View Full Version : Accent Euphoria

meteast chick
Feb 9, 2006, 12:45 PM
Just a bit of curiosity:

What liguistic accent do you find the sexiest?

On the opposite side, are there any you find repulsive?

Personally, on men I love English and Irish accents, and for women I especially like latin/hispanic accents. I'm not a big fan of the stereotypical nasal New Jersey accent, not to offend. It may just be portrayed that way more in movies, I don't really know.

Feb 9, 2006, 2:38 PM
I'll bite on this one. I love a man with a cultured english accent. I love scots and irishmen. I feel like a major dork for it, but there it is. When that voice lowers and gets intimate....mmmm. My husband laughs at me for it. :bigrin:

Feb 9, 2006, 5:07 PM
This really is in my field of expertise - sorta!!! :)

I'm in the travel industry and meet accents of all sorts and persuasions.

Men - a nice southern "Ashley" (Gone with the Wind) accent, all polite and gracious goes a long way to loosening the panty elastics here.

Female - An Irish twang - but soft and not too broad. Definite knicker loosener!!! :love: :love:

Feb 9, 2006, 8:17 PM
Australian!! I love to hear them talk...........I was at Carowinds several years ago and was behind a pair of guys and I was soooooooo disappointed that they got on the ride b/c I wanted to keep on listening. I also like a French accent. Classic English is good too. Come to think of it, I get off on most any thing but the northern american accent...whether it's NY/NJ/or even Oh...I just don't like the way Yankees talk... :rolleyes: A smooth southern accent is wonderful, but you don't find many of us that have one here in NC. I only use mine when I get mad....lol

Feb 9, 2006, 8:53 PM
for me it is definitely a light Southern "Belle" accent (recognize anyone, Likalot?)
In the opposite side (like everyone above - not to offend) I don't like Northeastern (including Jersey, New York, Boston) accents

Feb 10, 2006, 10:24 PM
I like em all, but a Scottish brogue... *melts*...

Feb 11, 2006, 1:19 AM
I love the English accent. And I grew up in the Barrio?

Feb 11, 2006, 6:30 PM
I love the southern drawl, especially in a woman.

I can appreciate a nice English accent in a man too!

Feb 19, 2006, 12:19 AM

Always....ALWAYS......melt over any English accent; male or female, I turn to putty!!!!

No other accent has grabbed my attention like that.
I do have an ear for accents; surrounded by Sth Africans for a day of cricket took me awhile to get back to my Aussie inflections.

Nara :flag3:

Feb 19, 2006, 12:35 AM
Since I have a Bronx accent, I feel obliged to defend New Yorkers and New Jersey people. Our dialect can be very sexy, and we're great in bed.

On other people, though, hmmm... I like the Southern accent on men sometimes. And anything European on either gender. Come to think of it, also, anything Latin American or Middle Eastern too.

Aw, heck, I love to hear people talk.


Feb 19, 2006, 12:37 AM
I have to say I like the English (British) accent. As my wife is British. :)

Feb 19, 2006, 9:45 AM
Female - An Irish twang - but soft and not too broad. Definite knicker loosener!!! :love: :love:
I do like a sexy English accent.
I like a sexy Dublin accent.
Some US accents make me melt but i find it hard to tell where they are from. :rolleyes:
Basically CAN U TALK????????????
lol no i aint that bad YET......
Smufy mate have u seen the amount of I LOVE THE ENGLISH ACCENTS replys hun......go boy.....lol

meteast chick
Feb 19, 2006, 2:19 PM
ooh ooh ooh, Huney I'll bite on your Irish accent!!! Or Smurfy's English accent!!! It seems we all want what we don't have.


Feb 19, 2006, 4:25 PM
Wow, lots of people seem to like the British accent. I'm going to have to visit the US and see what happens when I start talking.

In women I like Italian. In men something deeper, but clear - I'd not sure where from specifically. I like specific British voices like Sting and Peter O'Tool.

Feb 19, 2006, 4:38 PM
British accent gets my vote. Very sexy!!

Feb 19, 2006, 4:47 PM
You lot amaze me. (a) I want to move to the US - move over Smurfie, my English accent will have you wooed in no time (wishful thinking) (b) No-one has mentioned French. It's the most sexy language out there.

And apologies to PeterH and the other Dutch and Flemish speakers out there - the worst of the lot IMHO is... you've already guessed! How to make "ik houd van jou" sound appealing or even vaguely sexy is beyond me :rolleyes: Fortunately the Dutch have other attributes to compensate ;)

Feb 19, 2006, 5:01 PM
And apologies to PeterH and the other Dutch and Flemish speakers out there - the worst of the lot IMHO is... you've already guessed! How to make "ik houd van jou" sound appealing or even vaguely sexy is beyond me :rolleyes: Fortunately the Dutch have other attributes to compensate ;)

Ah but with the right tone of voice, any accent sounds wonderful whispered in the ear.

meteast chick
Feb 19, 2006, 6:02 PM
You lot amaze me. (a) I want to move to the US - move over Smurfie, my English accent will have you wooed in no time (wishful thinking) (b) No-one has mentioned French. It's the most sexy language out there.

I really mean no offense here, but as what I consider a typical midwestern American woman, French accents can be tricky. It sounds good in French, except the language itself can sound arrogant, full of airs. When a Frenchman talks in English, it's a little irritating to the ears. I'll admit phrases like "Je t'aime" are lovely. As for the Scandinavian countries, in America, Swedish accents are made fun of: see the Swedish Chef in "The Muppet Show". The only experience I have is when a Finnish foreign exchange student caught my ears (and eyes, OH MY!) at a club! I don't have nearly enough experience hearing Scandinavian accents, and therefore should probably not be posting my opinions on such.

Thanks to all who posted to my thread!

Feb 19, 2006, 6:59 PM
Hmm accents...

Those of you who know me wont be surprised to hear that a Kiwi accent makes me go week at the knees :rolleyes: also like an aussie accent on some as long as its not to corse. Irish accent is also sexy :rolleyes: also like Sawyers southern US accent from LOST mind u i like sawyer full stop. :bigrin:

Love & hugs

Feb 19, 2006, 10:15 PM
Boy, if only we could actually HEAR each other!

Would love to hear you talk Smurfie and Huney. I like the English and Irish accents. Really nice. :bigrin:

Being from the boring Midwest...I wonder what I would sound like?? :rolleyes:


Feb 20, 2006, 4:28 AM
Smufy mate have u seen the amount of I LOVE THE ENGLISH ACCENTS replys hun......go boy.....lol

LMAO huney I think Ill have to take a trip to the US *starts packing* :bigrin: :tong: Perhaps we could go together Irish accent seems popular to babes and I bet ur accent is well sexy!!

Love & cuddles

Feb 22, 2006, 11:52 AM
And apologies to PeterH and the other Dutch and Flemish speakers out there - the worst of the lot IMHO is... you've already guessed! How to make "ik houd van jou" sound appealing or even vaguely sexy is beyond me :rolleyes: Fortunately the Dutch have other attributes to compensate ;)

Hi, I have not taken offense. How to make 'ik houd van jou' appealing?
You say it very softly, whispering 'ik hou van je', making the person you say it to wanting you to shut up :). And someone kissing me definitely stops me from talking :tong:
Personally, I love a good English accent, and spent years on perfecting my own to such a level that people don't recognize where I'm from anymore.
I had a very sexy Norwegian girlfriend once, and English with a Norwegian accent now, hmmmmm. When she cursed in Norwegian, when hitting a bump in the road, I was definitely wishing we were not in a moving car.
I'd better stop now, or I'll be in no mood to do the things I need to do...