View Full Version : Someone to talk to.. ???

Polyamerious Phoenix
Jun 3, 2009, 12:00 PM
So...I have a few friends but none that are very close anymore. I lack someone to talk to about the more intimate things in my life like my husband being bi and our love life. I guess you could say for the most part he in the closet about that and just says any lover that we have is mine when asked or that they are just a close friend..

I guess I am not one of the people who can stay in the closet well.. Its sort of hard on my becasue I am one of those people that like to talk about things and its how I deal with them .. I guess I have been left to deal with stuff all on my own..

How about the rest of you out there?? Who do you talk to?

Jun 3, 2009, 1:49 PM
Well, when I need to talk to someone about something I call my best friend who I have known for 10 years (since 6th grade haha, never even had a fight before...true friendships are amazing). She knows EVERYTHING about me and my life, I know EVERYTHING about her and her life, goods and bads, and neither one of us has ever judged the other, and we are so on the same page with every aspect of our lives from how we raise our kids to the ways we react to different events happening in our lives...we are both currently stay at home moms and have been for a while now so we always know that 99% of the time the other is a phone call away (it has to be since we live in different states and haven't really seen each other in about 4 years).

My husband is also an extremely understanding and accepting man and is probably as non judgemental as a person could get. He's another person who knows everything about me and vice versa.

Also, if I have something on my shoulders where just the two people in my life doesn't cut it, and I feel the need to shout out stuff to other people...I come here.

It's pretty easy for me though because I am very much so a loner...I love my privacy and I hate being bothered (which is another reason why my friend and I get along cause we never felt the need to be together all of the time because we both like being left alone too...). Because of my contentness with being shut off from people, I don't really need a whole lot of people to talk to about problems or anything on a normal basis. There are some people that are totally different so, one persons way of handling things are totally different.

Jun 3, 2009, 9:15 PM
I have a counsellor who I see on a regular basis. It is great to have someone to talk to who is completely independent,has non pre-conceptions about you, is non-judgemental and guaranteed confidential.

Following the counselling sessions I often have discussions with my wife about what we talked about and some of the issues. These discussions probably would not happen if not for the counselling sessions.

Jun 4, 2009, 1:37 AM
You're on the right track, Sugar. many of us on here confide in each other and its a greatv thing. We Communicate, give advice, Laugh with each other over our accomplishments, and Offer a good strong shoulder when its needed.Thats what Friends and Family does.
Welcome Sweetie. Come see us in Chat and get to know us :}
Everybodys Cat. ;)