View Full Version : New

Jun 3, 2009, 5:15 PM
I'm new to these forums, so bare with me as I get settled. My name is Sara, I'm 30 and I live in Canada. In Ontario in the Niagara Region to be exact. I'm also new to the bi-sexual experience or at least to realizing, I'm bi-sexual. I've only come out to a few friends. I'm nervous about coming out to my family. I mean, I have been posting obvious hints on facebook, but I haven't actually said, "I am bi-sexual." I'm afraid that I'll never be able to come out. My Mother has 2 friends who are lesbian and married, but it would be much different when and if I tell her that I'm bi-sexual. I try not to think about too much.

Anyways, I'm happy to have found a place like this to chat with other people. I love making new friends and I hope this can happen here.

BTW, I have a few learning difficulties (particularly ADHD) and I still live at home and well, my Mother felt that when I changed my name and told her I was Agnostic, she felt that I was misbehaving and being obstinent (sp?), so I'm afraid she'll feel the same way about this. I know I should't care so much. This is my life, but still.

Jun 3, 2009, 5:25 PM
Welcome Sarah!

Coming out to your mother/ect is nothing you have to rush into. You can do it however you feel is most appropriate for you life's needs. If it is all new to you, then there is so much to see, do, touch, taste, and talk about with people who are like minded and maybe can help you along in your Journey. Check out chat, read around in the forums. Don't be scared to ask any questions to me or anyone else for that matter. And once again..

Welcome to our happy bi/straight/gay home :bibounce:

Jun 3, 2009, 8:00 PM
Welcome aboard, Sara.

Many of us have been through the same things and maybe you can find comfort in that. Like every site, this one has some great folks to confide in.

Now and then, a person with goals of disruption on their minds will sometimes appear; just ignore them and sooner or later, they'll go away. Of course, there will be differing opinions, so you just take what you need and disregard the rest.

My parents and family have never known that I've been bisexual since my early teens. I never felt that they needed to know and I understood them well enough to know that coming out to them would create more drama than I wanted to deal with. Only my lovers and closest friends were privy to that information and it's suited me just fine.

This is NOT advice, though. It's just how I've conducted my life and I'm satisfied with the results. Only YOU know what is best for your own peace of mind.

I hope you find some answers, here, and some friends, too.

Jun 3, 2009, 9:04 PM
Thanks :)

Jun 3, 2009, 10:01 PM
Welcome Sara,

This is a nice place to call home and I am glad that you are comfortable being here. I would not rush into telling people if you are uncomfortable, as Realist said, there may be no need to share this information. If you choose to do so, you will know when the time is right. Hope to meet you in chat.


meteast chick
Jun 3, 2009, 10:34 PM
Welcome to Bicom

There is no progress without struggle, and change is the only constant.

Good luck,

luv and kisses,

Jun 4, 2009, 2:21 AM
Welcome Sweetie. Just come on in, kick yer shoes off and be you with us. :}
Everybody's Cat