View Full Version : kell Clarkson stands up for herself

Jun 5, 2009, 2:51 PM
this article made me so happy to finally see stars give someone the finger.


Jun 5, 2009, 5:27 PM
I still prefer Bjork beating up the Paparazzi.

true...lol but i'm still happy to see Kelly stand up for herself

Jun 5, 2009, 5:41 PM
I'm glad to see her stand up and be counted, too! I think she's very pretty, myself. I am not attracted to those skinny stars and models, with bones showing through their skin, but I would never say anything hurtful to them about it. It really irritates me when someone condemns anyone about their weight, or size.

People who are even perceived to be overweight, are sometimes very sensitive about their size and bugging them about it certainly does not help their self- esteem.

My GF is the love of my life and she's chubby. I wouldn't care if she gained, or lost weight; I'd still love her because of the person she is inside. Anyway, I love how she feels and looks....I wouldn't change a thing about her.