View Full Version : If you were told by a nurse on the phone...

Jun 6, 2009, 1:19 AM
... to go to the hospital's ER for extreme pains that are level infinity (MILD exaggeration), and admitted to a room for TWO WHOLE HOURS without seeing nary a doctor, nor a nurse, not even an intern, a resident, or anyone, would you leave (especially after having suffered through an hour of the 700 club)?


Jun 6, 2009, 2:20 AM
Is it a full moon on a weekend? Then no.

If it is just a slow night, I would.

Jade Pecker
Jun 6, 2009, 2:35 AM
I don't know..how bad was the pain? I went to the emergency room last month with a fever, a headache and cold syptoms. I was afraid it might be that new swine flu, but the nurse told me right away that if I had the swine flu I wouldn't be feeling that good. I was given the intake stuff within 20 minutes of walking in, was taken to a bed, and was examined by a NP within half an hour after that. Yes, it was a slow night, but the whole thing turned out to be "The most helacious ear infection I've seen in a long time". I was gvine ear drops and antibiotic pills and sent home. I spent a little over an hour and a half in there total.
They had the news on TV in the waiting room.

Jun 6, 2009, 7:35 AM
I don't know..how bad was the pain? I went to the emergency room last month with a fever, a headache and cold syptoms. I was afraid it might be that new swine flu, but the nurse told me right away that if I had the swine flu I wouldn't be feeling that good. I was given the intake stuff within 20 minutes of walking in, was taken to a bed, and was examined by a NP within half an hour after that. Yes, it was a slow night, but the whole thing turned out to be "The most helacious ear infection I've seen in a long time". I was gvine ear drops and antibiotic pills and sent home. I spent a little over an hour and a half in there total.
They had the news on TV in the waiting room.

The pain.... ridiculous hurt very much bad!

That whats your name blah blah blah stuff wasnt done for 35 minutes, and another 15 minutes after that they put me in a room where I hadnt seen hide nor hair of a single soul for two hours. Even after I asked politely (first time) is anyone working tonight?

Jun 6, 2009, 8:31 AM
I've been to the hospital where I've been in and out within an hour and a half. I've been to the hospital where it's taken me 8-9 hours... It's a crap shoot really. You didn't mention what kind of pain and where it's located. It's the luck of the draw really. They triage you and figure out where you stand in the hierarchy and then treat you according to that. Of course at any time someone who has a more serious problem and comes in later than you will be seen before you. You might want to see if there are any Urgent Care places near you. They have weird hours, and can take care of most problems. It's not as busy as hospitals. Went with hubby about 10 days because he needed stitches. Now you may have to wait a while as well, but once you go into a room it's real quick. I hope your ailment wasn't serious and that you're feeling better...

Jun 6, 2009, 11:35 AM
Sometimes when the doctors receive the triage notes they make a conclusion before they walk into the room.
Some doctors have a mentality of blowing someone off due to some "stereotypes" They have already come in contact with.

I went to the ER when I ( 19 yrs old) was about 3 months preggers with my second pregnancy, I was living in the Salvation army and they found me huddled up screaming on my bed in deep pain so they called me and ambulance and had me taken to the ER. Anyway I told them what I was feeling and how bad the pain was. Told them I was pregnant and maybe it was twins and something was wrong. I requested an ultrasound which they refused. I told them this pregnancy wasn't like my last one. They didn't even check to confirm pregnancy. They saw a 19 year old disheveled puffy faced red eyed girl who was shaking in pain and thought "Addict". Marked in my file "has drug seeking behavior"

When I was finally able to get a doctor about one month later, who did an ultrasound. I had been pregnant with twins and one had died. So I lost alot of faith in the medical system after that.

add insult to injury. I didn't have a ride home from the hospital either.

Jun 6, 2009, 12:53 PM
Deprnds. what was wrong with the others in there. Triage nusre (the one that took your temp. B/P and so on) retes you on life threat, loss of limb threat AND pain. they see you based on that not how long you have been waiting. sorry but thats the way it works. Did you know that ambulances around the country cities get put on "devert" where they can not take a patient to hospital(s) that are crowded (even if you ask for one on devert) then when (in vegas) 5 of 6) are on devert they go on ratation then you To to the next on the list.I have had patients on my gurney in the hall over an hour keeping my ambulance out of service. I know of 3 hours and more on the ambulance gurney in other areas. No excuse fpr poor care but long wait times in part so many uninsured using E.R.s as a doctors office.
in bigger cities if your vitals are ok with gut pain 2 hours just is not bad. sad but true.:eek:
any guess what I do for a living?