View Full Version : AN INTRODUCTION!

Jun 7, 2009, 12:12 PM
hiya everyone
ive jus been reading through some of the threads and ive learnt so much ! im new to this so i thought i would say a hello to everyone and introduce myself my names emma. im married bt have an understanding straight husband who allows me to experiment ... so introduction over ...
now i need a bit of advise there is this beutifull girl i really have a huge thing for ( yes my husband knows and is fine with it ) bt i want to let her know i like her bt dont want to compleatly freak her out (she is also bi) bt is a friend of me and my husband any pointers or tips please ???? compleatly lost ! :tongue:
thankyou for any help in advance xxx

Jun 7, 2009, 1:09 PM
Welcome to the site emma. Cumm and join us in the chat room sometime.
As to your gf situation: Be honest and straight forward in a gentle way. You can drop hints of how you feel abaout her. Gentle touches here, there, run your finger briefly through her hair (fingers lightly touching her ear). Tell her she look real hot in that (a particular) outfit, skirt, dress, tight jeans and top.

Just my two cents :2cents:
Welcome anyway!

Doggie :doggie:

Jun 7, 2009, 2:03 PM
Welcome to your new home, Emma... As for your gf, if she happens to be a friend of yours and your hubby, just have a sit down with her and ease into the "I don't want to ruin our friendship, but what if you and I...." and see where it goes from there... Be easy and gentle and talk about it without trying to make it into some kind of issue so as not to make your friend uncomfortable... if she starts gettin' buggy, back off completely until another opportunity arises for you to try and talk with her again... Hope my ramblin' helped some... :paw::paw:

Jun 7, 2009, 2:04 PM
thanx . for the welcome ... i jus seem to gt no where with her lol bt will keep tryin im a bit shy wich doesnt help and im not use to flirting with girls bt will try thanx xxx:bigrin:

Jun 7, 2009, 2:08 PM
i'm mike. i like to experement so i'm open

Jun 7, 2009, 2:25 PM
lol thanks mike i will keep it in mind lol

Jun 7, 2009, 4:11 PM
thanx . for the welcome ... i jus seem to gt no where with her lol bt will keep tryin im a bit shy wich doesnt help and im not use to flirting with girls bt will try thanx xxx:bigrin:

I totally understand... I'm shy, too.

I'm also a fan of a direct approach, whenever possible. You know her better than any of us, obviously, so you'll know what might freak her out. But I know if I were her, I'd like you to just tell me what your thoughts are. She may very well be feeling the same way towards you. You did say she's bi too, right?

Perhaps it would make it easier for you to discuss it if you invite her out for a girls' night drink, and mention in while you're out. Maybe in a private booth or table setting so everybody won't overhear, but in a public place so if she's super turned off to the idea, she won't feel as uncomfortable as she might if you two are totally alone. I hope this makes sense... I'm pretty chronic with the whole "I knew what I meant" thing... :rolleyes:

Welcome to the community, BTW. Nice to meet you.

Jun 7, 2009, 4:16 PM
thankyou thats really usefull im so scared i will mention something and she will run a mile bt im gonna hint towards thing the nxt week or so you have all been so nice im not sure what i expected from this website but i dont think it was this so thanx for making me feel so welcome:):female::bipride:

Jun 7, 2009, 10:38 PM
hiya everyone
ive jus been reading through some of the threads and ive learnt so much ! im new to this so i thought i would say a hello to everyone and introduce myself my names emma. im married bt have an understanding straight husband who allows me to experiment ... so introduction over ...
now i need a bit of advise there is this beutifull girl i really have a huge thing for ( yes my husband knows and is fine with it ) bt i want to let her know i like her bt dont want to compleatly freak her out (she is also bi) bt is a friend of me and my husband any pointers or tips please ???? compleatly lost ! :tongue:
thankyou for any help in advance xxx

Welcome to the site, Emma.

You say you know she is bi, but you don't say how you found out. That might make a difference.

Tell her "I know (of I have been told) you are bi. If you are willing to discuss it, I thought that you might be able to give me some advice. My husband and I have an arrangement that allows me to experiment, but being shy I am not sure how to approach someone I am interested in. What would you do?"

Jun 8, 2009, 1:50 AM
she is pretty open about it if there is a good lookin girl around she wud comment and refers to her ex both male and female ... so id comment also then at uni she asked my husband if i liked girls so he said yes so she knows i am

Jun 8, 2009, 5:42 AM
Welcumm to the site Hon. Hope you enjoy. Also know how lucky you are too have a spouse that understands. Like i have told many members that have em here,dont fuck up a good thing.

Jun 8, 2009, 9:17 AM
Hello Emma and welcome. I am glad that you have found this site as your new home. It is comforting to know that YES there are folks here who have been in your shoes and can give you advice, helpful hints and listen as well. Do drop by the chat room to say hello.


Jun 8, 2009, 9:33 AM
Be prepared to learn that she may NOT be interested in you, in an intimate way, too.

I agree that the direct, discreet, way to approach her is best. That way you will know, for sure, if she's interested, or not.

I hope, for your sake, that she is willing to respond to you in the manner you've hoped for. Be aware the opposite may also be her reaction. Good luck with whatever happens!

Jun 8, 2009, 1:03 PM
yeah i understand that i think ive just cut myself off because im sure she wouldent like me . i dont have alot of confidance but i find it upsetting because i have never felt THIS intensly about another girl before, yeah ive muked about but i really like her which is a big problem for me i cant describe how beutiful this girl is and she has the most incredible smile and makes me laugh soooo much i jus wish it was all easy but is not is it ! i am lucky to have my husband he is very excepting of who i am BUT he has a condition on the whole experimental thing which is ....its all good as long as they are not close to us ....which she is ! but i have real feelings for this person !!! im in real trouble arnt i !!!????? but then again she is way out of my league so i suppose there isnt really a problem OH DEAR CONFUSSED OR WHAT LOL !

Jun 8, 2009, 5:29 PM
You may be surprised! If you don't ask her, you'll never know; she may be waiting and afraid to ask YOU! My first wife was in love with an older woman when she was in school. For a couple of years she couldn't build up the courage to ask the lady if she would be interested in her. Finally, she said it was all, or nothing and asked her. The lady was ecstatic and let her in with open arms. They became lovers and saw each other for years...they may still be seeing each other. It was a wonderful relationship for them both. If one of them hadn't made that move, they may have never been lovers.

Jun 9, 2009, 10:19 AM
yes i suppose ur right .... lol i just wish she wud approach me! im a real coward lol