View Full Version : Sexual Horoscopes

Feb 11, 2006, 2:35 PM
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) - She tends to approach sex via the mind, and she shares and discusses her thoughts with her lover in bed. Her natural curiosity leads her to experiment with creative play between the sheets. Once relaxed she explores new techniques to discover ever greater pleasure. A delicious mystery lurks beneath the surface of her soul, and the lover who is able to delve deeper is in for a wild ride. The issue of mind versus body is a mini-battle she must contend with and the lover who can convince her of the pleasure principle will set this sexual being free. She has a "take it or leave it" style that can be sexy or maddening, depending on the audience. She does not have a reputation for warmth in sex, although she is open-minded. She gives off an air of being savvy and cool in bed. Sex from a distance (when she is not actually there physically), or in theory, is often where she shines. That is why cyber or phone sex, or affairs that don't break up marriages, can be especially attractive to her. She is most turned on when you her partner is not, as detachment can be a real turn-on for her. And, again, the idea of sex is generally more exciting to her than the actual act. Her fantasies often involve getting caught having sex and she is attracted to people who are a little offbeat or odd.

Sexual Compatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, & Virgo.

Aries (March 21-April 19) - She is a tiger where sex is concerned and, like many other sleek animals, loves the hunt - that steady pursuit of the ultimate prize. She is a physical and fearless lover and is blessed with the stamina to go all night long. She is not afraid to experiment sexually in her quest for pleasure - an open-minded lover is a must. The Mile-High Club must have been invented for her! Her lover must be able to satisfy, or the she will move on. The dominant sexual partner will be her, and while eroticism is important, a mental connection is also favoured by her. As if she wasn’t passionate and demanding enough, she also wants to be made to feel secure in a sexual relationship, lest jealousy rear its ugly head. Sex is best when It is spontaneous and unrestricted. She melts when her partners give themselves to her innocently and purely. She looks for trouble in love, and is addicted to the conquest. Her head is her erogenous zone -- she loves it when you mess up her hair and grab her face when she is making love. She can be rather selfish in bed, and quick. She gets impatient with too much foreplay, preferring to get right to the point. Sometimes aggressive, and generally fast, she is sincere and enthusiastic in her sexual expression, but not always constant. Her desires are powerful indeed. While other signs may be most aroused by the romance of the moment, she is especially aroused by her partners’ sexual organs, plain and simple. She falls in and out of "crush" easily--she only feels alive when she has someone to desire.

Sexual Compatibility: Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, & Aries

Cancer (June 22-July 22) - Like the rest of her life, she treats her sexual encounters much like a slow dance, but if you've got the right moves, you can take her on a torrid tango. The emotional firepower that can be aroused within her usually manifests itself as a series of wonderful fantasies and less as sexual acrobatics. Either way, It is pure pleasure for both partners. She is also quite intuitive and can generally sense what her lover wants, which makes an encounter between the sheets a finely-tuned union. Her feminine side is often on display in the bedroom, which means she enjoys being made love to. The good news is that she is a very receptive student! For her, sex often equals love and its nurturing aspects, so anyone who can appeal to her deep need for security is likely to unleash a volcanic eruption of sensual treats. She is quite fond of sex on the beach or in the sea. She is one of the most sensitive and sweet lovers. When she is not pouting, she is romantic and gooey with you. She is turned on by slave scenarios, and she may like it when you're a little mean and aggressive in bed, as long as she knows you love her. She is turned on by the idea of making a baby, and others just love the idea of being all yours in bed. She is most attracted to breasts, and she generally likes her men rather masculine and her women feminine, at least in fantasy. She does not always let you know what turns her on, and expects you to intuit her sexual needs. Her style in bed is protective and soothing.

Sexual Compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Aquarius, & Cancer.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) - Behind her cool exterior lies a white-hot interior waiting to be discovered by a worthy lover. Splendour beneath the sheets is likely to be a straightforward affair for her, since this she does not need anything flashy or fancy to get excited. The arousal here is from being happily in love, since love and sex do go hand in hand for her. She is a persistent, passionate and loyal lover, so whoever is on the receiving end is in for a guaranteed good time. While she abhor being dependent on her lovers, she would certainly like to be nurtured by them and exposed to new levels of delight. There is no doubting that she can explode with an understanding, strong and libidinous partner. Sex that is straightforward and simple is generally best. The reputation for her is an attraction to experienced, and sometimes older, partners. She often prefers strong, powerful lovers who display some sort of authority or know-how. She prefers a certain measure of discretion. It is generally no-frills that is most appealing her. She can be quite happy with consistency, as variety is less important to her than is security in sexual expression. She is often quite private about what goes on in the bedroom. Although she will want others to know that she is on top of things in her sex life, she generally won't get into messy details.

Sexual Compatibility: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) – She does not ask for much, just someone who will stimulate her mind for a great time. Of course, those mental high jinx need to have a bit of follow-through, so a lover with variety on their mind will be appreciated. Some days, a quickie in the back seat of a fast car is just what the doctor ordered. Remember that she is versatile! Most of all, though, sex is a mental sport for her. The act begins in her head and works its way down and around. She is always in search of the perfect lover and the perfect sexual experience. Once she finds it, she will want, and give, stimulation to all the senses, for sight, sound and touch are all important. Ultimately, she wants something different and something complete. Not too much to ask, right? She likes you using words in bed with her. Talk turns her on, and she loves to kiss! Oral pleasures are extra special for her. She loves role-playing, as long as it is varied. She is fun in bed, if you can forgive her sudden bursts of speech during the act. To you, an intellectual conversation may interrupt lovemaking, but to her, it is just extended foreplay. Sometimes given to trying too much in one session, she is enthusiastic and curious about all kinds of sexual expression. Her tendency to over-think brings up all of the "buts" and "what ifs" surrounding sex. She is less driven by her desires than she is by her intellect.

Sexual Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Aries, & Gemini.

Leo (July 23-August 22) - White heat and ardour emanate from her - in the right circumstances. She wants action first and foremost, and if the moves are being made on her, all the better. When one makes slow, steady love her, one can flatter her into a state of ecstasy. This kind of approach will help create her into a very confident lover. She is utterly aroused when a partner revels in their beauty and aura and tells her just how wonderful she is. As her gracious gift, she will show her partner just how much that compliment meant! She loves seduction and foreplay - and a well-placed mirror or two would also be nice, since her flowing mane and catlike quality is begging to be watched. Her fantasies often revolve around devotion and attention. She is most turned on when her partner thinks she is a god or goddess. Although she will take care of her partners in bed, her natural inclination is to get herself off. Her pride in her lovemaking compels her to try to be the best in bed. While she wants a mate she can show off, she prefers not to have two stars in the same household. She can be quite possessive and jealous, although she'll often try to hide this fact. In fact, she may put her partners to the test every now and again. She is prone to fibbing when it comes to love and sex, as she is out to impress her mates. She is attracted to inequality in sexual scenarios. However, she won't let you always play the knave – she is attracted to seeing you in the most regal of scenarios too. It is hard for her to separate love and sex. Even her most erotic sexual fantasies are infused with love and affection. She can sometimes come on too strong, and get impatient when her needs are not met soon enough, but you will appreciate her direct sexual expression, and her openness in bed.

Sexual Compatibility: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius & Leo.

Libra (September 23-October 22) - Sex is often a mental affair for her. As an effective communicator she is possessed of a strong intellect, and her mental fireworks often manifest themselves in the thorough exploration of a lover. Only the brave need apply! Since she likes to be in balance she is generally thinking of what both partners want. A marked distaste for confrontation can sometimes be perceived as disinterest on her part, but it is more often just an entrenched desire to please. She loves seduction and foreplay, and plenty of talk, ultimately leading to some sexy physical action. If this is all achieved in the right luxurious setting, watch out! Her swathed in riches are a pleasure to behold. She loves the thought of a bright and attractive partner, since she feels that her lover is receiving just that. It is safe to say that a little erotica goes a long way with her, since she can be very playful with her toys. She takes extra care to please her partner. She can be provocative in a quiet way. Her need for balance and perfection in her relationships may manifest itself at all the wrong moments. In bed, she wants things to be balanced. She loves working on getting things right, and is especially turned on by role-playing sex games. She has a strong need for change and growth in her sexual expression. She is a giver in bed, but they fully expect you to give equally in return. Although she can be pushed around for a time, her lovers must be aware that the best way to keep her lovers happy is to keep everything fair. She can be a little picky when it comes to mood and atmosphere while making love. Make her happy, however, and you have a lover who is going to think about you and your needs. She can charm the birds out of the trees when she wants to.

Sexual Compatibility: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio, & Libra.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) - Sex is an emotional affair for her, as is the case with much of her live. She is a sensual and creative lover, adoring playful sex and romping through erotic fantasies. Her characteristic shyness flies out the door, if it is the bedroom door we're talking about! She has a great appetite for sex and loves to keep things fluid and changeable. If her lovers can indulge her in flights of fancy, they'll be primed all night long. For her, love and sex as a complete union is best - the better to feel safe, free and totally uninhibited. She also loves to please her lovers, so this union will definitely sizzle for two. As for the sexiest kind of play, it is in the water for the wet and wild lady. She has a subtle approach to flirting and sex is taken on. She is generally open to all of the avenues of sexual expression, especially the nooks and crannies. She is forgiving and bending, and generally willing to please. At times romantic and gooey, she is actually a bit like a chameleon. It is hard to pin her down to any one style. She may talk a lot one evening, and be withdrawn the next. In general, she prefers non-verbal expressions of love and is attracted to imbalance. Self-sacrifice, compassion, and even religion can be mixed into her sexual expression. She is very sensitive, but will almost always forgive you. She will even let you go if you so desire, and love you forever anyways. Although she can be shy and yielding, her lovers can sometimes find them maddeningly detached and spaced. Her fantasies are intricate and detailed, and she is attracted to the downtrodden or needy.

Sexual Compatibility: Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo, & Libra.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) - Her response to sex is through physicality, as opposed to emotion or practicality. She is not shy, and like the half beast/half human that represents Sagittarius, she tends to be a sexual animal. In other words, she is always ready! She likes to enjoy a variety of erotic experiences, in keeping with her outgoing and sociable nature. Her great libido also lends itself best to an artistic and graceful lover, qualities she very much admires. Trying new things is also often on her mind - when her lover says 'sex on the beach,' they'd best not be referring to a fruity alcoholic drink. Her thirst for knowledge is often quenched through direct talk in bed, a way to combine two of her favourite pleasures. She can grow to worship a worthy lover, a fitting response to this holiest of acts. Sex is treated rather like a sport. She is direct and forthcoming with her desires and needs. She has an almost innocent frankness about them, and she loves to have fun in bed. Laughing and roughhousing are huge turn-ons. She is actually a bit selfish in sex, and her need to "get off" will almost always be expressed. Games are acceptable for her, just as long as they are not too time-consuming or intricate. She has little patience with people playing hard to get or beating around the bush. The same goes for too much seriousness or romancing. The best way to approach sex with her is to just do it, and then talk about it after the fact, if need be.

Sexual Compatibility: Aquarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini, Libra, & Sagittarius.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) – She is Sex God or Goddess. Her sexual prowess and drive is legendary. She smoulders with every come-hither look, alluring wink of an eye and mysterious stare. If you want to ride a wave to an emotional and sexual crescendo, jump on her train! She has an almost supernatural libido and loves giving sensual pleasure, although receiving it is nice, too. Variety as the spice of life is the golden rule here; she loves to choreograph the scene for maximum mutual satisfaction. Any lover stepping into this lair should be warned: keeping up is a must. She adores a lover who has the stamina to keep going - that is the perfect gift for this utterly sexual being. Her sexual nature can be quite complex. She shares a common intensity and depth in her sexual desires, but she varies in expression depending on her level of development. She enjoys power and is attracted to breaking taboos. She is willing to do almost anything, and she enjoys full-body pleasures. She expresses her need for control by being unavailable and abstaining for long periods of time, giving in only when she feels her partner is deserving. Whatever her nature, she has a way that promises commitment and intensity in bed. She is provocative but private. She never kisses and tells. Sex is intimate and personal for her, but her fantasies are full-ranging.

Sexual Compatibility: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, & Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) - She provides an alluring package, thanks in part to her love of beautiful things. Those lucky enough to snare this lover will find that the best, amazingly, has been hidden from view! In private, she is an intense partner, and one quite happy to have sensual encounters go on all night long. The Energiser Bunny has arrived! These days and nights of play should be punctuated with conversation, fantasies, seduction, even a few edible treats, and the better to create the perfect mood. Sex as a release from the more practical aspects of life is often all she wants. If this play date can be scheduled in her beloved home, all the better, since comfort is always on her mind. Her sexual nature involves all of the senses. Touch and smell are supremely important to her. She is the most physical of sexual partners. No frills sex is quite fine, as long as the mood is right and there is plenty of physical contact. She does not have a reputation for spontaneity or variety, but she is good at what she does nonetheless, simply because she is truly right there with you. Abstaining from sex is especially difficult for her, so finding a regular sex partner is particularly important. Her sexual stamina during love-making is long-lasting and steady. Although generally patient, her style is natural and physical, and intellectualizing the sex act is baffling to her.

Sexual Compatibility: Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, & Aquarus.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) - The sizzle of sex often lies in the details, and she is a master of minutiae. The perfectionist she personified: someone who will see to it that the little things are never overlooked. She finishes what she starts in the bedroom, and this cosy chamber is likely to be a dreamy den decorated with discriminating taste. The servant in her is more than happy to be everything her lover desires; if that lover can bring out her sensual self, the reward will be a most liberated lover. A cool exterior tends to mask her wild side - often a fantasy world filled with erotica but kept safely under wraps. The lover who can reach these sexual treats through artful seduction is lucky in love indeed. She has a healthy attitude towards sex. Sex to her is a bodily function, necessary for health and general well-being. Everyday stresses and tensions are released in sex, whether It is with others or just her. She is turned on by people who have largely gone unnoticed. Simple and sweet is the way she likes her bed partners. She also gets turned on by the idea that she is your slave. She loves doing little things for you, and gets worked up when she knows you appreciate all the things she does. She can be a little insecure about her own body, and she makes up for it by paying close attention to her methods of turning you on. She is very respectful of your likes and dislikes, and focus on the things that have had the most success. She loves imperfections and has the best time with a partner who needs care. She will make a project out of you, and you will likely never feel quite so attended to with anyone else. Her fantasies often feature the downtrodden and inexperienced. She is insatiably curious about sex, although she does not take her curiosity much beyond fantasy. Voyeurism is especially appealing to her. She wants to please and to be savvy in the lovemaking arena. She is not afraid of getting dirty either, within the confines of a healthy relationship.

Sexual Compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, & Aries

Feb 11, 2006, 2:50 PM
wow, billy, where'd you get these? and, sorry, where's the stuff for us gemini guys?? didnt see it there .........<pouting> i feel left out :bigrin:

Feb 11, 2006, 2:51 PM
wow, billy, where'd you get these? and, sorry, where's the stuff for us gemini guys?? didnt see it there .........<pouting> i feel left out :bigrin:

Gemini (May 21-June 21) – She does not ask for much, just someone who will stimulate her mind for a great time. Of course, those mental high jinx need to have a bit of follow-through, so a lover with variety on their mind will be appreciated. Some days, a quickie in the back seat of a fast car is just what the doctor ordered. Remember that she is versatile! Most of all, though, sex is a mental sport for her. The act begins in her head and works its way down and around. She is always in search of the perfect lover and the perfect sexual experience. Once she finds it, she will want, and give, stimulation to all the senses, for sight, sound and touch are all important. Ultimately, she wants something different and something complete. Not too much to ask, right? She likes you using words in bed with her. Talk turns her on, and she loves to kiss! Oral pleasures are extra special for her. She loves role-playing, as long as it is varied. She is fun in bed, if you can forgive her sudden bursts of speech during the act. To you, an intellectual conversation may interrupt lovemaking, but to her, it is just extended foreplay. Sometimes given to trying too much in one session, she is enthusiastic and curious about all kinds of sexual expression. Her tendency to over-think brings up all of the "buts" and "what ifs" surrounding sex. She is less driven by her desires than she is by her intellect.

Sexual Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Aries, & Gemini.

Feb 11, 2006, 2:56 PM
Don't forget when you're on the cusp you have some of the previous or next sign traits as well.

Feb 11, 2006, 3:00 PM
Don't forget when you're on the cusp you have some of the previous or next sign traits as well.

I have a friend who is on the cusp, she is Leo-Virgo and does display traits of both.

Feb 11, 2006, 3:05 PM
This is a good site if you were born on a cusp: http://www.astrology.com/allaboutyou/cusps/

Feb 11, 2006, 4:45 PM
I like what it says about us Cancerians - don't take much notice of horoscopes usually but it sounds good to me!!

Rupe :bigrin:

Feb 11, 2006, 5:00 PM
Married a Cancer/Leo cusp.......disaster. Engaged a Taurus, but afeter ten yesrs that fell apart too. I'm an Aries, true in his heart. So what's the mojo that makes it work?