears. Love my industrial there. And one nipple. I had two but had trouble with one and it had to go :(.

Feb 11, 2006, 7:55 PM
Migrating?? :eek:
I only have my ears done-3 each ear....I want my tongue or eyebrow, but my job won't let me have any facial piercings :(

oh yeah.. i had my tongue done too.... alas the the ball worked its way loose when i was eating, and i swallowed it :eek:

... i had to remove it overnight and by the time i got back to the piercing place 36 hrs later, it had already healed and if i wanted it redoing i would have to wait several months for the swelling to go down first :(

...as this was the most painful and intrusive piercing i have experienced, i never could face going back... though i still have the chipped teeth to remind me it was there once, and left its mark :rolleyes:

...i have my rook pierced (just above ear canal).. thats unusual, sexy and hopefully shouldn't be of concern to your employers...?

...julie x

Feb 11, 2006, 8:04 PM
...i have my rook pierced (just above ear canal).. thats unusual, sexy and hopefully shouldn't be of concern to your employers...?

...julie x
that little nub? uhuh, not me....I get the willies looking at that. *shudders* Worse than thinking about my nipples done....owweee :eek:

Feb 11, 2006, 8:16 PM
i have my ears peirced, and i did my nipples too, but they kept getting infected, so i let them heal over, and just a few weeks ago i also did my belly button (i have wanted this one for a long time) and i finally did it (myself) and i have not had too much problems with it so far, altho i am very good about keeping it clean

at this point i think i am done with the peircings

thank you for letting me have my say here :cool:
m.in.heels&hose ( mihh)

Feb 11, 2006, 9:29 PM
I have my ears, each 3 times. My tongue-just for decor! (LOL) My belly button, it is super sexy. And my hood. Doesn't do much sensitivity wise, but it gets alot of attention. Lovely decoration.... I didn't have problems with any of them. They all healed quite nicely.


Feb 12, 2006, 12:15 AM
Have 2 on my left ear and each nipple is pierced. Want to get a P.A.... :paw: :paw:

Feb 12, 2006, 5:53 AM
piercings, um love em, love em, love em.
well lets start counting
5 in my ears
my left nipple
the bridge of my nose
2 in my lip, 1 in lower and 1 upper left
nape of my neck
and lods more to come
:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

ow as for the hood of my clit, id have it done in a second but i use the hood for too many reasons and am afraid it would interfere with that,
apparantly the way it works is that it is pierced in the place where the ball hangs directly over ur clit so during the pouncing of sex the ball hits and stimulates the clit, sounds good eh :bigrin: ;) :tong:

Nikki Vandom
Feb 14, 2006, 6:44 PM
uh,4 in each ear:3 in the lobes and 1 each up top.and my belly button.Nipples!Yikes!I almost wimped out w/ the cart in the upper ears!Peace & Love,N.V.

Feb 14, 2006, 6:59 PM
CL and I have been talking about this for a long time. We originally were going to start with her getting her hood done and me getting a PA. But for now I think we are going to settle for getting our tongues done. The main reason for this is the piercing place that we have gone too (very reputable by the way) says for genital piercings 4 to 6 weeks before we can resume having sex...and then with a condom.....which we both prefer to avoid...and then 4 to 6 months before it is completely healed.

Her daughter has us beat by a mile......I think at last count it was 7......5 in her ears (including a rook and industrial) one in her nose and her cleavage :rolleyes:

That one was totally new to me.....I had never seen anyone get one done there.....but it looks cool

Feb 14, 2006, 7:00 PM
2 in each ear.
One for the emerald studs I had made from my granny's engagement ring, and one for dingly-dangly whatevers.
I do have a belly button with a heamatite pearl, but that tends to disappear in a 40 something "love roll."

Clit hood - no thanks. We'll let the younger ones do that.

meteast chick
Feb 14, 2006, 8:32 PM
While I myself have only my 1 piercing in each ear, done thankfully by a doctor when I was 6 mos. old, and failed cartilige piercings in my ears (done twice, both time infected and removed), I personally have no desire for more piercings. I came of age when belly button piercings were all the rage, and refused to do so out of my own reasons of anti-trendiness/uniformity. I respect those who do, but my love is with tats. I had a boyfriend who pierced his own nipples and had his tongue double pierced. All I can say to that was "WOWSA!" I loved it at the time, but please, to all, a warning and caution: Tongue piercings often chip teeth, and are by and large extremely annoying to other people. Certain piercings can also paralyze parts of your body, mostly in your face. That is my Public Service Announcement, and now this: Feel free to express yourself however you choose, the body is a canvas and we are the artists!

Feb 15, 2006, 1:57 AM
hi all, i have 6 in one ear(1 of them uo top 1 in the little labea thing), 5 in the other(1 up top), both nipples, and used to have my tongue pierced. i am a sucker for body art and piercings it can get addicting lo.

Feb 24, 2006, 6:45 PM
piercings, um love em, love em, love em.
well lets start counting
5 in my ears
my left nipple
the bridge of my nose
2 in my lip, 1 in lower and 1 upper left
nape of my neck
and lods more to come
:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

ow as for the hood of my clit, id have it done in a second but i use the hood for too many reasons and am afraid it would interfere with that,
apparantly the way it works is that it is pierced in the place where the ball hangs directly over ur clit so during the pouncing of sex the ball hits and stimulates the clit, sounds good eh :bigrin: ;) :tong:

Huneypot.... what would you use your hood for that might be 'interfered with' if it were to be pierced?

i'm intrigued to know.....

.......no really, i am!

julie xx :female:

Feb 25, 2006, 9:50 AM
Well I have 4 in my left ear and 3 in my right....I got my tounge pierced in August and LOVE it.....I am too chicken to get anything else pierced though....(I also have 3 tatoos)