View Full Version : June is LGBT Pride Month. My Bisexual Pride

Jun 11, 2009, 11:52 PM
I have to admit that it isn’t always easy to be proud of my bisexuality. Sometimes it feels like a burden and that my life would be so much easier if I just “picked a side”. It can be confusing and some days I just get tired of evaluating how straight or how gay I feel that day and whether or not that means anything.

But when all the self doubt is over….

I am proud to be bisexual because I am able to see beyond what our culture tells us the limits are to human sexuality and our possibilities to love.

I am proud to be bisexual because I know my feelings are real no matter how many “experts” try to claim otherwise.

I am proud to be bisexual because living my life as either straight or gay wouldn’t really be living.

I am proud to be bisexual because of the great bisexuals I have met through my local bi group and online that not only support bisexual interests and well-being but those of others that are treated differently.

I am proud to be bisexual because I know that one day we will be a part of making a difference for the rights of all GLBT people.

You should be proud too.



Long Duck Dong
Jun 12, 2009, 2:32 AM
I have to admit that it isn’t always easy to be proud of my bisexuality. Sometimes it feels like a burden and that my life would be so much easier if I just “picked a side”. It can be confusing and some days I just get tired of evaluating how straight or how gay I feel that day and whether or not that means anything.

But when all the self doubt is over….

I am proud to be bisexual because I am able to see beyond what our culture tells us the limits are to human sexuality and our possibilities to love.

I am proud to be bisexual because I know my feelings are real no matter how many “experts” try to claim otherwise.

I am proud to be bisexual because living my life as either straight or gay wouldn’t really be living.

I am proud to be bisexual because of the great bisexuals I have met through my local bi group and online that not only support bisexual interests and well-being but those of others that are treated differently.

I am proud to be bisexual because I know that one day we will be a part of making a difference for the rights of all GLBT people.

You should be proud too.



I am known in the site as a person that really questions LGBT pride as pretty much just pride in who we fuck and the fact we can fuck both genders

BUT.... your statements....are what being proud is all about......
its above sex, its beyond fucking....... its simply and bluntly I am proud to be who I am.......I am proud to be the individual I am......

you have taken the * good and the bad * of bisexuality.... and made it something to be bloody proud of.......

its a bit like my dystimia ( incurable / untreatable depression ).... I am proud to have dystimia.....cos as I sit here and type out a reply... I am proof that having dystimia is a aspect of me... and I am proud to have it.....the * good and the bad *.... cos it makes me who i am....and i would not have met the people I have.... without it..... and no I am not mentally ill.....I have dystimia.... the difference is, like my bisexuality, I was born with it..... its me.... the fact that others call it mental illness, makes it sound like its not a part of me......

using your statements glantern, I am proud to be who i am.... as its who I am..... and thats how I am unique........ its my actions that I am not always proud of....lol

Jun 12, 2009, 3:06 AM
I have to admit that it isn’t always easy to be proud of my bisexuality. Sometimes it feels like a burden and that my life would be so much easier if I just “picked a side”. It can be confusing and some days I just get tired of evaluating how straight or how gay I feel that day and whether or not that means anything.

But when all the self doubt is over….

I am proud to be bisexual because I am able to see beyond what our culture tells us the limits are to human sexuality and our possibilities to love.

I am proud to be bisexual because I know my feelings are real no matter how many “experts” try to claim otherwise.

I am proud to be bisexual because living my life as either straight or gay wouldn’t really be living.

I am proud to be bisexual because of the great bisexuals I have met through my local bi group and online that not only support bisexual interests and well-being but those of others that are treated differently.

I am proud to be bisexual because I know that one day we will be a part of making a difference for the rights of all GLBT people.

You should be proud too.



VERY well put....PRIDE comes from within, and you express your feelings well.
